Separating kids for naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, May 14, 2011.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My 2-year-old DS won't nap in his toddler bed. (We converted his crib because he was climbing out). It's been over a week now and he won't nap in his bed, although he sleeps pretty well at night. DD has been in a toddler bed since last summer and she naps great in it. DS is just off the walls during nap time and keeps up DD, who wants to nap. I tried sitting in their room for 15 min. but he just kept getting up and trying to engage me, even though I wouldn't talk to him. It is also a challenge for my to sit in their room because I have a baby who does not usually nap at that time.

    So for the past few days I have given DS "3 strikes" and then moved him into our office in Pack-n-Play, which he has not tried to climb out of yet. So my question is, should I continue to attempt having him nap in his toddler bed, or just nap them separately. Will the novelty wear off eventually? I would really prefer to have them nap in the same room. The PNP takes up a big part of our office and the room is hard to childproof well, which will be an issue once he decides to climb out of the PNP. Also, since sleeping in the PNP in the office, he usually only naps 45 min. and wakes up unhappy. Previously, he had been napping 1.5 to 2 hours.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It can just be the novelty. When we switched out of cribs it took 10 days for my kids to start napping consistently again. I'd wait another week or so then yes I'd have to separate.
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    It could be the novelty or you may need to separate them. Mine were really good nappers in their cribs but once we switched to toddler beds at 2Yrs 5Months, they stopped napping well. They were climbing out of their cribs so going back was not an option. We tried for over two weeks to get them to nap together and eventually we had to separate them, I would leave one in the room and the other would lay down in our bed to sleep. It worked quite well for us and continues to work well when they nap (about twice/week).

    They are just too entertaining to each other to settle down and nap together, we even took all the toys out of their room and it was still too much fun!
  4. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I can't respond regarding the toddler bed issue since we didn't move the girls out of their cribs until 3 1/2, but I definitely have to separate them at nap time to get them to sleep. At night they are fine together, but during the day, I have to separate them.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    oh ugh! would it help if you put one down first?? I tried toddler beds at 2 yrs and gave up... now at 3 yr my ds got converted b/c he kept breaking the crib tent... and I've noticed that sometimes he is so wound up, that if I give my dd even just a 10 min head start she'll get to sleep and I make my ds wait in the hallway, I'll wait with him... then I'll put him in the bed and it seems to help.

    good luck. ugh for beds!
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