SHE DID IT!!! ... What now??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jenna30, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. Jenna30

    Jenna30 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe it! The twins just turned 18 months a few days ago... Sophia has been showing an interest in the potty. Every time I go to the bathroom, she comes in and starts taking her clothes off... saying "potty, potty, potty!"

    So, we bought another potty chair.

    And, tonight we got it out, and she sat right down and used it two times in a row!!!


    I don't know what to do next! She is refusing to put her diaper back on... but she's still so little. Is it really time to "train" her? Or is she just playing with us? Should I continue to just go with it, and encourage her to train now? Should I put her in pull-ups? Panties?

    What do you guys think?
  2. Jenna30

    Jenna30 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe it! The twins just turned 18 months a few days ago... Sophia has been showing an interest in the potty. Every time I go to the bathroom, she comes in and starts taking her clothes off... saying "potty, potty, potty!"

    So, we bought another potty chair.

    And, tonight we got it out, and she sat right down and used it two times in a row!!!


    I don't know what to do next! She is refusing to put her diaper back on... but she's still so little. Is it really time to "train" her? Or is she just playing with us? Should I continue to just go with it, and encourage her to train now? Should I put her in pull-ups? Panties?

    What do you guys think?
  3. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    If she's showing interest and actually went. Keep at it. I started all my girls at 15-16 months. Sarah was done and in panties day and night by 2, twins are day trained and almsot done nights.

    Buy a few pretty pullups and try. IF she gets bored she'll forget it for now...but interest is interest even at a young age.
  4. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness!!! My two are definitely far from that. Keep at it, I'd say!
  5. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Hi Jenna! [​IMG] Its so great to see you post!

    WOW! [​IMG] Go Sophia! [​IMG]

    I think the advice from PP are excellent. I would get her some "cute" panties/pullups.

    My 2 will probably be in diapers FOREVER! They dont ever mind if they are dirty/wet! [​IMG]
  6. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow!! That is amazing and wonderful!!!

    I would keep at it!! Def keep it up while they are interested!! Be prepared for setbacks but keep the praise up!

    Kenna keeps saying "pee-pee" and runs to the potty. She sits on the potty and toots a couple times but thats about it. Haven't had any real output so to speak. We got out the potty chairs but now they are being used as stools to get to someplace higher so I don't think I am as lucky with genuine interest just yet like you!!

    Good luck!
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    not reading other's posts but if she's taking clothes off and refusing diaper and doing all these things then i think she's ready. i say buy some of those Gerber training panties which are thicker and absorbent. available at walmart. that way you don't have to clean up much if there's an accident. they also come in size 18 month and regular panties i've not found in that small of size. then when you feel comfortable with "real panties" then you can go for it.

    just keep offering the potty before/after meal times and before/after bed/nap, etc. the first week of training i put Rachel on the potty about every hour. now it's about 1.5 hrs.
  8. Jenna30

    Jenna30 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by yvonneinoregon:

    My 2 will probably be in diapers FOREVER! They dont ever mind if they are dirty/wet! [​IMG]

    Hey Yvonne! [​IMG]

    Yep, my Sammy is just like your boys... it'll be a long time before he goes potty. He sat on the potty chair a couple of times today and I had to laugh, cause he thinks it's funny to put his feet in the "bowl"... yep, it's gonna be a looonnng time! [​IMG]

    Thanks for the advice everyone!
  9. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Great post--Lilly has been telling me that she has to poop before doing it. My mom says I should get a potty chair-after reading this I just might!
  10. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Jenna, that's awesome!!!! Good to see you on here! WTG Sophia!!! I will be anxious to see your responses. All weekend, and I don't know where this even came from, Morgan would grab the front of her diaper and pronounce "poo pee" and sure enough she would come over to me and smell to high heaven. She's done this probably 3-4 times since Friday. Hmmmm!!! I'm thinking this may be the beginning even though I'm remotely not even ready and didn't think it would be anything I would have to worry about until after their 2nd birthday. So, we might get a potty at the store this weekend and see where it goes from there. I'm in no hurry at this point. I think Reagan is still far from the! Can't wait to see the responses and update us on her progress!!!! YAY SOPHIA
  11. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] hi jenna! i miss you!

    [​IMG] wtg sophia - that is amazing! i have definitely heard that there are "windows of opportunity" and if you miss the window, you'll have to wait awhile for the next one. so i would definitely encourage her and see where it takes you. she's always been such a determined little girl!

    lol about sammy - that is hilarious. i'm sure cameron will be the same way.

    hope all is well and that all 3 of your babies are healthy. big hugs! ruth
  12. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is awesome! Way to go Sophia! [​IMG] I would say give it a try.
  13. md2tnmum

    md2tnmum Member

    go for doesn't hurt to try. Way to go Mum! My little girl is doing great, but wants to stand and then hurries to sitdown. My little boy wants to sit and hits the floor. Which he thinks is funny.
  14. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I say it's time to encourage her interest. Get some videos at the library "Bear in the Big Blue House" has a potty video and I know there are others.

    Michael started showing interest around 18 months and I talked it up a lot showed videos and at 21 months did a long weekend of potty boot camp (you know the lots of liquid and potty every half hour with no more diapers). It took him about a week but he got it!

    Matthew showed no interest until 30 months so that's when I did the same for him.

    Good luck!
  15. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was wondering the same thing. Sydney pee-ed in the potty 3 times today (she asked each time).
  16. katie c

    katie c Well-Known Member

    Was thinking of you theother day hope all is well with your 3 babies.

    I'd say keep at it my eldest was dry day and night by 2 but the other 2 have been complete nightmares getting dry.

    Best of luck!!


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