should I be concerned?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone
    I'm somewhat concerned about my guys in terms of cognitive and communication skills.
    Aiden will say uh oh, is walking independently, drnking from a straw, eating very well (he's 30 lbs), is pointing at things, will imitate some gestures and sounds however I'm concerned that he is not calling us mama or dada and if you ask him where mama or dada is he just points anywhere...he doesn't stack blocks or try very much at putting things together or taking them apart (ie: rings on a post, large plastic "coins" in piggy banks etc)
    Noah will say uh oh and no, is starting to walk independently but still uses cruising and crawling as main form of mobility, loves to take things apart, put shapes in shape sorter, coins in piggy bank, rings on post etc..he reminds me of the engineer, he will point at pictures in a book but if you ask where mama or dada is he doesn't respond, will imitate some gestures or sounds, is shy, picky eater (24 lbs) I'm concerned about his communication, social skills and cognitive skills.

    I'm wondering where the other 15 month olds are? Our guys were born 6 weeks early but I think taking that into account they are still behind. My other problem is I'm wondering what autism looks like in a child this age? Noah is having gut troubles too. My pedi doesn't seem concerned but working with school age kids with autism I'm just not sure what it looked like in children so young... Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

    EI is coming in February..not scheduled yet
  2. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Hi LB
    I had a lot of the same concerns for mine at that age, and even now at 20 months. My ped was not overly concerned either, but I took it upon myself to take them to a private speech therapist and have just had our EI evaluation last week. My twins both qualify for EI therapy, and tomorrow we have a meeting scheduled to go over a schedule for them.
    Yours are still young and born early (mine were 6 weeks premature also). But you are doing the right thing in getting them evaluated early.
    Try not to worry too much ( I know easier said than done) and good luck. I am sure they will be just fine and maybe just need a little push. :love0028:
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If you are concerned, I would simply call your school district to get the number for Early Intervention. It is a no loose option. If they are fine, you have the piece of mind to know that you checked it out. If they are behind, they will be able to get the help they need to catch up.

    Good luck!
  4. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I think it's normal to be concerned. We all want our kids to be healthy and have no problems. To me yours sound like normal 15 month olds. My son didn't walk until he was 14 month old, he didn't even attempt it until he was that age. I wouldn't be concerned about them not responding to mama or dada either, they are still pretty young. Mine didn't even really start talking at all until about 2. I think mine only said no and uh oh at that age. If your insurance will pay for EI then go ahead just to give yourself some peace, but they sound like normal 15 month olds to me.

    I used to wonder about mine because they always seemed a little behind. Even now their speech isn't great, but they do talk. I look at my friends with only one kid and they seem so much further advanced. But my pedi said they are on track and that one twin will usually communicate better than the other and sooner because they are talking for the other one.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They sound really normal to me! We didn't have language explosion till after 18 mos.

    I say, get the EI scheduled!! It can't hurt but it can help if they are truly behind! :hug99: It's a lifetime of worry, isn't it!!
  6. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    I also say get the EI appointment and go from there. We have concerns here also and they qualified. We have been doing therapy and they are learning sign and starting to say some sounds or syllables. I long for the day to hear mama and dada and actually mean dh or I!

    Good luck and keep us posted. It is a lot of work but so worth it!
  7. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Your little boys sound fine to me, but as pp say you have nothing to lose by contacting EI. Our two, who aren't delayed, didn't say mummy and daddy for the longest time.

    This is an excellent website which shows short comparative videos of autistic/non autistic children doing various tasks at various ages.

    Good luck
  8. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    My boys will be 15mo in a couple of days, and your guys don't sound very behind to me at all. Ben began walking "for real" at 13 months, but Owen just started a couple of weeks ago. They do have a few more words, but not many. Ben can stack two blocks--that's it. Owen just knocks them down. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they sound pretty normal to me :) . Our pedi is not concerned at all about my boys' development thus far. But of course, as the pp's said, it can't hurt to have an evaluation even if just to put your mind at ease.
  9. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ Sharon about the EI appt. It's a win/win situation no matter what happens. We all worry about our kids. I started talking to the ped about DS' communication or lack there of at 15 him screeened @ 2 and he has been receiving speech services since 2 1/2. And now is going to be dismissed (YAY!). I have a degree in speech pathology and a masters in early childhood special ed. So I'm a BIG advocate of early intervention.

    Good luck and keep us posted on what EI says.
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