Separating for naps at almost two years old?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sara26, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    This is the second day in a row now where my girls have played and talked and screamed with each other before finally falling asleep. And only one of them is sleeping - the other one is still up there talking to herself. I put them down at 12:30 and it was 1:45 before one of them fell asleep. Yesterday the same thing happened and one of them sat up there for two hours without sleeping at all. That's the first day of her entire life that she hasn't had a nap!

    Do you think I need to separate them? Maybe if they're in different rooms and they don't have anyone to play with they'll fall asleep faster? Anyone else experience this?

    TIA :)
  2. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    I guess if you had the room, you could give it a try....couldn't hurt. We don't have the extra space, so I don't give it a thought, but I think I would be torn with the idea. My girls do this a lot too. But my thinking is that even if they don't sleep soon after I put them down, at least it's a break in the day where they have very limited stimulation (other than each other!). At least that's what I tell myself when hour one has passed and they're still jibber jabbering! Good luck...
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I tried to do that the other day, but they had already been down in their cribs for too long.....I just waited too long & by the time I tried it, they were ready to just get up. Today was easier; they finally fell asleep but there was a lot of giggling & babbling before. I'd probably give it another day or 2 & see if they're still doing it. If you have room for a separate nap place, it wouldn't hurt to try!
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If I had the space I would seperate my two younger boys into their own rooms. They just have way too much fun together! LOL In the last week or so it's gotten better so if you aren't able to seperate them they should get past it eventually.
  5. berebunch31

    berebunch31 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely - separate them! I had to separate my girls around that age, and naps have gone much more smoothly. They were doing the same things as yours, and separating them has made all the difference in the world. They still sleep together at bedtime, but naps are separate.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine had been separated for naps since 6 months, but at about 23 months, I decided to start putting them together. I wanted to get rid of the pack & play and I wanted our home office back at naptimes.

    It went great for the first 3 days, then it went horribly and we had the partying problem. I reversed course and re-separated them, and we're back to having good naps again. So I can at least say that separating them makes a difference. :rolleyes:
  7. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    We had to seperate at about that age, and push the naps back a bit. I think they were napping closer to 1-130. Bed time was still fine together.
  8. MEARA

    MEARA Well-Known Member

    I have had this problem too. One day they were in there for four hours and all it did was make me more and more frustrated. So now, I put them in and let them play for 20 minutes, then I bring a chair and a book into the room with them and tell them in a whisper to lay down and close their eyes. So I sit and repeat this when they start stirring again until they actually fall asleep. I found it gives me a few minutes out of the day to get lost in a book and be calm, plus they get their giggle time in. I end up spending less time doing this(it takes me about a 1/2 then rather than a 4 hours battle) The one time I tried to separate them, Olive passed right out, but Ivy got so mad she pulled a chunk of her hair out. Maybe that was coincidental, but now we have a behavioral problem to work on. I'm not separating them until they are able to TELL me to. Besides, I enjoy hearing them interact with eachother and make up when they bump heads and stuff ;)
  9. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I separated my boys for the same reason for naps (before I eventually separated them to their own rooms). I would put the one I trusted on my bed, and he had no issues sleeping. The other would stay in their room. No issues sleeping.

    It worked until the trusted one would start getting into stuff on my headboard before he would crash for his nap. At about 26 monts, we separated rooms, and then he could nap in his own bed. Worked well.
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