
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lemongrrl53, May 27, 2010.

  1. lemongrrl53

    lemongrrl53 Well-Known Member

    So the last few nights Naomi has been afraid of the shadows on the wall, caused by the night light in their room. I have tried talking to her about it, touching them, moving the light to another outlet, putting something in front of it, etc. The only thing that makes her happy is to turn the night light off. Generally this happens shortly after they go to bed so when I turn it off there is still some light from the window so the room is not pitch black, and they are fine. But of course come 2am Sophia then wakes up screaming because she "can't see" and wants the night light on. I turn it on, Naomi wakes up and cries about the shadows and to turn it off. :headbang: Last night I turned the night light back on before I went to bed (they were sleeping) and Sophia did not wake up crying about the dark, but Naomi still woke up at about 5am wanting the light off.

    Anyone have any ideas for this? Are there night lights that don't make shadows? What about "night lamps?" Anyone know of something I can try to help her overcome her fear of shadows?

  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We have this lady bugbut it turns off after about 30 minutes so this probably won't help your middle of the night issues. :hug: I hope you figure out a solution.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How about cracking the door with the hall light on? Or a Gloworm doll?
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Hey Rachel!

    We don't have a night light in the boys room, but our sound machine emits a pale orange glow. It doesn't cast any shadows & makes a super light glow that they can see by (once their eyes adjust). What about a clock/alarm clock that glows a little? Our Tot Clock also has a night light. And we crack the door a little & have a pale nightlight outside their door in the hall.

    If I put a night light in the boys' room, they FLIP. They HATE all that light. We have a Plug In for when they're sick & it's got a BRIGHT blue light. It's obnoxious. I had to put tape over it! I hate night lights in my room, too!

    As someone else mentioned, both my boys have the Gloworms. They like them. They're not loud enough to cast any shadows, but bright enough to see. And they only last a few seconds. We bought them when we took down their crib soothers (which lit up in the night when they pushed them) a long time ago :). The only downfall is that mine pull the box out of the back & mess with the switch. There is a light only, a demo, & music. I can't tell you how many times I woke up in the middle of the night to that darn music over the monitor! If you could turn it off & leave it off, then Sophia could use that?

    Good luck...I hate the fear stage. Our Monster Spray worked great for monsters, but not sure what you'd use for shadows!!!
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh man. I honestly remember when it happened to me when I was 3!!! I can still see those shadows next to the curtain... I'm 100% serious. It was awful.

    They sell those little toys that double as night lights at Babies'r Us, maybe you could look into those... I doubt they'd make enough light to make shadows.
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