Seriously attached!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OK. I'll admit I find it quite endearing, whatever you want to call it, that my 15 month old son Anthony is attached to me. BUT....It's getting a tad old. Quickly. It's BAD! It's not when we are in public-he's fine with others, etc. It's mostly when we are home and someone could be visiting, or it's when it's just me and DH. He'll go with anyone, but then he will gravitate right back to me. For EVERYTHING. And he will stand at my legs and cry and whine FOREVER until we do something/pick him up. I feel so bad for him!

    For instance: I went to Costco on Sunday. I came home and they were in highchairs as dh was getting ready to feed them. I come in with load #1. I leave. Come back with load #2. I leave. I hear him CRYING because I left. I come back. He settles a little bit. I leave again. He CRIES some more. He finally settled down when I locked the door and walked in and kissed him hello!

    Tonight: They finished dinner and I was finishing mine and talking to my sister who just called. DH took them out of their highchairs and BOTH came over to me and they were on each side of me crying to be picked up. So then dh takes them into the living room and I pick up dinner. Anthony is WAILING in the living room. WAILING. After awhile, he settles down. Then-he sees me through the gate and wails some more! He doesn't settle down until I come back in the room. And then he is fine. I can't even go to the bathroom without him freaking out like that(when dh is home I should add).

    Any ideas on how to help this? DH had him sit on his lap...vs distracting him with various things(although I am not sure it all would have worked), and once he stopped crying-he let him down and he came straight to me. Something tells me that's not the way to go about it. DH also feels like Anthony doesn't love him/the boys don't love him. I tell him it's hard when I am a SAHM and that's all they want. DH gets to come home and lay on the couch and not be bothered by them. Me? FAT CHANCE! Don't get me wrong-I love my boys and anything and everything about them just melts my heart. I've waited to be a mother my whole life! Is there anything, besides getting, that we can ALL work on to help the attachment issues? I would appreciate it-as well as dh!

    Oh-and I need to figure something out, as having a newborn in 5 months will NOT help this situation in the least bit!
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I still can't get a handle on this problem, Meg. And it's SOOOO frustrating, isn't it? :hug: John was like that with me and Kevin is even worse! He literally freaks out if his dad gives the bath and NOT me... or if his dad is going to change his clothes and NOT me! I mean major melt downs over it. It's getting old here too ... and it hurts my ears! :lol: But seriously, I know where you are coming from. I wish I had better advice but to say be patient and it will run it's course. It did with John. :hug:
  3. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Sofie freaks whenever I leave the room, and this is going to sound cruel but if I just ignore her for a few minutes then she will go play with her sister, until she sees me again and the cycle starts all over. I literally have to hide from her in order to get anything done.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yep, I have the same problem with Tyler. I wish he would just outgrow it, but I am still waiting.
  5. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    YUP! I have one of my twins (27 months) who won't even talk to anyone else and wants to sit on my lap ALL DAY LONG.

  6. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I've got one too!! My DS is like this. It does seem to go in cycles though, although I can't figure out what 'triggers' the cycles.

    I know from past experiences that it does get better though.

    April :)

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Oh I know how you feel. Both of my girls are that way. I do know that I have created myself. I do everything for them such as baths, food, etc. I can not leave the room without it being a total meltdown from both of them. I also know that they grow up very fast and so I don't mind the clingyness (is that a word?) right now. Good luck and maybe it is just another one of those phases that us moms have to pass.
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