Share your tips on introducing tableware...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SweetpeaG, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    So, I bit the bullet and decided it was high-time that I introduced the kids to plates/bowls and silverware. It wasn't nearly as messy as I thought it would be, although we did as much finger eating as utensil eating. I had some (Target brand) suction-cup bowls I received as a gift and used those, but they really didn't stay suctioned to the high chair tray whatsoever.

    Does anyone have tips/products they want to rant/rave about for introducing tableware/utensils?

    Also, we still can't put more than 3-4 bites worth of food onto their trays at once. Joe will stuff EVERYTHING into his mouth (as if we feed him twice a year), and Nick just gets overwhelmed and starts finger painting his tray with the food, just spreading it around.

    At what age were they able to have a plate on their tray? What about more than 3-4 bites?

    Appreciate any advice. :)
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't remember what I did with my oldest, but know she was using a bowl/plate and spoon/fork at 19 months.

    But you are reminding me, I need to start with my twins. :blush:
  3. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Maggie started around a year with a suction bowl - we liked the one from Pottery barn kids. It actually stuck to the tray for us, and it might have been a user issue, but, oh well, this one worked. We started with pick up foods from the bowl, and let her play with a spoon. When she acted like she was ready for more, we gave her things to start spooning - but it wasn't for a while! We used the First years take and toss spoons for a while, and she liked those best.

    My twins already get tons on their tray so they don't scream every few minutes that I am starving them, but we have been lucky enough to avoid the dropping food on the floor and the cramming it all in at one time things so far. Although I am not convinced I didn't just jinx myself by typing that... ;)
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    When they turned one, I bought some suction bowls, a couple different varieties, but none of them worked. They were still in the "throwing on the floor" phase, so I just didn't introduce bowls/plates/utensils at that point. Over the last month though, I've been letting them use a fork and spoon, and giving them yogurt mixed thick with a lot of baby oatmeal to eat on their own. They are doing pretty well and not one bowl has ended up on the floor yet.

    You may be surprised. I think eating it on their own peaked their interest so much that they didn't even think about throwing the bowl...but they are kind of moving out of the food throwing phase anyways.

    We just use the plastic Elmo and Disney Princess plates, and those plastic First Years utensils. Nothing special.

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