Serious recurrent diaper rash issues - please advise!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by threebecamefive, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I have brought this up with my doctor multiple times over the months (at least 8 months!!!!), but am still dealing with this. Right now I'm thinking of taking my son back to the doctor again tomorrow and insisting on something be done, but don't know what! I'm hoping someone on here will have had a similar experience and can give me some advice.

    One of my boys, Nathan, seems to always have a diaper rash. When it gets really bad his bottom is solid red and gets bloody. It seems to be excruciating for him when he goes in the tub or when I wipe his bottom. Putting cream on him is also painful - judging from his screams and cries. I have tried changing diaper brands, wipes, and creams but it doesn't make a difference. The different medications that have been prescribed (for bacterial and yeast type infections - 4 different prescriptions to date!) have been ineffective as well. I feel strongly that he is allergic to something but I have been unable to pinpoint what. I would like him to have an allergy test, but the doctor hasn't agreed yet.

    Has anyone gone through anything like this? Any suggestions on how to ease the pain/discomfort my little guy is going through? It's so bad right now that he won't let me hold him the "normal" way. I have to put my arms around the back of his knees and he sticks his little butt out so I'm not touching it. He screams like he's in horrible pain as soon as he has a BM, then is even worse while I'm changing him. It's awful and I hate that I have not been able to help him.

    Does it sound like it could be an allergic reaction to something? Should I absolutely insist that he get an allergy test, or does someone have other ideas as to what's going on. I'm at my witts end about this. My other two don't go through this at all. They may get a nasty rash, but it lasts a couple days, and creams help, then it goes completely away.

    Sorry this is so long! I'm really hoping someone on here is able to give me some obscure ideas to think about and/or suggest to my doctor that we haven't thought about yet!
  2. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Aaron was allergic to certain diapers. Luvs and Pampers were fine, but Huggies caused a bleeding rash.
    We also bathed only with oatmeal soap. Nystatin was the only cream that helped. Stuff like Destin just made him cry.
    If the severe pain continues, I would ask the doc about the spray lidocaine. I got it at the hospital after giving birth and it cooled the area and took away pain.

    Lastly, I would immediately eliminate all citric foods - oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Those are the biggest culprits in causing diaper rash.
  3. 2XBlessed+1Angel

    2XBlessed+1Angel Well-Known Member

    First of all...Poor baby!!! Ouch!!

    Lane has a somewhat similar situation in that he is prone to bright red diaper rash (not bloody though). Culprits for us are: hummus-which I no longer give them because of this very reason, too much corn or any food that makes them have very frequent BMs. I always change poopy diapers as soon as I notice them. I always air dry their bottoms before cornstarch powder and diapers. When Lane has the rash, I only rinse with plain water since the (unscented even) wipes make him scream. And the nystatin or another prescription fungal cream works for us. I just keep an eye out and if the rash continues for a couple days then I start with the cream 2x daily. Usually after 2 days it's gone.

    Good Luck!!
  4. Rachel&Emily

    Rachel&Emily Well-Known Member

    Poor baby!!! That has got to be horrible.

    We had the same issue with Emily and went through the creams, etc and the thing we FINALLY found that works I found by accident at the Eckerd by the's the "little noses, etc" brand and it's a spray that you just put one or two pumps on the tushy after a diaper change, let it dry and then put the diaper on. It killed me to try and spread something on her bottom that made her just scream...I felt so bad for her. Once the spray started to kick in (a day or so) then I could use the 40% zinc oxide Desitin on her and finish it out, but once it was the flaming red stuff I just stop bothering with the spread and grab the spray. It didn't seem to hurt her, either.

    Just and idea... However, I would still take the poor guy to the doc anyhow and if he/she won't do anything for you - ask for another one. I'm never afraid to do that when I, as the MOM know something is just not right with one of the girls...

    Good luck!!

  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Lastly, I would immediately eliminate all citric foods - oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Those are the biggest culprits in causing diaper rash.

    That was my first thought as well!!

    I'm sorry he's going through this!! Poor little man!!! :hug99: I wonder if adding acidophillous to his food everyday would help to balance him out a little? I would check into it. It goes into applesauce or yogurt or anything that is moist really!! That might help restore his balance. I would ask a DIFFERENT doctor!!
  6. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I knew I could count on the other mom's in this forum to help out. Thanks so much! You've all given me some great things to think about and try. I just changed another poopy diaper and as soon as I picked him up to take him back and change him, he got really tense and whiney. As soon as I layed him down, he started screaming. It just got worse after that. Something has to give . . . I'm going to pack up all three kiddos and take him to the doctor so he can see the rash when it's at its worst and show him the different medications he's tried. Thanks again for all the ideas and suggestions.
  7. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    Riley had the same thing and I just figured it was from teething until it started bleeding. I took her to the doctors and they gave her some cream and said it would be gone within 3 days - and it was gone in 3 days. I still use it just in case it comes back. I'll get the name of it and let you know - it was a prescription cream. Mind you she had this diaper rash for over a month - but it didn't start blistering and bleeding until the day before I took her to the doctors.
  8. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the Niastatyn Powder? It works quite well, and helps keeps things dried out a bit more. I always push the cheese and yogurt, cut back on any fruits at all, including juices. We also have prescriptions for Hydrocortizone cream, which I only use now and then, since it contains steroids. But, I will use it, it helps to calm things down, then can use other creams. The best thing though, is to use the orginal Desitin all the time, after each diaper change. The best Rx is something called 'cholestralymine' (sp?). It is a compound, actually a cholesterol medicine that is ground up and mixed with aquaphor. it works magnificently ....expensive though.
    Oh, and when the diaper rash is coming on, I still use the normal wipes, but before I put them into the plastic container, I rinse them really well with water, then put them in the container. I just let the water run through the entire stack for a few minutes, and it really seems to help.
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I use a combo of Gold Bond Corn Starch baby powder, Monistat, and Neosporin when we have really bad rashes. It covers all of the bases, and usually clears it up fairly quickly! I looove the GB baby powder for a minor rash.
  10. kelc302122

    kelc302122 New Member

    Our boy's are allergic to everything. we have struggled with soar bums. Open soars, bleeding soars and screaming babies. I have found that apple juice gives them soars on their bums. Peaches give them a big blister type burn. THE ONLY THING that helps them feel better and heal it is sylvidine cream. It is prescribed for burns. It not only makes them feel better but it is like I said THE ONLY THING that has helped. We have tried nystatin cream powder other antifungles bag balm aquaphor etc... Please ask your pedi about it. Also keep a log of the foods that you give your baby especially fruits. Good luck. I hope you get to the bottom of it. (no pun intended)
  11. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    When the boys were babies they got a terrible diaper rash - bleeding and everything. We went to the walk-in clinic and the Doc told us it was a typical yeast infection and gave us cream. It didn't work. Almost got worse. We ended up going to a different clinic about 5 days later and the Doc there took one look and said it wasn't the typical diaper rash it was a fungicidal rash and gave us a cream for that. Within 12 hours it was healed incredibly and within 2 days gone completely.

    Go back and ask about this. Go to a different Doc if you need to!!!

  12. Whoa Mama

    Whoa Mama Well-Known Member

    This happened to my son a LOT. I won't even use wipes or a washcloth when it's bad - I just put him in the sink and try to rinse it with lukewarm water and my hand (gross, but necessary as everything else hurts him!) THe best diaper cream I've found is Triple Paste - I bought the large jar at Target for $20.

    Sorry you're dealing with this - but I know exactly what you're going through. Ryan's acts up when he eats grapes.
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