
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rollergiraffe, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys are in a sharing phase that I hope lasts forever... they've spent the last hour trying to make each other drink their water and feeding each other cheerios. They're pretty good about sharing in general, but there's days where they're possessive and crabby wih each oterh too.. I just love the calmness of happy sharing kids today.
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wub: Enjoy it while it lasts! :lol: Mine will share their juice, their snacks, their lunch...just don't ask them to share toys sometimes! :lol:
  3. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Jen .. thats awesome ! Mine are terrific sharer's even at 6 yrs old and it sure makes life a LOT easier. One thing I tried really hard NOT to do is to interfere too much when it came to one taking a toy from another. I really thought it would be best if they handled it themselves .. and I think it worked. But whatever you are doing .. keep it up ! I hope it lasts like ours did.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah, I am pretty slow to interfere over toy fights unless someone starts with hitting or hair pulling. I figure as they get older they'll have to learn to take turns. I do sometimes enforce turn taking. Right now I am also trying to capitalize on the sharing trend and ask them to give a toy to their brother... soemtimes it works, sometimes not. They're pretty proud of themselves when they do share though!
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: for sharing! that's one thing i like about having twins - they've had no choice but to come to an understanding of the concept early on. :laughing:
  6. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    So nice to hear with the weeks I've been having that there are good days ahead :). Thanks for the wonderfully positive story!!!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wub: It's so awesome when they start to share and help each other out!
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Henry tried to share goldfish tonight by shoving them into Jacob's mouth. I am not sure if the intention was good or not....

    I hope the phase lasts a long time for your guys. It is a great thing.
  9. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I love love love sharing. My girls are pretty good about it especially with juice and food. They want me, the cat, daddy, and the new baby to have whatever it is they are eating. Pretty cute. They are also pretty good at sharing toys on their own too, but for the most part all we have to say is "share with sissy" if there begins to be an issue that pretty much resolves it.

    My favorite thing is that Callahan will walk up to her sister and just take something from her and then in her sweetest voice she says "thank you". I figure as long as she is being polite about stealing toys I can't get too mad :)
  10. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That is awesome, I hope it lasts! :D

    My guys are my only kids, and I'm not around many others, but at Christmas I noticed that they were quite a bit better about sharing than their cousins (who are singletons and older). I don't know if this is because they're twins, or because they're just superior children (KIDDING!! ;)), but I figure they must be getting good practice for later in life. :)
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