She won't settle!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lauravic, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. lauravic

    lauravic Member

    My DD won't settle down from 6pm-11,12, sometimes not until 3am! She's obviously tired and obviously in distress, but nothing I or my DH does is helping her. My DH has walked miles around our house trying to settle her and as soon as she's down she screams and cries until we pick her up again and then fusses and cries in my/his arms. I try the breast - sometimes she takes it, other times she refuses it. Tummy time to help her digest can go either way. I am exclusively breastfeeding/expressed milk feeding both her and my DS. They are 3 months old and were born at 32 weeks gestation - so I guess they are 'one month old'. She was an ideal baby up until 10 days ago - fed and slept well.
    I really don't know what to d. I think maybe it's colic, but am unsure. I thought that maybe it could also be that she's not getting enough milk in the evenings? I'm at a loss and her tears are breaking my heart. I wish I knew how to help her.
    Any suggestions? Anyone been through this?
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The Happiest Baby on the Block is really good- we had to rent it (it's in DVD format) around then, too. Happily it's also short! ;)
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Around 6 weeks, every baby hits a fussy stage all evening long--so you are right at that age now. :( There's nothing much you can do. They will grow out of it, though. Try to keep her occupied with a bouncy seat or playmat or mirror.

    The other thing is to explore whether she has reflux or food intolerance/allergies.
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    You poor parents. :( It sounds like colic. I had one and it was brutal. Happiest Baby on the Block was EXTREMELY helpful...I would get the DVD from the library if you can and use that. The only thing that would make me think it isn't colic though is the fact that they are 3 months. Generally colic is ending around 12-16 weeks, so I am puzzled by that and I would keep an eye on it. Although since they were born at 32 weeks gestation the timing I am thinking of could be off. She is probably overtired you are right. Do you swaddle? Hugs mama. :hug:
  5. babs0004

    babs0004 Well-Known Member

    My son was this way for the first 8 weeks (they were 4 weeks early). My pedi said it was colic, but it was reflux. We took him to a GI (Pediatric) & the Prevacid helped immensely. He still had bouts of inconsolable crying, but we tried burping him over and over and over...seriously, his gas was so bad, he would burp for even an hour after his feeding. His gas was painful and causing him to cry inconsolably. They are both 12 weeks now and his crying is under control. At 8 weeks, he was still swaddled and I used white noise and rocked him A LOT. He only slept in his swing also at that time, I think the motion helped soothe him. good luck!
  6. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I will also suggest The Happiest Baby on the Block! It was amazing!!!!
  7. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I will also suggest the Happiest Baby on the Block! The strategies in that DVD worked wonders for us.

    I would also just recommend looking into the possibility of acid reflux. It's very common for newborns, especially preemies. Take a look at this page for symptoms of acid reflux and if she is exhibiting any of them, speak with your pediatrician about options for treating it. Good luck!
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