Sharing Medications

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bkpjlp, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Have you ever given a medication that one twin has to the other? I took Shawn in to the pediatrician today and both eardrums are very thick. Not flaming red with an infection yet, but we were given amoxicillian anyway to nip things in the bud. So I'm thinking - I have this medicine - if Lucas starts showing signs of an ear infection, will I give it to him without taking him to the doctor???? I actually think I will, and I'm a person who is normally against sharing of meds of any type.

    By the way, I'm home with Shawn today and took Lucas to daycare. It's the 1st time they've ever been apart from one another. I don't think Shawn even notices that Lucas isn't here - if he does he doesn't show it! :D I think he's just happy to spend 1 on 1 time with me - or at least that's what I'm telling myself. :p
  2. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I've never thought about that. But because my guys are at least 2 lbs. different in weight, I wouldn't do it.
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    My son was just on amoxicillin for 10 days. The bottle they gave us was the exact quantity he needed to take to last for 10 days. Does your son need to finish the entire bottle, or did they give you extra?
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Me personally, I wouldnt do it. But I am no daredevil either!
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    You shouldn't have any extra left over to 'share'. It's really important to finish an entire course of prescribed antibiotics even if you/they feel better after a couple of days. All that succeeds in doing is killing off the weakest bugs and letting the others develop antibiotic resistant then leading to superbugs.

    And I wouldn't do it anyway ;)
  6. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    With antibiotics I would say no. I have shared other things like when they were on Zantac, but they were both on the same does. Like other people said he mostly will need the whole bottle and i don't think an ear infection is something you should diagnose. I understand you would not want to make another trip to the Dr but in that I case i personally would.
  7. larastevens

    larastevens Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt, not without going to the doctors. amoxycilin is an antibiotic and if given too much they can create an immunity to it. so if you give it when they dont need it, then it might not work when they do. iykwim. and like others have said you must complete the course for it to be effective - so neither of them would get better.
    i took oran to my sisters the other weekend and left brook with dh. they both loved the attention!
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When one of my girls had pink eye the pedi told me that if the other baby's eye started to look red or if mine started to look red to just go ahead and use the drops I already had.

    However, when Lily was sick last week (we think it was an ear infection but it was never confirmed) and she was prescribed Amoxil, before I left the pedi gave me instructions to not share the amoxil. She said if Amelia started showing signs of being sick she needed to be seen by the pedi, b/c an ear infection is not contagious.
  9. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    The only meds the boys have ever shared have been the stuff they gave one for pink eye and they tripled it in case the other came down with it we could use it for him too. Other than that, where the docs knew, I would not do it. It might seem like the same infection but it could be different and need a different antibiotic.
  10. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Ok - thanks for your comments! Too late now though - I accidently started giving the meds to the wrong boy last night! :rolleyes: They're fraternal and clearly look different - don't know how I mixed them up!
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