She nurses all night long!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by seamusnicholas, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    So katherine nurses all night! I put her to bed in her crib (in our room) around 7 or 8. Then she wakes up around midnight and she cosleeps with us the rest of the night. She wakes to eat about 3 times. I wonder if it is comfort nursing? Thankfully, it does not bother me since I basically can sleep while she is nursing. I feel like as long as she sleeps with me, she will want to nurse all night. Does that sound about right?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    That sounds frustrating!! You are lucky in one sense that she can sleep with you and nurse, without interrupting you too much. On the other hand, she is treating you like an all you can eat buffet!
    How much is she nursing during the day? Often if they are not getting enough during the day, they will wake during the night for food. Looks like she is about 10 months old. It could be a growth spurt.
    One thing you could do is to put her to bed in her crib and then limit nursing at night. Perhaps have your husband get up with her sometimes. That said, my twins got up during the night multiple times until about 20 months old. It all depends on what you want. If it does not bother you, then leave things as they are, but if you want a change, taking her out may be a possible solution.
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    all you can eat buffet! true!

    Can you believe I dont even know how often I nurse her during the day? She has been a perfect baby from day 1. I would say we nurse on demand I guess. I do think they are short sessions during the day since the boys are loud and she is nosy!

    She has fruit/veg with cereal 2x a day. Yogurt for lunch. I just started giving eggs/pancakes for dinner Yesterday I gave real sweet potato, carrots, broccoli. She still has no teeth so I introduced real food a little later than normal maybe?
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  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Drex--except I never put him in a crib. Now I am putting him down for the night in a toddler bed in the girls room, he'll sleep till 11 or so then I bring him to bed with me. For along time he did nurse most of the night, I could (mostly) sleep through it and since I work during the day, he did pretty much all his feeding in the evening and night.
    Now he seems to continuously feed from about 4am until I get up at 6:20. I think he's hungry but sleepy. I'll say to him, let's go get you some yogurt or something and he gets angry--but I don't think he's getting his fill cause he's nursing for more than an hour.

    Like Jackie said--it mostly depends on what you are okay with, there really aren't a set of "best" recommendations for nursing older babies like there are with newborns.
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Id say that sounds normal. Especially if shes "in bed" for 12 hours at night. How many times would you say you wake at night for a drink? snack? to go pee? readjust? etc. If you're ok wiht it, Id continue! Its been proven that babies take in a LARGE volume of their calories during the night hours. As she becomes a busier baby sometimes those night sessions are what help make up for nursing sessions she may have missed during the day. Also great for keeping your milk supply healthy and supressing fertility.
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