Separate bedrooms?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JoannaD, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    My twins definitely wake each other up during naps and in the middle of the night. We went through a bad spell of sleeping about 2 weeks ago where they were up every 2 hours all night long. We had stopped swaddling C and he kept stirring and waking himself up, which was waking E up as well. Once we started swaddling C again, they both slept ok (not great, but not horrible). But the first baby up in the middle of the night always ends up waking the other baby. Last night, they went back to waking every 2 hours (I think E may be teething) and waking each other up. We've been thinking about putting them in separate bedrooms to help with that. We have the space to do it, but have been hesitating because we'd have to break down the crib to move it, get another monitor, etc. Has anyone else put their twins in separate bedrooms? Was it permanent or temporary? If it was only temporary, how long did you separate them? Did they eventually learn to sleep through the other one crying?

    Is it crazy that it makes me a little sad to separate them? It seems like I always hear about twins loving to share a room with each other.
  2. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    Mine have been seperated since about 5 months. What works for one person may not work for another but it def has worked for us! If you have the space, try it! We only have a 3 br house so we no longer have a storage/guest bedroom but who cares, they and us are sleeping!!
  3. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    We kept one in their room and one in ours up until this week. Now we are trying to put them back in the same room. So far it is working okay. The biggest problem isn't them waking each other up, it is them not knowing how to STTN.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I wish we had room to separate ours - they do sometimes wake each other up, but more than that, it is making sleep training difficult. We have a three bedroom house, but we have to keep a guest room for our out of town family, so we just can't separate them. If I could, I would definitely go ahead and separate them. We plan to move in a couple of years and will probably do it then.
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Alyssa and Bryony had separate rooms when they were little. Not sure on the exact timing but I think they were separated (with one crib in their parents room) from about 6-11 months and then again from 19 months until they switched to proper beds at 2 1/4.
    They shared a room until just after they turned 7 when they decided that they wanted to have their own rooms, and decided between themselves who would stay in their bedroom and who would move into the little bedroom. They kept the vast majority of the toys and books and all their clothes in the larger room and that is the room they play in, so it's still sort of a shared room.
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