Shark Teeth

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Mellizos, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Jacob has a shark tooth - where the permanent tooth is growing in behind the baby tooth. The baby tooth is loose, but it just never fell out. Everything I read on the 'net says that the baby tooth has to be pulled. Anyone been through this with their kids? What should I prepare for?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Cathy, it is perfectly normal. Once the baby tooth falls out, the adult tooth will just move forward to its normal spot.
  3. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    This is pretty much how all of the girls teeth have came in. So far we have only had to have 1 of Allisons pulled since it was attached so deeply by the root. Zoes have all fallen out. All the big teeth have moved foward nicely.
  4. 3Xblessed

    3Xblessed Well-Known Member

    My son's teeth are doing this. As the adult one is coming in the baby one is being pushed forward. I assume it will be pushed out the front of his gums.
  5. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Yep, this is what is happening. The baby tooth is being pushed forward.
    I made an appt with the dentist for this week. But I would love to avoid paying the money only to be told that the baby tooth will come out on its own. Sigh. The cost of medical/dental care. :nea:
  6. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    My oldest dd had to have mano of her baby teeth pulled....some of them just would not fall out. Most of the time kids teeth just fall out...but sometimes it can cause problems & create the need for even more orthodontia. I would have a dentist evaluate it - but if he goes to the dentist every 6 months maybe it could wiat for his next checkup.
  7. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Prior to 5ish mths ago, I would have said not to worry at all. It will eventually push out the baby one. It almost always does. My oldest DD had the same thing with 1 tooth and we waited & waited....too long. The baby tooth had such a long root that we did have to have it pulled. Unfortunately the permanent tooth had come in too far back & now she has to wear an appliance to slowly move it back into place.

    Odds are that won't happen, but I would suggest keeping a close eye.
  8. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    My oldest son is 11 and just had to have three "shark" baby teeth pulled so that he can get braces put on. I hate to say it, but the tooth extraction was far worse and more involved than I imagined. It was really traumatic for him, because he's never even had a cavity, so the needles and Novacaine were all new and pretty scary. Several years ago, he had another baby tooth that wouldn't fall out and the adult tooth was growing in, but that one was easily very easily pulled by the dentist with no pain meds.
  9. my2boys

    my2boys Well-Known Member

    One of Brendon's bottom front teeth did this. I nautrally thought the baby tooth would coume out as the other tooth came in, it was loose it just wasn't coming out. Well, it never did come out and the adult tooth kept getting bigger and bigger. Finally I took a hold of it and pulled it. But, now Brendon's bottom adult tooth is way crooked. I just say this so you keep a eye on it. If I had know I might have to pull it, I certainly would have taken things into my own hands a lot sooner and avoided and crooked tooth that is probably going to need braces to straighten out.
  10. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    So the dentist pulled the baby tooth this morning.
    I feel like a total dork. "Mom, the tooth is just hanging their by the gum tissue. You could do it yourself or just let him play with it." But I'm too squeamish, so I had her do it. $95 later :nea: , Jacob has a nice, gappy grin.
  11. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    Man, I wish I'd read this earlier! Our school nurse is a great tooth-puller.
    She pulled Rosalie's first shark tooth (and her second one pretty much fell out on its own). It might be worth a stop by the clinic if it comes up again.

    Ella is now working on a nice set of lower shark teeth. I was afraid it was my punishment for always being so grossed out by dangling teeth. I'm afraid I'll never have one of the gap-smile pictures of my kids!!
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