share your funniest sleep-deprivation moments!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by fuchsiagroan, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Now that the twins are no longer newborns, DH and I ROFL at some middle of the night episodes from those days. Here are our top two (btw we always took turns with night feedngs back then):

    I came back to bed after I fed the babies. DH was lying in bed, asleep. He rolled over and said, "I'm sorry, I was feeding Andrew, so I couldn't hear what you said." (I hadn't said anything.) I just told him, "That's ok, go back to sleep."

    Another time, he was up with the babies while I was in bed. I could hear them both crying, and in the fog of being sleep-deprived and half-asleep, I figured DH had probably had a heart attack and nobody was taking care of the babies, and that's why they were crying. When I told him about that weird thought the next day, he asked, "Didn't you get up to check?" "No," I told him, "I was too tired, I just went back to sleep." :lol:
  2. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Drew and Zoe were about nine months old and Drew was on Rondec for allergies....I was so tired, but he needed his medicine and was crying. I got up and drew out the 5ml and proceeded to give it to him. DH came in and asked what I was doing and I said "Duh, giving him his meds, what do you think????" He then said he is suppose to get .5mls not 5mls....after much freaking out, one phone call to Poison Control, a trip to the ER and many reassurances that he would be fine, we finally laughed about it. I didn't sleep a wink that night!
  3. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    I can't remember many specific moments, because I really don't remember much from those first couple months...

    1) Mistaking my cat meowing for the babies crying
    2) Driving to the grocery store, and when I was 2 blocks away I could honestly not remember where I was supposed to be going. It was not until I saw the CO-OP that I sort of thought "I bet that's where I was going"
    3) When Harry Potter book 7 came out, the babies were only 7 weeks old and we were at the height of sleeplessness. I wanted to finish it so badly that I stayed up from their midnight feeding to their 3 a.m. feeding just to get a couple more chapters in. Then I was so tired and sad when I finished it that I cried for an entire day. Then I started over and re-read it because I couldn't remember anything that had happened.

    Finally, I thought that I was "handling" the sleep deprivation really really well. Then just a couple weeks ago I was talking to my sister and she was telling me about how worried she was about me when the babies were 1-2 months old because she would call and I would talk really slowly and say things that made no sense. That's not the way I remember it at all! (naturally)
  4. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure that I ended up changing the same baby's diaper a couple of time without changing the other. When I went back for that thirdish change, one was wearing 2 diapers while the other was soaked head to toe and all through the covers and sheets.
  5. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I know I did and said some goofy things and it's a shame I can't remember them now! I wish I would've written them down.

    When there was two of us doing the feedings in the middle of the night, I wouldn't remember which one I had picked up. (My girls aren't identical and look nothing alike!)

    On one of our first trips out with them I lost my cell phone. But I didn't realize it until about 5 days later. Luckily I had forgotten to charge it so it died the same day I lost it. Somebody did find it and use it, but we didn't have to pay the charges.

    DH talks in his sleep and even sleepwalks when he is overtired or stressed out. He had trouble sleeping when we first brought them home because he was worried about rolling over on them - but we never ever put them in bed with us! He just dreamed all the time that they were there!

    I woke up one night to find him sitting up in bed with a flashlight. He was shining the light under the sheets. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was looking for the "difference." We still don't know what that means.

    He would wake me up because he would be talking. A lot of the time, he thought he was talking to the doctor. Weird.
  6. SusieQ

    SusieQ Well-Known Member

    These are all great and have me laughing!!

    OK, early on, the babies were both in our bedroom in one crib and both my husband and I would wake up and feed a baby. Often times, we'd both fall asleep while feeding and end up feeding a cheek or a neck or something like that. Well, one night my husband rolled out of bed, picked up his pillow, cradled it like a baby and began walking towards the crib. I said, "Honey, what are you doing?" He just looked at me like DUH and said, "I've got a baby here." I hated to have to break it to him that it was just his pillow! I think we were too tired to even find if funny at the time, but whenever we try to explain to people how tough and exhausting the first 2 months were, I tell this story, and we laugh every time!

    Keep 'em coming!
  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    oh god - everytime I'd hear one of them cry through the monitor (or when they were in the swings in our room), I'd sit bolt upright and start tossing the covers off looking for them!!! (and we never co-slept)

    I fell asleep sitting on the couch feeding someone - I remembered starting the bottle and the empty sucking noises woke me up - I slept through the entire thing!
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    These are great!

    My DH and I also alternated between night feedings early on....and we'd write each other little notes like, "Kevan only took 2 oz" or "Karina pooped three times" or whatever.

    The hospital gave us these little monkey beanie babies, one for each kid -- and one night I discovered that they worked great to prop a bottle for a minute, if you had to burp one I left DH a note that said only, "When you have to burp, use a monkey." LOL! It made perfect sense to me at 3 a.m., but of course he had no idea what I was talking about.

    Another couple incidents -- although we fed pretty consistently during the day, at night we'd let them go as long as possible without waking them. So, it was tricky to "switch shifts" sometimes -- one night I'd fed them, and then pumped for a long time, so ended up putting the monitor next to DH much later than I normally, he assumed I'd *just* fed them....and sometime later I heard a lot of crying, and got out of bed to see what the problem was.

    DH, looking very put out, said, "They've been doing this since 6 a.m.!" And I asked, "Uh, did you feed them?" Him: "No, didn't you feed them?"


    Another time, the exact opposite happened, and they got full feedings only 1.5 hours apart -- and they spit up and were extremely uncomfortable all day. We finally got it together and got organized after that... :D
  9. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Oh man, these are funny. Here's one of mine. I fell asleep one morning on the couch while sitting up nursing a baby on the boppy. The phone rang, and it jolted me awake with a start and I jumped up to answer it. Halfway to the phone I thought, "wait a minute...where's the baby I was holding?" I ran back to the couch and sure enough my little son was still fast asleep---on the floor! I had jumped up so fast he just rolled right off my lap and on the floor. I felt sooooo bad, but he never even woke up!

  10. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    Suffering from severe sleep deprivation and on autopilot, I attempted to put my 2 year old into the twin's Graco Snug ride. I snapped out of it and was like DD thought it was fun. :icon_eek:

    I'm not sleep deprived anymore and today I called William "Sofia." Not sure what my excuse is now! :laughing:
  11. kim j

    kim j Well-Known Member

    Oh - this is great! Thanks for the laughs! I love the double diaper one. I too have changed the same baby twice in a row - while telling her - wow from this angle you look just like your sister. I also did this at bath time. I like to rotate them in everything - this way the same one isn't always "first" etc. Thinking the whole time I have Carley as it was her turn for first in the bath. Washed her etc. and when I was carrying her to the changing table wrapped in a towel - I thought to myself - WOW - they really do look so much a like! When I went back to next baby to give her a bath - low and behold - Carley is sitting in the walker! Oh - also - I'm in church one morning - I reach back to scratch my back - and notice my tag on my shirt is sticking out - I try like heck to put it back in - only to realize I have my shirt on INSIDE OUT!! Wonder what was going through the minds of the people behind me??? :laughing:
  12. andreap

    andreap Well-Known Member

    these have me laughing out loud!!! so so funny.

    we never co-slept either but there were countless nights when dh would pat down the bed or start rubbing the pillow asking, "where is she? she's was under the covers." scared me to death! (it was always our dd that he thought was in the bed, not ds)

    the funniest memory was one morning that i went to wake him up for a meeting he had. he was so sleep deprived that he just stared at me as if he was coming out of a coma and didn't recognize me. he started to stutter...

    "mmmmmmmmm, miiiss, mmm, miss the move?..... (insert long pause) .....miss the move? moooove....miss the miss....miss the ..the....???"

    he was trying to ask, "did i miss the meeting?"

    his brain could not even formulate the words! it was hysterical and a classic example of how nutty sleep deprivation makes you!!
  13. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    LMBO!!! These are so funny. My girls are not identical but after the 1st week we had to put Alyssa in print pjs and Ashley in solid colors because I was mixing them up every night!! I have hundreds of experiences falling asleep while nursing them, but one really stands out. One night about 12:30am Alyssa started crying so I went it to grab her but by the time I got there she was back asleep so I went back to bed. I woke up at 4am in the recliner with a boob out and Alyssa sleeping in my arms. I have no idea what time (or why) I went in and got her or how long we sat there or if she even ate anything!!
  14. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i keep waking up thinking there's a baby in my arms. i wake up when i hear them cry (in their cribs), and say to DH, "here, take her for me, so i can take care of the other one now..." and he's like, "take who?" and i look down and i'm cradling air!

    i've also fallen asleep hugging a pillow, and when i hear their cries, i wake up and find myself kissing the pillow, thinking it's one of the girls!

    and last night DH dreamt that the government made me have sex with an alien so i would give birth to an alien baby. wow. i guess dreams get crazier when you're sleep deprived, too!
  15. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    :laughing: :laughing: Thanks for the laughs!!!!! I like the double diaper!!!

    All i really have is.. Walking into walls (with the lite on) in the middle of the nite!! Good thing i was not holding a baby! DH also has some moments at nite where he thinks hes feeding a baby and there is no one there....
  16. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Nov 1 2007, 09:40 PM) [snapback]477489[/snapback]
    "When you have to burp, use a monkey."
    OMG! This is STILL making me laugh reading through the rest of them! And the "miss the move"....OMG so funny.

    I had the same sleep deprivation moments of checking everywhere in a panic for the babies if I woke up to them crying. But the only really funny thing I can think of now is when my friend bought a cute plate for her MIL. She told me she bought it in the 99 cents store. And I proceeded to ask her, "How much did you pay for it?" She just looked at me like, "you poor thing". My babies were about 2 months old then. She has 2 kids, so she understood completely.
  17. Joanna831

    Joanna831 Well-Known Member

    These are hysterical!!!

    I was laughing until my stomach hurt about the burp monkey note! So Funny!!!
  18. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    I am laughing SO HARD right now! I love these stories!

    I can only think of two:
    1. I did the night feedings on my own for the first eight weeks. DH always told me that if I needed help, I could wake him up. Well, after a particularly frustrating night, I woke him up, handed him a baby and said, "Jonathan needs to be burped. I've gotta feed James." He remember NOTHING of that happening, only waking up 20 minutes later to me coming into put Jonathan back to bed.

    2. DH and I took turns getting up with the boys in the middle of the night. One night, one of them was fussing and DH tapped me on the shoulder to wake me up. I rolled over and said, "WHAT?!" As if, DH was just waking me up to wake up. He said, "What do you mean, "what?"" And got very mad!
  19. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Oh, thank you, THANK YOU, for this post, i am CRYING with laughter. REally crying. ANd it's getting MUCH needed oxygen to my brain, i am sure. NOT to mention a nice dose of endorphins.

    I'm trying to think of any funny ones, but - i'm STILL sleep deprived 7.5 months later so my memory bank isn't functional. But I WILL remember to use a monkey next time i need to burp a baby!!!

    But I do remember falling asleep nursing so many times and waking moments/minutes later in a panic wondering WHERE'S THE BABY???? - only to see that she was asleep in my arms. ANd of course there were the scary ones where i'd fall asleep with one on my shoulder from being burped (w/out a monkey) and wake up terrified that she had her face pressed into the pillow behind me and had suffocated. But that's not funny, just terrifying!
  20. heartofdixiemama

    heartofdixiemama Well-Known Member

    You should really send that "use the monkey to burp comment" into Reader's Digest or something like that to win some money!!

    I too have done the bolting upright in the bed and patting it down around me before I even attempted to move to make sure I didn't sling a baby off on to the floor...HILARIOUS story about the baby who DID end up on the floor BTW!! ha!

    Other than that, I can remember during the first few months after they came home from the hospital with their little Soothie pacifiers made entirely of rubber with the rubber nub on the outside..there were a few times in a sleepy haze that I inserted the binkie the WRONG WAY and wondered why they were still fussy! ha!
  21. lemongrrl53

    lemongrrl53 Well-Known Member

    LOL these are great- Here are a couple of mine:

    Dh and I take turns with any night feedings. One night Sophia was crying and we both woke up, he said he would get her, so he left and I went back to sleep. I woke a few minutes later to hear her still crying, so I went in their room to see what was going on. DH was standing by her crib just staring in at her. I said "What are you doing?" and he said "I was going to feed her but I cant bend my waist." This seemed perfectly normal to me at the time so I said, "OK go back to bed and I will feed her." So I picked her up and he went back to bed- obviously able to bend his waist just FINE to get back in bed! The next morning when I thought about this I was like WTF was that all about?!? and he claims he doesnt even remember any of it........... :rotflmbo:

    Another time I had a baby bottle sitting on the coffee table right next to my coffee cup and I went to drink some coffee and ended up grabbing the bottle and bringing that to my mouth rather than my mug......ugh :)

    Keep sharing!
  22. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Can't bend at the waist?? LOL That's got to top them all!

    Oh I constantly would hear a baby crying and dream that I was holding one in bed so that I was very careful when I got up. Those first months were hard! I never remembered who had which side while nursing!
  23. sj3g

    sj3g Well-Known Member

    The funniest thing that happened to me during the first few weeks was while my mom was still staying with us to help out. I had been using a Pump n' Style double breast pump in between feedings. I had a corner in the dining room with a little table on wheels that I'd turned into what we called the "Pumping Station". The pump sat on top, and I sat in the corner looking out the window with both boobs hooked up to the pump. My mom always came around the corner singing the kid song "Down By the Station" only she changed the words to something about "See the Mommy pumping..." We always laughed hysterically when she did this b/c we were so sleep deprived. But one day I was sooooo tired, that my mom came around the corner to find me sound asleep with the pump STILL hooked on my boobs. I was sitting upright, head hanging down, snoring with the pump sucking away at me. :rotflmbo: She woke me up and I was quite embarrassed to have fallen asleep at the pump, but boy did we laugh for a long time!! Really, the whirring noise the pump made was so rhythmic I think it put me to sleep!

    The other thing I did was I started making and drinking coffee during the first few months after I'd given up nursing. I hadn't been a coffee drinker before then. So one day I had ground the beans, put them in the filter in the coffee maker, filled it with water and turned it on. I left the room to sit on the couch for a minute... I could hear the coffee brewing, and when it sounded like it was done, I went back to the kitchen to discover that the one thing I'd forgotten to do was to put the carafe on the maker... There were coffee grounds and coffee standing all over my counter, dripping down into three drawers, soaking all of the towels on the inside edge of one drawer, and all over the floor!!
  24. skitles

    skitles Well-Known Member

    The douple diaper one cracked me up!

    The main ones I can think of are things DH did!

    1. Once during the middle of the night, I had just finished changing a diaper and went to get the bottle from DH, who was getting it ready in the kitchen. I made it in there just in time to see that he was pouring 2% milk into the bottle. When I said "What are you doing?!" he replied, "This is Cora's right? Not Lucy's?" As if that mattered?! Granted, they are on different formulas, but still! (This one was a little scary...and convined me to make the night-time bottles in advance!)

    2. Both babies were screaming their heads off. I woke up and went in to see what was going on and DH was laying spread-eagle on the couch, asleep. The water in the kitchen was running, and the lights were all on. I asked him what the he@# was going on and he jumped up and said, "I'm making bottles!"

    I know there were several times I dreamt of feeding a baby that was for real crying. DH would nudge me and I'd say, "I AM feeding her!"
  25. walbb05

    walbb05 Member

    These are great LOL!!!!!

    I had many episodes of waking up to my boys crying and checking under the covers hysterically looking for them...and we never co slept either. But one thing that had my husband rolling was I feel asleep in the living room on the recliner with a baby in my arms and my other son in the pack n paly next to me. Well my son Mason was on a heart monitor and for all you out there that had or have a baby on one you know how loud those things are and how they make you panic in an instant. So the heart monitor goes off and I sit up and start ripping the clothes off my son to get him out of the apnea and realize that after I had his clothes unbottoned that I had the wrong child, Mason was in the pack in play. :rolleyes:
  26. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I am SOOO glad to hear I was not the only one who didn't know where the babies were when they started crying in the middle of the night (on my lap, in my bed, etc...)

    It's amazing they made it, isn't it?

    One night I had had it with getting up and asked my husband "Will you PLEASE go get them? And he said "I can't." I said "Why?" He said "You can't handle the oil slick?" I said "THE OIL SLICK?" He said "Yes the one all over the floor!" I told him "I'll handle the oil slick - you get the babies!" So he went.

    Another night I had to nudge him like 10 times to get him up - I was SOOOO exhaused from being up all night and as he stumbled out the door he mumbled "If it weren't for your boobs you'd be useless." I was so mad I didn't talk to him for 2 days till I told him what he said. He denied it at the time and still does to this day - but I know I heard it! (He is usually a very wonderful suppoirtive husband and daddy.)
  27. skitles

    skitles Well-Known Member

    Oh one of those reminded me of another thing DH did. Usually he doesn't hesitate to get up and help with the feedings. But once I said, "Can you go get her?" and he looked me straight in the eyes and said "no." Then he gave me a kiss and went. He didn't remember doing that, either. Another time I woke him up from the couch, where he had fallen asleep with the baby, and told him to go to bed. He woke up and said, "What? What's going on? I'm so confused. I'm sorry. I'm so confused."
  28. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    What fun! I, too, am laughing so hard right now.

    Once (OK, many times I hate to admit), my dh would be doing his middle of the night feeding and the baby would be fussing and he would be holding the bottle. Only if you looked close enough, there wasn't a bottle there, it had fallen on the ground and he was holding the imaginary bottle.

    Another time he had gotten up to hold one of the boys (sometimes Nicky needed a little extra loving), and suddenly he came back to bed and I heard Nick fussing. I went to see what the deal was, since dh had just been in there. He was laying on the floor in the middle of the room. I asked dh about it and he said he woke up in the chair without a baby and couldn't remember why he was there, so he just came back to bed. I asked if he thought to check on the baby-maybe he would have noticed he wasn't in his bed but on the floor instead (since he obviously had rolled off dh's lap at some point).

    We also had many nonsense conversations in the middle of the night.
  29. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    These are great!
    I posted this a few months ago but I got up at 5am like I always do for work and I check on the kiddos. Well my son had soaked through his jammies so I decided to just get him dressed. As I was putting his outfit on I noticed it was a little snug but I just figured he's a growing boy. Well needless to say I put him in a dress. I was laughing so hard! DH didn't find it too funny though!
  30. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I have tears rolling down my face! These are so funny!!

    Wot used to happen to me (although its not funny!! or I didn't think it woz at the time). They would be crying in the next room I would jump up and try to find the bedroom door to get out, I'd be feeling around the wall and in a panic but I couldn't find the door!! Actually it still happens now ocassionally haha
  31. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(skittles @ Nov 3 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]479546[/snapback]
    He woke up and said, "What? What's going on? I'm so confused. I'm sorry. I'm so confused."
    :rotflmbo: OMG!!! This is just so funny!
  32. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Oh, these are too funny! I almost peed my pants with some of them. Looking between the sheets with a flashlight for the "difference"! :rotflmbo: The monkey! The oil slick! ROFL!

    Thank you so much for giving me a good laugh - and keep 'em coming!
  33. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    You guys are killing me with these stories! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I love you all for sharing them and making me laugh so hard. The bending at the waist one was just too much.

    I, too, fell asleep while feeding a baby, only to be woken by the empty bottle sound.
    One night I fed my dd {I had her for nighttime feeds} and after the bottle I went to bed. I woke up a few minutes later running around the room looking for her because I had dreamt that I left her on the rocking chair. I was going crazy looking for her only to find that I put her in the swing downstairs. I have no idea how I did all that sleeping, but I did. :rolleyes:

    wow, you guys are HILARIOUS! :rotflmbo: I can't stop laughing.

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