seriously bad diaper rash

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jamiandkyle2002, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    Hi, baby girl has been having some diareah ( I know I spelled that wrong!). Anyway it is eating her tail up. When she took her morning nap she went to teh bathroom and know her behind is sooo raw tahat it has open wounds! I am going to the store soon andy suggestions?
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    If it's really bad, I would call your pedi. Aquaphor usually clears up diaper rashes for us, but DD has gotten yeast infections with a bad diaper rash and we've had to use an athlete's foot cream.
  3. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Riley is especially sensitive and susceptible to really awful diaper rash. Open sores and bleeding is not unusual for him at all. The only thing that has ever worked for us is a combination of Aquaphor and the original Desitin (not creamy) made into a thick paste and slathered on several times a day along with frequent diaper changes. It's worked better than anything the pedi could do for us, and if it's especially bad I give him a little bit of Tylenol.
  4. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Van had a horrible diaper rash this summer and the pediatrician said it was probably some sort of fungal infection so we actually used athletes foot cream on it and it cleared right up. Good luck!!
  5. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    yeah it could be a yeast infection and they will give you a cream for that.

    Otherwise, we use A&D ointment or cream, works wonders!
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We never had terribly diaper rashes, but these ladies have already given you the suggestion I always heard. :hug: to your baby girl.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Triple Paste cleared up my DD's terrible rash after all else failed...
  8. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Also if possible allow to air out - not easy to do with mobile kids.
  9. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    My son has had that kind of a rash (small open wounds) and frequent baths helped. As soon as I could after I saw that type of a rash, I would put him in the bathtub and let him soak for awhile in the tubby. He loved it!! After the bath, I would dry his bum completely to make sure there is no moisture to further irritate the rash. Then I would slather on Vaseline or Aquaphor. I mean A LOT of it!!! And the minute I smelled or noticed that he was having another BM, I would change his diaper pronto and give a bath every day or twice a day until it clears up. It only lasts for about 2 days when I handled it that way. I believe a yeast infection looks a bit different than what you are describing. But, if it doesn't begin to clear up after a couple of days after you clean it well and put on some sort of a cream (Desitin, Vaseline, Aquaphor, etc), I would call the pedi just to make sure. Better to be safe...
  10. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    As pps have suggested, the boys have had a couple of diaper rashes and the ped suggested...athlete's foot cream (in case fungal) and triple antibiotic ointment (in case baterial) then slather on a heavy dose of vaseline as a barrier/protectant. This suggestion always cleared up the rashes in a jiffy.
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD is prone to bad diaper rashes, she is one of those kids with sensitive skin. I would definitely check with your pedi first to make sure it's not fungal (athlete's foot cream works great)...and if it's not, one of the things an old timer told me was to use milk of magnesia. I thought it was strange but it clears up her diaper rash pretty quickly. I let her air dry, use warm, wet paper towels rather then wipes, put on a thick coat of either Vaseline or Aquaphor and then top that with milk of magnesia and that's made a big difference. Hope it clears up soon for your little one :hug:
  12. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    DD got nasty diaper rash after a really bad case of diarrhea. Our pediatrician told us to let it air out as much as possible & we did a lot of baths with her just sitting in the tub by herself (and me patting the area dry). We also avoided using wipes until the rash was gone (if it was a poopy diaper, we were just very careful). We patted the area as gently as possible until everything got better.

    Hope she's better soon!
  13. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Triple paste has been the most efficient for us, but it still took a couple days on bad rashes, but we never had open rashes either... I'd definitely call the pediatrician and ask what they recommend. I know some people use vitamin E gel also. If you can, leave her without diaper for a few hours too...
  14. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    Pedi recommended Hydrocortizone cream and then zinc oxide cream on top of that. Works wonders for us!
  15. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    The only thing that works for us is Resinol . It is behind the pharmacy counter, but you do not need a prescription.
  16. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the suggestions. During afternoon nap her brother had a loose bowl movement and woke up with a bad diaper rash tooo! It must be a combo of something I fed them and the loose stools. Baby girl's bottom is a mess though!!! I have been using the suggestions hopefully she will look like new in the morning!
  17. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we use Aquaphor (or if we don't have it we use plain petroleum jelly) and then a thick layer of Triple Paste or whatever... that combination is what my pedi suggested. It really helps our twins a lot.
  18. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I'm going to add a different post to your topic. I put them in a bath of water with dissolved sea salt (like a sitz bath after you have a baby) like saline it is soothing and an natural anti-infective. I also used a powder we have here that has corn starch and zinc in it. The powder keeps the area dry and wisks away any initial moisture. We also have a cream called Paw Paw which is amazing. Frequent diaper changes.
  19. lionheart

    lionheart Active Member

    CORNSTARCH, CORNSTARCH,CORNSTARCH!!! I recently had this problem as well! both my kiddos got a bad rash from diarrhea and cornstarch worked wonders! it kept the area dry so that it could heal....We've used it before when they were younger as well and it worked then too! but whatever you use DO NOT USE WIPES!!! I know from first hand experience that the wipes will burn your little ones, you can use a wet wash cloth and dab/pat the area but wet toilet paper feels the best....although even water can sting when their bum is irritated, but of course the area needs to stay clean. hope that helps.
  20. StaceeyL

    StaceeyL Well-Known Member

    Caldesene powder. Also, my ped said if its just a pee pee diaper dont use wipes. Urine is sterile and the wipes will irritate the skin more than the urine.
  21. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I just also wanted to say CORNSTARCH is amazing!!! One time my first DD had a really bad rash from diahrrea that wasnt clearing up with regular diaper cream and I was told to use cornstarch and the rash was literally 99% better by morning. It worked wonders!!

    The only reason I say 99% better instead of 100 is because her bottom was still just a little pink but the open-ness of the rash was completely gone.

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