Shaving legs at 10?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MommyMelissaReturns, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    Ok, first she "technically" isn't using a razor. BUT, Kimmy had leg hair that seriously was almost an inch long on her legs!! It was blond, but it literally stuck straight out and just looked, for lack of a better word, furry!!

    Sooo, she went to a birthday party of a friend of hers and they all got to talking about it and one girl told her that her Mom let her use the Smooth-Away pads on her legs. We tried that a few years ago for Allison and she never really liked it because she had already shaved with a razor and it was too time consuming for her.

    To make a long story short, I let her do it and WOW!! The hair was literally flying off of her legs!! It takes a little bit to get both legs done, but she is so happy now! She said at the party that she was the only one with such hairy legs and she was embarrassed. I've always told her that I didn't let Allison shave until 7th grade, so she just had to wait...........but I gave in.

    Allison had a small calf when I told her......she said I KNEW she would get to do things before I did, I TOLD you, you would be less hard on them than me. She's right really about some things because it really should depend on each child and the circumstances. Some things I will stand my ground on like the cell phones, but I DO feel bad that I made Allison wait so long. I just didn't think she was mature enough to handle a razor and those Smooth Away pads weren't invented yet!! :blink: :sorry:

    Do you think 10 is too young to be shaving/Smooth Away-ing legs? She does go the the "middle school" this year, so she was very self-conscious, but I don't usually give in for just that reason that everybody-else-does-it.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    That's the kind of thing that I think should be based on how the child feels about it. I never mentioned shaving to Megan until 7th grade. She never mentioned it before that. Part way through 7th grade I asked if she wanted to and she didn't. I mentioned it occasionally (that if she was ready let me know) and she didn't want to until last summer (before 9th grade). Kayci has darker hair and may decide sooner that she is self conscious about it. We'll see.
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think 10 is too young, I think it just depends on the child. While I agree that "everyone else is doing it" is not a good reason for doing most things, there are times when it is a valid argument. Things like not shaving legs, not wearing a bra, etc. can make preteen girls very uncomfortable at school & can start affecting their self esteem. I would much rather give in to those type of things than have them feeling embarrassed & uncomfortable around their friends. Being a preteen/teen girl is hard enough on a good day, I don't want to make it any harder on them.
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  4. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My 12 yr old begged me at ten to let her shave. She has blonde hair but a lot of it on her legs. We used Nair on her legs for 1.5 yrs. It worked awesome and I didn't have to worry about her using a razor. I told her when she turned 12 that she could use a razor. Now I see she shaves sometimes and uses Nair other times. I know because she is in gymnastics it was a big deal to her. Everyday she was in a leotard with other girls and of course everyone teased her about it (jokingly). I think its a kid by kid thing...what bothers one may not bother the next.
  5. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I don't think its too young. Both of my girls have been shaving since last year when they were 10. I tried to put it off as long as possible, but at one point Cassie had underarm hair that was long enough to I introduced razors to them both for that purpose. Soon they asked about their legs, and I walked them through it and they do okay with it. Of course Cassie would rather just not bathe, so she quite honestly doesn't shave any body part often. Holly is more concerned about how she looks.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I started shaving under my arms at 9 and my legs at 10...I think it comes back to the kid by kid basis....
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think 10 is too young and agree it definitely something that should be dealt with on a kid by kid basis. Tina had some really good points in her post. :good: That said, my oldest daughter will be 12 in October and is starting middle school at the end of Aug. and has never even asked about shaving her legs yet. I know it's coming and part of me thinks I should mention it to her before middle school starts as I don't want anyone saying anything to her once school starts. I don't know that any of her friends are just yet, but I'm sure there will be lots of girls that are in 6th grade. And like Tina said, that is something that can affect her self-esteem and I don't want that happening. I remember I started shaving my legs the summer before I started middle school.
  8. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    They all hit puberty at different times so of course they are going to shave at different times. Jazz already has pretty long hair on her legs at almost 7( not that I'd let her shave yet, it's very blond). If we can prevent our kids from being teased about one less thing then I think we should do it. Being a preteen/teen is hard enough
  9. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your positive advice, support and encouragement!! :):)

    She had to do it again yesterday and I just grinned..........sometimes I wish I could just stop time and keep them little for a few more years. :wub:
  10. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    My girls are 11 and sometimes ask to Nair. They have blonde hair too, but there is quite a bit, so I feel for them. I too think it is a kid by kid basis.
  11. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    I remember when my mom would not let me shave so I took her razor and went to it. I sliced up my leg so bad!! I think that was 7th grade. The girls have alot of leg hair but it is blonde and they have never said anything about it. Heck I still have to check to make sure they get all the conditioner out of their hair.
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My DDs are 6 and I've already shaved Amy's leg several times -- she has a big birthmark that grows longer, darker hair than on the rest of her leg and she's self-conscious about it. So maybe it doesn't seem like such a big deal to me, but I agree with everyone else that the "right" time is whenever they start to care about it. I was probably at least 13, but I was a late bloomer (and pretty clueless too).
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