Seperate Rooms?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I tried the one nap today and it was a challenge for me and them they did get alittle fussy but, I hung in there. I put them down for their nap at 12:30 and by 1:45 DS was stirring alittle then he went back to sleep. Now it's 2:30 and DD is awake and now has woken him too!
    DH & I were just talking and I wanted to get your suggestions on what to do?
    I was wondering if you have your twins in seperate bedrooms or together?
    If they are seperated at what age did you do it?
    We are starting to think that they might sleep longer at nap times if we seperate them??

    Thanks.... being first time parents with toddler twins we need all the HELP we can get!!
  2. caba

    caba Banned

    Mine are at 1 nap a day ... and it's only a 2 hour nap ... at daycare they go down about 1245 and sleep till 245 or 3pm at the latest. Obviously since it's daycare, they nap in the same room as all the other kids.

    On the weekends we split them up. Hailey is in her crib. Jake goes in the PNP in the spare room. She is a much lighter sleeper, so she tends to wake up occasionally. Jake sleeps a little longer since they are separated ... but honestly, it's not much difference.

    I still like them separate for nap time.
  3. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Mine are still in the same room. In fact all of my children share a room, so that they can have one play room, instead of having two rooms with beds and toys. Anyhoo, if you think they will sleep better, I would say go for it. Sometimes twins have a hard time Going to sleep in a room without the other one, when theyve been used to it. I know if one of mine stays with my mother or something, they will constantly ask where that child is. I've recently thought about putting them in separate rooms but Im not sure their ready yet.
    Its always worth a shot!
  4. cduray

    cduray Active Member

    I just separated my boy girl twins (nearly 1 year old) because I thought they woke up earlier than they would if they slept seperately (it was between 5-5:30). It's been nearly one week of separation and NO problems...and they are sleeping an hour longer. I never thought 6:30 would be later for me!

    DH had a really hard time emotionally with the separation but now agrees it was a good thing!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are in daycare too, and nap in the same room with 10 other kids -- I have no idea how it works, but it does!

    At home, we have been separating them at nap time since 6 months. They sleep in the same room at night and that is fine (well, I think Amy wakes Sarah up every morning, but Sarah is used to it!). But at nap time they would totally keep/wake each other up. When they were babies it was not intentional, just that they would both fuss before falling asleep, but now that they're toddlers, they just party. :D

    It's kind of a drag never being able to use our home office on weekends when Amy is sleeping in the PNP in there, but we've been doing it for 2.5 years now, so I guess we can keep it up for as much longer as they keep napping.
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    At night, the boys share a bedroom, but not for naps.

    Jackson sleeps in his crib at nap time, while Jacob sleeps in a PNP in the spare room. It's not really a spare room... it's our workout/guest/ miscellaneous junk room.

    This works really well for us and we plan to keep it this way. Sometimes, when one of them is having sleep issues, we will separate them in the middle of the night (or just at bedtime).
  7. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I've separated mine for naps since they were 6 mos old. They share a room at night, though, but have been separated frequently during rough night sleeping spells too (which we're currently dealing with actually!). I was really hoping to get them back into the same room for naps when they transitioned to 1 nap, but none of you above posters gave me any hope ;)! Mine also nap with 6 other kids at daycare, but at seems if the other even rolls over, they wake each other up! It's sooo annoying! I guess the PNP in the spare bedroom may stay up for a while longer than I anticipated.....
  8. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We've decided very early on that we would just wait until they were older to separate them if they want. I have one great sleeper who could sleep through tornadoes, which is good because her sister is one. So few problems, and I think they like being together, but they are sooo different that I think down the road they'll want their own rooms. Otherwise, I'm knocking out a wall and expanding their room, into the small room next door, which I think would be totally cool.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We moved ours into their own rooms at 18 mos. They sleep schedules were a little different and giving them their own space made such a huge difference. I wish we had done it sooner.
  10. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies! It gives us alot of info to talk about and work with!

    Thank you all Again & Take Care :)
  11. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    We switched our children to separate rooms at 13 months old and it is much easier. I'm so happy we made the switch because they do sleep better and longer. When one cries we don't have to worry too much about waking the other. They did not have a problem with it . . . we moved into a new home at the time.
  12. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    We just seperated last week since we moved into a new house. The first night was rough, but now our ds sleeps better since our dd doesn't wake him. They are also napping much better. Two solid naps a day!
  13. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    We're planning to separate them in a couple weeks. We've had a rough few months, with teething and milestones and what not -- so inevitably, one is waking up the other....usually Kev is waking Karina, as she's the better sleeper.

    I think they'll do better with naps and nighttime being separated. If not, I'm sure I'll be posting about it, LOL.
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