Should I Be Concerned About Feeling Less Movement

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by minivanmama, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I had a flawless ultrasound on Wednesday and at my regular OB appointment on Friday both heart rates sounded really good and everything appeared normal.

    Based on that I'm not too concerned. I guess my question is a bit proactive.

    The amount of movement I feel from within goes in spurts. Sometimes there appears to be a major party in the uterus and other times I'll go a few days at a time where I really need to stop and notice the movements. I assume that the position of the babies plays a big role.

    For the past 2 days I've felt much less movement....yet, when I sit back and lift up my shirt it is quite obvious that my belly is moving. It looks like waves and jabs though I don't even feel them internally. With my 1st pregnancy I was told to do "fetal kick counts" (a singleton) where I would make sure I felt 10 movements within an hour or less. With twins it's hard to do that.

    I still have no idea which twin I am feeling most of the time. They are both currently breech with their heads together...or at least they were at Wed. ultrasound.

    Should I be feeling less movement as time goes on and they get bigger or more?

    I guess I'm just wondering at which point I should be concerned. I would love some advice or shared experiences from those of you who have been through this already. Thanks in advance.
  2. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Anytime there is a question you should call your doc. You can never be too careful and you will feel much better when they tell you all is fine.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I agree that if you are having any concerns to call your Dr. However as long as you are feeling SOME movement, I think it's probably fine. I could never tell who was who either. How far along are you? It could be that they just changed positions and its not as easy to feel them move. Best of Luck!! :hug:
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    better safe than sorry. my iugr twin Jessy always moved less than Jazzy. I was hostitalized at 31 or 32 weeks with low fetal movement for a week of monitoring
  5. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I also experienced periods of less movement throughout my pregnancy and I could never tell who was who, especially the further along I got because they began to run out of room to conduct their usual acrobats. :) I used to lay awake some nights moving my belly around to try and get some good movements from either of them. I agree with the other posters- your girls are probably just fine but it's never wrong to call and get reassurance. Good luck!
  6. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    I experience the same at 33+ weeks now-doc said kick counts will drive u crazy and if your really worried eat something and lay down to chk movement. It has helped me immensely so far not to worry 2 much. Also I have read that the more room they run out of the less they move and the less u feel. Hang in there hon! Sounds like everything is just fine!
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have definately felt the movements change from spastic stuff most of the time, to definate rolling/kicking only tiny parts of the day. What I feel most is that Baby B (who is laying transverse almost underneath my boobs) likes to stick his butt out. I push back at him every day.

    Another reason you may not feel the movements you used to is the position of the placentas. Both of mine are anterior (in the front) right now, so it's harder to feel every kick.


    29 1/2 weeks with di/di boys.
  8. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    It was also really hard for me to differentiate between who was moving/kicking & I would get so frustrated/worried!
    My Dr. said anytime I was concerned about movement to give her a ring ~ Always better to err on the side of caution : )
  9. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    I was just in the hospital because I couldn't feel any movement from one twin. They deduced it down to him hiding in my back. As they found both heartbeats. They told me that generally if you don't feel any movement for 24hours then you go in. But they said with Twins its different. I think it up to you on how you feel. I would go in if you feel like you need to. With me it is easy to tell which twin is moving and which one isn't. My twins are far apart in the uterus though. One sits in my pelvis and doesn't come up from there and the other one plays all over the place.
  10. samimax

    samimax Active Member

    I agree with all the above posters. If you are concerned, call your doctor. If anything, you'll go in for a non-stress test. Around 28 weeks, I also felt the same way- I called and had a non stress test that morning- 20 minutes later, everything was all good! I did learn, though, that they had BOTH flipped positions, so that's why I wasn't feeling them like earlier on. My doctor had me on walking bed rest (I just couldn't leave the house) for the weekend, but it was more of me being such a worrier then anything else!

    Whenever I get nervous (ie- all the time) I drink a huge glass of ice water, have a little snack, and then lay down. Within 10 minutes or so, they're busy babies!

    Take care!
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