she asked and I said yes

Discussion in 'General' started by twin_trip_mommy, May 23, 2011.

  1. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    last Thursday one of my girls asked me if she could get pink highlights in her hair. I told her I would think about it. I really had to think about it and talk to DH about it.
    Well I pretty much decided on my own before I spoke to my husband that I would say yes but had to look into it a bit more. I did not tell my daughter I decided yes yet.
    I spoke to DH and he said no right away. I told him that our daughter was feeling kind of sad lately about some things happening at school. Some kid was making fun of her calling her names, saying she was not cool and was the weakest kid in the classroom. Her best friend acts like she does not know her sometimes at school and she gets to do cool stuff all the time. She is in dance and wears makeup and had her hair done often. I do not think DH would have agreed if I did not support the idea.
    I went out yesterday and got some red highlights from the hair supply store. I told the woman I wanted something temporary. I paid for it and went home. I showed my daughter the stuff and she was so excited we decided yes. Then my daughter read the word PERMANENT on the box :faint: and when I heard that and read it myself I had to say No way! She was so sad. I told her I would look for something else that is temporary but could not be sure I would find it.
    I went to a fun party store (suggested by a friend) and got some colored hair spray. I got 3 colors. She was so HAPPY! I only used one color tonight, the pink. She LOVES it and is so excited to go to school tomorrow with pink streaks in her hair. But I wonder if this is just the beginning of her showing her individualism. What will her next interesting question be? She is just 10 but I am wondering what the teen years will bring us
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's great! Hair is just hair.. it can be washed out and it will grow back if you cut it. I think it's a great way to let her explore her individuality.
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  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I agree hair is just hair if it makes her happy to have pink highlights then great!

    The only thing I would be concerned about would be the school's reaction to her pink hair - my son's school will send kids home if they color their hair any color that is considered unnatural calling it a distraction.
  4. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    I have not looked it up in the handbook but I know that I have seen other students with colored hair especially at our High School (not the same building) so if it is allowed in one public school here in our city I am guessing it would be in all. I am willing to leave work early for her if they say she has to leave although if I find nothing in the online handbook I will disagree with them sending her home.

    On my way to the schools site to read the handbook
  5. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    I bought the girls pink and blue hair strands on clips at Claires. They liked them at first but 3 days later the excitement wore off.

    Some salons have pink and other color highlights that they glue in and they last for 6 weeks. For one cluster here it is around $10. I personally just had 2 feather extensions put in my hair.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I hope they don't say anything to her. You will have to post pics! I bet it will be very cute!!
  7. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Chrissy, I was just about to mention the feather extensions. Tons of people are getting them here. I have a friend who just got them for herself and 2 daughters (ages 2 and 4!!) That might be a good option for your daughter Cheryl. Or the clips that Chrissy mentioned.
  8. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    my daughters hair is so fine it will not hold a clip or barrette of any type. She can't even hold a pony tail without it slipping out. I do not think I could get DH to agree to glue in her hair. It was a lot to get him to agree with this hair spray color. Those glue in look cool though
  9. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    just finished reading the handbook online.

    The part on proper dress said nothing about hair color. It focused on clothing being decent and not distracting
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We have no colored hair in our handbook. I found out about that after my dd went to school with a quarter inch section of hair colored pink.
  11. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    The glue in you can take out yourself, just put a straightening iron on it and it slides right out.

    My feathers are actual extension. I wish I would have went more bold for my color selection but mine are pretty close to my hair color. The feathers will stay in for 6 weeks.
  12. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My mom let's my sister color hers crazy during the summer every year(no crazy colors during the school year) and pink by far fades the quickest of any color shes had(even permanent). Right now she she has purple feathers with a sparkly strand. If the twins wanted feathers I'd let them have them but we have all the stuff to do that at home
  13. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    We actually do have rules against hair coloring here. :( I disagree because I think weird hair color is a great way for kids to safely experiment with being a little different. It's not like a tattoo--even permanent dye fades and eventually grows out. Of all the things kids can to do make themselves stand out, this strikes me as one of the safest.
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  14. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you ever want to do one thats fun and no chemicals, you can try the kool-aid highlights?

    We do them on my girls...the black cherry one works the best.

    We used two black cherry packets (the ones that you are supposed to add sugar if you want to make them)
    add them to 2tbs water

    Get a paint brush and brush it onto the hair wherever you want it. I have done it in big bunches or small strands. I used aluminum foil underneathe kinda like they do at the salon. Then fold them up. The time it worked the best, I had my daughter sleep in the foil. Other times I just used the hair dryer to try and dry it out. Let the hair dry completely then you can wash it. Ours stayed in for about a month. Looked pretty... I think I have a pic of it that I did on kenna a while ago. Pic
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  15. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    That's adorable!
  16. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    I personally think it's great that you let her do it! It will wash out and it's a nice way to let her express herself.

    Our school doesn't allow "unnatural" hair colors.

    We let the kids do crazy hair in the summer also. It works out really well, actually.

    And, Koolaid is great for dying light hair temporarily. It works really well
  17. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Is this supposedly best friend the same age as your daughter? And she's wearing makeup? Honestly?
  18. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    yes she is the same age. I am thinking I may be being misunderstood though. Her best friend wears make-up for her dance recitals. She has it on before she leaves and for a while after she gets home. She recently had a recital so this was something fresh in my daughters mind. Friend does not wear make up to school or during play time
  19. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    That is really cute!!! And I am glad you mentioned the kool-aid!!!!!! I had never heard of that before!!!! Thanks!
  20. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    I got no calls from the school :)

    My daughter is home now. She said some people made fun of her hair. I told her that sometimes people do not know what to say so they say mean things. Then she told me that one of the people was a teacher (not her teacher another one she saw in the hallway. The teacher walked past her and said "oh what happened, you fell in a bucket of paint?" and my daughter said she (the teacher) then laughed and walked away. <_< :faint: WHY!?

    here is a pic of my daughters hair
  21. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Some people are just not very nice in general. I'm sorry that her hair color was not well received, I'm sure it was cute (I can't see the photo).
  22. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    hopefully it is attached now?
  23. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    That's cute!

    And SO wrong of that teacher! :angry:
  24. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    That is SO cute! I love it! Why anybody would pick on that is beyond me.
  25. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    So cute!
  26. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Sorry she had some negativity :( Especially from a teacher!

    Like others have said, hair color is a safe thing to play with. When I was in 9th grade or so my mom let me do all kinds of crazy things with my hair (think BRIGHT red) because it wasn't permanent and I wasn't doing anything bad/wrong, just trying to be different I guess. I turned out pretty normal, lol. We didn't have any hair rules at my school. I had other friends with crazy colors, mohawks, etc...

    The school I teach at now does have rules about hair colors/styles being a distraction.
  27. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm sorry. I am relieved though, lol. Your daughter's hair looks nice. Stylish!
  28. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    I think her hair looks cute!

    FWIW, it doesn't sound to me like the teacher was picking on her or trying to be mean, it sounds like she was just playing with your daughter, making a joke.
  29. Mama_Kim

    Mama_Kim Well-Known Member

    I think that's awesome, Cheryl. You are a good mom and so in tune with your child's sensitivities, not an easy feat with five children! I am, however, surprised she is allowed to have colored highlights in her hair at school. That is against the dress code in our school district for whatever reason. But as long as it isn't for you guys, I think this is so cute. It won't harm her. Hair is just hair after all. Good job, mama!! :good:
  30. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Cheryl, I think her hair looks super cute! You did a nice job!! And kudos to you for making a thoughtful decision and supporting her.

    Our school district has no rules about hair color or style. There are a lot of boys that go mohawk style in the spring, then shave it all off for the summer. We have a lot of girls that add colored streaks to their hair throughout the year. Homecoming is crazy and 1/3 to 1/2 of the kids put purple and gold highlights in their hair (school colors). This is for grades Kindergarten through grade 12. As a teacher I've never thought it was distracting, so it's interesting to read all the posts from parents whose children go to a school where coloring the hair is against school policy.

    My daughter (Kindergarten) has been asking for months to have her hair colored. I am pretty sure I will try the Kool Aide method as soon as her dance recital is over and our summer officially begins. I think she's going to LOVE that!!
  31. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    The kids are allowed to do hair colors here too. We haven't done it much, but I have no problem with the permanent ones either, because it washes out so darn fast!

    Cheryl, her hair looks so cute!! I love it!

    Jen, I will have to look into the kool aid hair coloring. That looks adorable too!!
  32. twin_trip_mommy

    twin_trip_mommy Well-Known Member

    WOW! One of my co workers just shared with me that during a recent school vacation they brought their daughter in to get blonde highlights at the salon. They were not dramatic according to him, just a natural looking highlight. When the daughter went back to school after the vacation they got a call to go in and get her. They said the child was not disciplined at school but they were (as he called it) "scolded" in the office and had to get their daughters hair back to it's "natural" coloring. THIS just blows my mind!

    I still have the 3 cans of spray that I bought but the kool aid sounds interesting. Does it stay even if they get wet in a water fight or they get wet when it rains?
  33. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Cute! I heard about the koolaid method growing up bit had forgotten about it. I think it stains the hairlikee it does my countertops!

    eta: I can't spell
  34. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We, too, have dress code about distracting hair colors...I think asking someone to remove blonde highlights (as pp said) is a little extreme. As far as the teacher saying something...I in no way think making fun of anyone is right at all...but in an administrative meeting at school we had a huge discussion about the things that come along with children doing extreme things to their hair or body (piercings, hairstyle, etc.). Kids will take notice and if that child does not have a strong enough confidence and not let it bother them that could be an issue. We do our best to combat bullying, but we can't be everyone at once, and doing things that cause kids to take notice is bound to get comments, both good and bad. I think it's a good teaching tool to let her know that if she likes it, it really doesn't matter what others think.
  35. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    cute look . My dd and I both have fine hair too. It truly is a pain. Have you ever considered letting her get a perm. It makes such a difference. A spiral one is a little more expensive but better IMO. My mom used to be a hair dresser and she would put them in my hair all the time. Or you could even just get a body wave.
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