She is laying in bed screaming/crying

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by doubledownmom, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    Hi..I haven't posted in girls will turn 3 in June. One of my DD is sick - ear infection, fever, some wheezing. She has been on the antibiotic for 2 days and also a steroid for the wheezing. She hasn't had a fever since yesterday. So this morning I woke up to her screaming and crying. I go in there and she refuses to get out of bed. She just keeps screaming and crying "Mommy, Mommy" etc. But when I go in there and try to hold her or pick her up she screams "NO, NO, NO". She wants me to lay down with her, but I can't lay in there with her all day - I have to fix my other DD breakfast. She also refused to take her medicine when I brought it in there to her. I also brought water in there and she refused that as well. What in the world do I do?????? She is still screaming and crying as I type this!!! Please help me!!!
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :eek: Oh no! First, give her a few minutes. Maybe she had a tough sleeping night and is really not fully awake. Then, lay there and talk to her about the day for a few minutes, about what she can do (maybe lay on the couch and watch tv since she doesn't feel good, etc). Did you take her temp today...see if she has a fever again. I'd also give her some tylenol or ibuprofen to help her be comfortable. Do you have any chewables, my kids love those.

    If she continues in a very out of character way after trying to really calm her down, then I'd call the doc. Your peace of mind that she is ok is way bettter than taking a "wasted trip" to the doc. I've had a few of those, and really, it's worth it.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I agree with Heather. I hope she is ok. :hug:
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm sure you have it all worked out by now! :hug: I hope you got some meds into her!!! Poor baby!
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