Seperation during school

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cm*2, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. cm*2

    cm*2 Well-Known Member

    My twin daughter are heading to school after 2 years of daycare and 1 year of pre-school. They have been in the same class all through out the daycare and pre-school. The daycare has recently separated them and one is thriving and the other is having a REAL hard time with it.

    So the question is do I continue to have them separated or keep them together for kindergarten and re-evaluate in 1st grade?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I would give them some time to adjust to the separation. Do they still get to see each other? It may be that the one having a hard time is dependent on her sister and needs time to find herself. My MIL is an identical twin, and said the worst part of school was keeping her and her sister together, because when the time came for them to go their own way, they had a really difficult time. She is my biggest fan regarding dressing my kids differently, and keeping them in different classes. She especially had a hard time, in that her sister died of breast cancer when they were in their 20's, and although MIL was already married, she had a very difficult time dealing with it. My MIL was the dependent twin, and she says the separation stuff was always harder on her, and she wished she was made to be on her own earlier.
  3. The school that I signed my girls up for in the fall will not let them be in the same classroom. I didn't want them to be inthe same class because Caprionna is very dependent on Alvionna. However, the school informed me that they always keep twins in separate classes. We will see how it goes in the fall.
  4. DebbiesTwins

    DebbiesTwins Well-Known Member

    One thing to keep in mind is that nothing is "forever". My sister, who has twins just graduating kindergarten this year, tried to separate them and one of them didn't do well at all. They gave him a few weeks to see if things got better, but then moved him into his twin's class when it became apparent he wasn't ready. With the following year, they were separated and he did just fine.
  5. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    I had my boys in the same preschool class their first year. They fought -- though only with eachother. Sam answered all the questioned for Kiko (who had a bad stutter at the time) and Kiko finished all Sam's art projects for him (since Sam didn't have the patience). To me, all that suggested they'd be better off (and learn more) separately. And it's been true. They missed each other at first, but are both thriving now.

    Like anything else, it depends on the kids. I really like what Sharon had to say about her mom's experience. Just about every adult twin we've ever met has said the same things.
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