shoes questions

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Mommyof 2tg and 1ds, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Mommyof 2tg and 1ds

    Mommyof 2tg and 1ds Well-Known Member

    When did you start putting them in shoes?
    Is there someplace that gives you their first shoes free?
    What type and brand did you buy?

    My problems
    1. I don't see spending more than $10 for a pair of shoes that will be outgrown in a few months.
    2. My girls have weird feet. Sydney has really really narrow feet. I tried about 4 different shoes on her and they all fell off. Manda has really short/wide feet, so she wears about a 3 but her fat feet won't cram in there. Sydney needs a 4.
    3. I don't know when to put them in shoes bc Sydney pulls up and cruises and can stand alone for a couple seconds. Manda doesn't really crawl yet, kinda scoots, but she pulls up. So tennis shoes, sandals, slipper gripper things, I just don't know.
  2. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    The first shoes we put on them were Robeez and that wasn't until almost 7mos old after they were using their walkers and pulling up. Our 1st pair lasted about 3 most before they outgrew them. I put them on them during the day and at home b/c they couldn't pull them off or their socks! Since you don't want to pay a lot Target makes a version of the Robeez and I *think* they are around $12.
  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My oldest was barefoot or on socks around the house up to 18 months. Outside she was usually wearing Robeez (or something similar, check shoezoo on Ebay). When she really started walking (14 1/2 months) I bought her first pair of Stride Rites. They're not cheap, but I do believe shoes are very important. I found good deals (brand new) on eBay and/or on sale. She's almost 3 and she still wears no shoes around the house. These days I buy shoes at Target, outlets (like Nike) and still Stride Rites, usually one good pair and a less expensive pair.

    My oldest used to have Stride Rite Wide shoes for quite some time. Especially when your children have "weird" feet, I would invest a little more, especially in the beginning. But until they start walking, the Robeez are really great. Stride Rite also makes crawling and cruising shoes (pre-walking). You may want to check eBay for those as well. A lot of people sell them brand new (probably from outlets).
  4. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    I buy mine from Target and have put them on for a few months now because of the cold weather and their feet always seem to be cold. I just look for something fairly flexible.
  5. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I didn't start putting the girls in shoes until it got to be winter, so they were maybe 8 or 9 months old before they ever wore shoes. They've got a couple of pairs of real Robeez and a couple of pairs of the generic ones from Target. I only put shoes on them when we're going out. Around the house they just go barefoot or wear socks.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    They don't need shoes for walking (in fact it's better for them not to), unless they'll be outside. Even then it's better to have very soft, flexible shoes.

    Mine barely wore shoes until it got cold out, which coincided with them starting to walk. I did sometimes put them in Robeez (for outside) when it was warm, but they mostly just went barefoot.

    Sarah still wear Robeez (Target knockoffs) most of the time, even though she's walking now and theoretically requires "hard-soled shoes" for daycare, because her feet are just like your Manda's -- size 3, but very fat. I have a terrible time finding shoes that seem comfortable. I only put her in "real" shoes if it's wet or muddy out.

    I buy Amy's shoes at Target because she has tiny feet (size 2 -- maybe almost a 3 now) and I haven't been able to find them that small anywhere else. She also seems to tolerate hard-soled shoes better than Sarah (it doesn't interfere with her balance).

    When they are both at least a 4, I will probably start buying more high-end shoes like Stride Rite or something, because I do think it's important to have good shoes, even though it seems ridiculous to spend that much $.

    No, as far as I know there isn't anywhere that gives you the first pair for free! Would be nice though.
  7. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Stephe:
    Since you don't want to pay a lot Target makes a version of the Robeez and I *think* they are around $12.

    That's exactly right. I was there yesterday and they have several different kind for $12.
  8. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I still have not bought shoes for my little ones. I was told that letting them walk inside w/socks or barefeet was fine. I will be getting them shoes for outside soon though because the weather is getting nicer and they will be walking and I want to protect their feet from rocks and branches. My older sons wore shoes since they were 3 months old and we went some place.
  9. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    I have heard to let them be barefoot when in the house when the start walking. I guess it helps there arches form and they learn the surfaces they are walking on. When the start walking regularly and you are outside you need a shoe with support and comfort. I guess the most important thing a shoe that is the right size.

    If you go to stride rite and ask them to measure the kids feet they will. You don't have to buy anything, just pretend to look around (my sister just did this - her baby was walking at 11 months and to her surprise she was in a size 5 shoe). At least you will know what size is correct. I believe they may give a twin discount if you ask at stride rite.

    [​IMG]Samantha and Emily - born December 31, 2005
  10. NikD04

    NikD04 Member

    We put them in the "walking" shoes at 9 months, when they started really pulling up and showing an interest in walking. I got them at JC Penny. Its a brand called TKS. I think they are great. They were $20 a pair, not bad from what I could see compared to others. We are still using the same ones and they have held up well, just a little scuffed. My girls have very wide feet and these shoes came in wide sizes. Something I could not find everywhere.
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