Separate outings

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rtj, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    I am taking one twin to physical therapy once a week and I get a sitter for the other twin and my older child. I actually have teenage twins babysitting them. One of them said that they were not ever separated (like one goes to the store and other stays) until they were 2 and when it happened, they freaked out.

    Anyway, I had never thought about doing separate outings when they were this young but it has been forced to happen and I was just wondering how many of you make a point to do separate activities when they are toddlers (I know when they get older, it will become very important).
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do and love it! We sometimes go out for a few hours split up, then the next day switch. Both kids like it and I'll admit, it's freeing to grab a baby, buckle and go. (Only 1/2 the work). It's also nice to have 1 on 1 to really appreciate the personality of the one you have with you.
  3. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    We don't do it a lot, but we do it. But we have with all our kids. It's usually when DH is home from work and one of us runs to the store or something. We rotate through who gets to go along. Sabrina has also gotten a little more one-on-one just because of appointments. My oldest babysits when we have them during the day. Sometimes though I'll take both girls, even if it's an appointment just for Sabrina.
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    We've been trying to make a point of doing it lately. Mostly so DH can have more time with the girls or more specifically one girl at a time. He still has a hard time telling them apart and it's because he doesn't spend much time with them. Usually when we split up he takes our son and I take the girls. Lately we've been trying to split the girls up so the parent with 2 kids has Dannik and one of the girls. I think it might help Dannik get to know his sisters too as he still refers to them as "my babies" and rarely specifically as Amélie or Audrée.

    We have been starting of us will stay upstairs and the other one will be in the basement or one inside playing and the other outside. I think it's good for every child to get special one on one time with each parent even for small amounts of time once in a while even though it can sometimes be hard to manage!
  5. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I need to start doing more of this as well, I have been taking one of my girls for doctor's appointments on her own, dealing with a little issue, so going to specialists etc, so not appropriate to bring her twin along. Now she figured out any time I am taking her alone, it's for nothing fun, so I need to do something for her.
  6. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Whenever our girls donot have the same naptime or nap duration, one of us would take whoever awake 1st to the market or errands etc... on the weekend. We like it as it give some mix in our weekend.
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    It's rare for us, but I LOVE getting to go out with just one of my twins, and they love it too!
  8. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    We don't make a point to do it, but it happens. There have been times when one of our sons has an appt. and the other doesn't. If it's at a doctor's office in the middle of flu season, for ex., there's no way we're taking both and risking any unnecessary exposure (plus the work of getting 2 vs. 1 all bundled up and in the car). Or, sometimes my hubby will take DS1 to the grocery store or elsewhere when DS2 decides to take a second nap.
  9. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    I do it once a week when I go grocery shopping. I take one with me one week and then the other the next week. I've always dones this, right from tiny baby age.
    Some people think I'm mad because I could leave them both at home, but I actually enjoy having that one on one time.
    Plus I think that it's good for them too so they can learn to sosialise without the other for back up.
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