Separate bedrooms?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by monica77, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member


    Vanessa and Max will be 18 months next week, they are still in cribs (hopefully for a while longer) and for now they share a room. We have a spare bedroom where we eventually think Max will move, but when is it a good time to separate them? I am thinking to keep them together until they ask to be separated later on, being that they are a boy and a girl, but I want to know your experience, with older twins, when did you move them in their own room and how was it? Did anyone think they should have done it sooner? For now they are fine to be in the same room, but at times we think they may fall asleep easier at night in separate rooms.

    Thank you and have a great weekend,

  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At 3.5 my girls still share a room & at this point will indefinitely as we don't have an extra room. In fact, at some point, Emmett will probably be joining them. :pardon: As long as they aren't overtired, they sleep really well together. If they're overtired, it takes for them to settle down as they keep each other wound up.

    I did separate them for naps right after Emmett was born. They were ready to drop their nap (evidence by playing for two hours & then crashing, sleeping for 45 minutes, being complete bears through the afternoon/evening & then not falling asleep until 9:00pm) but with a newborn I still needed them to rest in the afternoon so that I could lay down. I ended up with one in my bed with me (trading off each day), Emmett in his crib in my room & the other in her own room. They started sleeping again for 1.5 - 2 hours each afternoon which worked well. Now I'm doing ok without an afternoon sleep so the girls just do "quiet" time together in their room each afternoon.
  3. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    My girls are 6 and still share a room. They might always. My older 3 kids shared a room until my oldest was 9. But that was just necessity, we lived in a 2 bedroom house. If we'd had another bedroom in that house I would have probably separated them when she was 5 or 6. As it was we worked to give her a little extra privacy. She had a loft bed and the area underneath it was just hers and sometimes she hung sheets or blankets to kind of block it off.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I let my b/g share a room until one started keeping the other up, it was right before they turned 4. I miss my extra room, so when my mom comes to visit, she has to stay in the office instead of the extra room. But we kept them together as long as we could. Now they want to take separate baths.
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke still share a room, they just turned 8. There is a 'spare' room in their house but at the moment it is being used as their Dad's work space/office and they haven't expressed any desire to separate. They do know that eventually Naomi will get the spare room as her bedroom and that will probably happen in the next year or two.
    Alyssa and Bryony shared a room until they were almost 7 when they decided they wanted their own rooms and Bryony moved into what had been the spare bedroom. They had been talking about having/asking for their own rooms for a few months, so they were happy with the change. They worked out the logistics (who would get each room) between themselves which was useful as the spare room is much smaller. They decided that B would move to that room and take her special things/toys and all the shared toys would stay in the larger room. The majority of their clothes are still in A's room as well (B only has one small drawers, A has two plus the wardrobe). They also decided that the larger room would stay as a joint play area, that is generally where they go when playing upstairs alone or with each other/their friends.
  6. Feydruss

    Feydruss Active Member

    We'd always separated them for naps (one upstairs in their bedroom, and one in the Joovy Room[sup]2[/sup] in the downstairs den). We were having a lot of trouble at night, and decided to separate them at about 12m adjusted. They've slept great ever since. My boys have slightly different sleep schedules, one is more delayed sleep phase than the other, and when they shared D would wake M up too early, and M would keep D up too late at night. Thankfully we have two bedrooms upstairs for them, so it worked out well. Now they're both STTN, sometimes up to 12hrs straight!
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    At four, Jack and Anna still share a room. Separating them means I lose my home office, so I'm in no hurry. It still works fine for us, and we will probably separate them down the road when they ask.
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