sharing the same room

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Gimena, May 26, 2009.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My lo's have been sharing the same room from day1...but lately my dd is very very loud (talking) before she falls asleep,
    meanwhile my ds can't fall asleep because when he does my dd gives off a scream...

    for naps I have them in seperate rooms...he got used to napping in his crib and she sleeps better on the pack and play...
    I discovered that he used to be more crancky because she woke up earlier than him from the nap....she was a happy
    camper but he still needed more sleep (he is a lot more active)

    then at 5 am my dd wakes up so I take her to my room where she falls asleep again otherwise she just
    keeps on talking and wakes up ds..............and he is not a happy camper when he doesn't get his sleep.

    I feel worse because I would have a room for each of them... I have a "guest bedroom" which we
    fully furnished a year before we got pregnant... I never thought I would have twins.

    my dh says to keep them in the same room so they can "talk" to each other, but I"m the one that
    puts them to bed and see the crying/sleeping issues.

    how are your babies that share a room?
    any suggestions?
    what did you do with your furniture if you had a guest room and had to convert it?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two are still sharing a room. In fact, Alice didn't want to go to sleep last night without Royce in the room with her.

    Can you just put the crib in the guest room? Let them still "share" a room for everything but sleeping.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Mine share a room. I do feel bad sometimes because Derek always wakes Tyler from sleep. But we have the same dilemma with the guest room. All of our family lives out of state so we need the room.
  4. HoneyBear23

    HoneyBear23 Well-Known Member

    I'm dealing with the same thing! DS and DD shared a room until about 6+ wks ago. Most of the time DD protests by crying a bit before falling asleep while DS usually is quiet and just goes right to sleep. DD has kept DS awake or woken him up. DD also will cry out in her sleep and make noise for a bit and then usually goes back to sleep on her own.

    DS is in our room in a pack n play so he's not disturbed. I really want them to be back in the same room together, but I don't know how to make it happen w/o making DS pay the price (and us since we'll jump up and get her up so she doesn't wake him up).

    You're not alone!

  5. AZmom

    AZmom Well-Known Member

    My kids shared a room until they were 3 when they transitioned into their beds. I decided to do this b/c our teacher pointed out that the children never had "alone" time and everyone needs that. When they were younger I do remember that they would wake each other up. It was not a major issue, or now I don't remember. I love that I forget these things! I think it is amazing that the twins evolved together and are so closely connected.
    Best of Luck to you.
  6. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    WE are dealing with this too, it's annoying because our noisy sleep goes back to sleep very easily but our light sleeper has to be rocked for aaaaages if she is disturbed and more often than not doesn't go back off. We don't have an extra room to seperate them and i'm not sure i would if we did. They do have to get used to each other, when Amber is in a deep sleep it's is no trouble but sort of early morning or at bedtime and naps it's hard. We have white noise and a lullaby that i think helps slightly, i'm hoping that with time she will sleep through whatever. But yeah it is awful that she misses out on sleep and it totally effects her mood if she gets disturbed.
  7. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    My twins shared their room for everything until they were about a year old. At that point, I had to put DS in a pack-n-play for naps in our guest room. Finally around 18 months, I gave them each their own rooms for everything. For a month or so before we did that, they kept waking each other up in the night and they'd go back and forth for hours! They could not fall back asleep without silence and neither would stop crying for long enough to let the other fall asleep.

    Luckily we are in a 4 bedroom house so we still have a guest room. Now, when/if we have baby #3, our guests will just have to sleep in the family room on the couch! (They're just MIL and SIL so they don't mind.)
  8. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem too! DD is a sound sleeper, but also the loud crier - so when she wakes up DS, and DS cries, she goes back to sleep within a split second!! Poor DS ends up with little sleep being the light sleeper...we don't have extra room in the house unless we converts the study into another bedroom. But I feel bad separating both of them...sigh..what a dilemma...
  9. mom2identicaltwingirls

    mom2identicaltwingirls Active Member

    Mine share a room, always have. They sleep together in it for naps and bedtime. Yeah, it gets crazy loud in there sometimes, what with the babbling and occaional fussing/crying, but I never feel bad. One twin will wake the other constantly, but they take turns doing it to eachother, so fair is fair! I've never felt it's my job to put the woken one back to sleep, so I don't. They do that for themselves. We instilled goooood self soothing and coping skills in them, and man do they get used LOL :) Everyone still gets good sleep around here, so it never gets so out of hand that they're waking not rested enough. It's just annyoing to them at times.
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Mine still share a room at almost 4 years old. We used to joke that DS's crying was DD's lullaby to get to sleep. The more they get used to it the better they will sleep. Until then all I can offer you are :hug: :hug:
  11. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Mine are still sharing a room and I had or have all of the feelings you described. But I will say that at 2.5 YO it is pretty cute to listen to them talk to each other at night or when they first wake up. :wub: Hang in there. It will be worth it. We needed to keep the guest room because we live out of state from all of our family. I wanted to change that into another room for the boys practically every week. It will get better.
  12. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    That sounds really hard.
    I feel bad at night, Christopher screams every night before bed (it's just what he does). Last night he didn't Ryan threw a fit...I honestly think, Ryan can't go to sleep unless Christopher is screaming, it's very strange.

    I hope you are able to find a comfortable solution!
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