shoe sizes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I was just curious, how quickly did/do your kids go through shoe sizes? I feel like I just bought them size 4 shoes just a few months ago and at the time, I'm pretty sure they fit just fine. Now they seem to be small and I bought a couple of size 5 which seem to give them a little bit more room for their toes. How quickly do feet grow?? Is there a time when it just kind of slows down for a bit and they are in a size longer than others? Just wondering.
  2. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    mine are going though two sizes a season.. ie.. bought daughter 5s and now i need to go get 6s to get through the end of the summer..

  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    My girls are both in 6s right now, but are ready to go up a size!

    My son is 3 1/2 and wears a 10.
  4. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    Mine went from 4 to 6 fast also, and I think it's sped up not just from growth, but also because they are walking more, but that's just a hunch!
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    DD is in a 4 and DS in a 5.. I just bumped them up each a size- recent growth spurt. And the new shoes are fitting well, so I don't think it will be too long before a new size again. As I remember with my older 2 DDs, this is an age that the feet grow quick.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My kids' feet are growing veerrrrry slowly. At 12 months Amy was a 2 and Sarah was a 3. By about 15 months, Sarah could wear a 4, though they were big. Now at 20 months, Amy is starting to fill out her size 3s and Sarah is nearly a 5.

    So, it seems like they grew faster after about 16 months -- hardly at all until then!
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Everyone really needs to have their kids foot sized every 3 mos unless you notice they are getting tight before then. Unfortunately kids that age can't express their feet are sore and are proned to curl their toes to make a shoe fit. Most shoe stores will measure a childs foot without an obligation to buy, so on one of those shopping trips just pop in and make sure they are still a good fit. If at 3mos they are still good, I would start going every 6wks until you buy a larger size. I sold shoes for 2.5yrs and I could scare you with how often a child would come in with a shoe on that was 2 or 3 sizes to small (even children that were old enough to tell a parent).
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Mine go in spurts. They've been wearing 6 for about 9 months and now suddenly their shoes are too small. We're off shoe shopping this weekend.
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine go in spurts as well. For instance when they were in 7.5s like a month later Katelyn was in a 8 and Blake was a 7 1/2 for like 9 months. At one point Katelyn had gotten 2 news pairs of shoes compared to Blake. But now he is going through a growth and is like an 8 1/2 now, which is what Katelyn is.

    I could scare you with how often a child would come in with a shoe on that was 2 or 3 sizes to small (even children that were old enough to tell a parent).

    This happened to us. They were wearing 5.5's and we took them in and were measured at Stride Rite to be in a 7! :eek:
  10. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    We went from size 4 to size 5, then 6 and now 7 in the last 2 months!! I had just bought them a size 5 when I was shopping one day and went into a nice shoe store. On a whim I asked the guy to measure the twins' feet. He said, "Oh, they are in a 6 for sure!" So I bought size 6! Then Michael has VERY wide feet and the size 6 were killing him. I ended up buying him 6 and 1/2 wide. Now just a few weeks later the 6's seem VERY tight. We are onto 7s by the end of the week!!

    Bridget :eek:
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys grow in spurts with their feet just like everything else. There is no planning ahead with shoe sizes. They wore a size 5 1/2 for 5 months. I bought them size 6 water shoes in June (after measuring their feet) and now they're measuring 6 1/2 so they sure didn't get much use out of them. There is just no planning ahead with shoes.
  12. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    alexis needs new shoes every 3 months. so now i buy them 2 sizes too big and use thick socks at first.
    Rachel changes about every 5-6 months
  13. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine have been wearing size 3 (Grace) and 4 (Lily) since March, with no signs of growing out of them. They have tiny feet! They can still wear 6-12 month Robeez style shoes too. Lily's Stride Rite sandals are actually getting worn out, which I thought would never happen. I figured she'd grow out of them and I could pass them down to Grace who would grow into them, long before they got worn out.
  14. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We have always gone up a size about every 5 months. Now we have to do the wide/narrow sizes.
  15. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    my solution, go barefoot!!! my boys aren't walking yet so they rarely have shoes on.
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