Separating twins in school

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by WATJIL, Feb 13, 2007.


    WATJIL New Member

    Hi guys, My name iS Jill and I'm new to this site. Very nice. My b/g twins will be 4 in March. My son has moderate problems. Speech delays, OCD. We are in the process of of getting a true dx. They are in pre-school where Trent receives Speech and OT. My question is next year the teachers have recommended I separate them. Tara is very protective and motherly. Their teachers have over 40 years experience but very little with twins and none when one has a disability. Has anyone else had this problem?

    WATJIL New Member

    Hi guys, My name iS Jill and I'm new to this site. Very nice. My b/g twins will be 4 in March. My son has moderate problems. Speech delays, OCD. We are in the process of of getting a true dx. They are in pre-school where Trent receives Speech and OT. My question is next year the teachers have recommended I separate them. Tara is very protective and motherly. Their teachers have over 40 years experience but very little with twins and none when one has a disability. Has anyone else had this problem?
  3. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Jill!

    I just wanted to give you a link to the Twins 6-12 board. The subject of separating twins in school gets discussed quite often over there. You'll find lots of good information.
  4. Lacey

    Lacey Well-Known Member

    I should start off by saying that I am an identical twin. My mom separated us in the first grade because teachers recommended it and it was awful. We functioned ok but the homework was different, parties were at the same time, and double friends and different invites to their parties. The next year she put us back together and we weren't seperated again until 7th grade. Although we were in the same classrooms and all we were very independant and didn't freak out when the other was sick and didn't go to school. I was the protective one, Kelly had ocd and was a worry wart and I took up for her alot and worried about her even when I was also ready to beat her up. We had our share of fights I must say.

    I am also from kentucky. I am from mount sterling were are you from?
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    My boys are actually in two different schools! Marc is in the Nursery school where they started, and Jon is in the Preschool Disabled program because of speech and behavior issues.

    I would go with the teachers suggestion. If your daughter is mothering him, she is also hindering his speech--she will talk or interpret for him. He will do much better when forced to speak for himself. I found that both of my boys had characteristic surface as soon as they were apart from one another.

    Good luck with your decision.
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If your daughter is mothering him, she is also hindering his speech--she will talk or interpret for him. He will do much better when forced to speak for himself. I found that both of my boys had characteristic surface as soon as they were apart from one another.

    It sounds like they need to be separated. My MIL teaches kindergarten and is the mom of twins (my BILs). She says that she has always seen twins do better when they are separated. One year she had a a set of triplets in her class. The next year, they were in separate classes based on my MIL's recommendation. And I know that the triplets mom thanked her for having them separated.
  7. doubletroublesma

    doubletroublesma Well-Known Member

    I am keeping mine together for kindergarten, then I think I will seperate them come grade one. My daughter is very motherly over my son and she is the younger of the two, which I have come to learn means nothing LOL.

    Ryan will tell you that "my have a sister to do it for me" and thats a big no no, on the flip side if the preschool teachers ask Ryan a question Sierra will come clear across the room and answer for him, again another no no.
  8. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    As a former teacher, i would recommend that they be separated. I think most all twins do better that way for the reasons mentioned above.
  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    K&K are separated much for the reasons you describe. I can't answer your question about should you separate them as only you and your family can make that call. I will say it was the right decision for us to separate them!

    Good luck!
  10. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Based on the information that you gave I think that if the teacher recommends separating them you should. In our town twins are separated in the first grade. I would discuss it with your children's teachers. [​IMG]
  11. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I'm going to be the oddball and say go with what you feel is right. If you agree with the teacher than go for it but if your heart/gut tells you something different then do what feels right for your family.
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