Seeing babies before choosing names

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by [email protected], Mar 21, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I saw at least one post that said they saw their baby before choosing a name. How many others have done this? I am thinking that is where we are headed with our girls, and this is new for us. We had our singletons' names picked out very early in pregnancy!

    And how did you decide which twin got what name? :huh:
  2. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    We had our names picked out but didn't "assign" the babies names until they were born- we thought we'd wait til we saw them for the first time and see who was who... it wasn't as magical as I thought- everyone kept asking who's Baby A, who's Baby B, so dh let me decide and I did while flat on my back recovering from the early minutes of my c section. I'm happy with how we did it, though...
  3. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Well I always felt that Ryan was the left twin and Zachary was the right, BUT I also worried that their names might not fit them, so I thought I should see them first.. BUT on the way to the hosptial the hubby said he waould take care of it! SO he named them all by himself when they popped out.. AND then later I realized that he had named them the way I would have.. Zach on the right and Ryan on the left..
  4. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I promised my sisters that if I ever had twin girls I would name my twins after them (thinking that I would NEVER have twins). So, when we found out we were having twin girls, their names were picked. However, when they arrived, my dh & I couldn't call them by their first names (my sisters' names) - they just didn't look like Emily & Charlotte. So, after we saw them, they went by their middle names & still do.
    Good luck. Names are so hard!
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We never found out what we were having, just knew that it was twins. We had a list of names to choose from and weren't sure what we were going with. When I woke up from my emergency c/s to find out it was a boy and a girl, we went through some of the names and chose Nolan and Meghan.

    With Liam, again, we didn't find out the sex. I came out (again, had to be put under) and they told me I had a boy. Doug wanted to know what I wanted to name him. I told him I needed to see ALL of him to name him. Once they took of his little diaper, I said I would like to name him Liam. (Again, we went in with a list of names, we just didn't know until we saw our kids)
  6. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

    i always called my baby A Kaylin, and Baby B was Keigin ever since i was prego. Thats just how i felt and i went off of their personalities.
  7. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    We're not waiting to meet them to name them because DH and I have always known our first boy name since we started dating 15 years ago. It was harder picking 3 more alternate names (2 girls & 1 boy) when we found out we were having twins. We had already been calling our baby, whom we thought was a singleton, by his chosen name. So it made sense that the second baby boy will get the new name we picked out. So Baby A has always been Cameron since before he was conceived, and Baby B is Evan because that's what we came up with as our additional boy name.

    Thank goodness we didn't have a girl because DH and I are still arguing over that and we know we're having boys.
  8. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    We named our all children b4 they were born. Our twins were easy becuase they were B/G :)
  9. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    We had the names picked out and assigned before birth. Somehow I just knew Candace would be the "older" one, Baby A and Cassidy would be the "younger" one, Baby B. Not sure why, just instinct :D. I'm very happy with how their names seem to fit them the way we named them!
  10. de_acevedo

    de_acevedo Active Member

    It took us FOREVER to come up with names for our boys. We knew one of them was going to have my hubby's father's name, Agustin, who passed away when he was 13, as a middle name so he automatically became in my mind the first born which is baby A b/c he has always been head down and "first" in line to be born. We are Puertorrican and have lived a life of people butchering our names so it was a MUST that their names sound good in english and in spanish and that my spanish relatives could pronounce it as well as future class mates.

    Then I started searching the bible for inspiration and looking at name meanings. It didn't have to be from the bible as long as their names didn't mean something negative like "bitterness" or "dog"...etc

    So after many trial and error combinations, we settled on Brandon Agustin Acevedo and Sebastian Alexander Acevedo. (poor kids will have a fun time with spelling... but they have smart genes so i am sure they won't have a prob! lol) I did not want to assign names until i saw them but everyone keeps asking who's who so i am almost certain, based on personalities that Brandon is Baby A on the right who continues to be in line with first born, and Sebastian is the one on the left, baby B, who has always been the smaller baby but in my last sonogram actually weighed in higher. Competitive little guy. But I won't seal the deal until i see them. but i think i will be right.

    P.S. Brandon Agustin means= beacon hill, majestic

    Sebastian Alexander means= revered defender of mankind
  11. girls429

    girls429 Active Member

    since i chose the names , i have referred to baby A as gianna and baby B as gabriella, the middle names came later after the grandmothers picked them. i picked all my kids names before they were born
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We had our 2 names picked out, but DH did not want to assign them in utero, he wanted to see them first. So since I had a c-section at 31 weeks I just briefly got to see them before they took them into the side room for the NICU team to work on them. DH was allowed to go in there with them, so he assigned their names!

    And he did an excellent job. Their names fit them to a tee.
  13. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    We had the names picked out before the girls were born but decided to wait until they were here before we assigned the names to each girl. Just as well too because we thought Baby A would be Charlotte and Baby B Emma and we ended up switching it after they were here.
  14. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    With the twins we had our names picked out before. With this pregnancy, since we don't know what it is, we have three names for either sex and once we see the baby we will decide on a name. It has been a lot of fun not knowing this time but a lot harder finding names.
  15. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    With our singleton boys, we had names narrowed down to 2-3 but no firm decision until they were born. DS#1 didn't have a name for 2 days! Finally our nurse had a son with the same name as our 1st choice and we decided that was a sign.

    We're probably heading into the same situation with these girls. We have names picked out (and some alternates). I won't let anyone personalize anything with a name til we see them and know which fits.
  16. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    We have names picked out (although we tell everyone that we're still deciding, mainly because we don't want everyones opinions on them first), but we're not completely set in stone yet, because we want to see them before they get named. They're boy/girl though, so its not like we're going to have a hard time deciding who is who!!
  17. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    We had the twins names picked out at about 32 weeks (I delivered at 34 weeks). We ONLY had 2 names that we both 100% agreed But, we decided to wait until we saw them to pick who was going to have what name.

    After they were born, they were taken to the NICU and DH went with them. Everyone kept asking who was who, so I told DH to go ahead and pick. He thought I was and kidding. Nope! He picked who was who and couldn't have done a better job! it would be weird if he had picked the other way!
  18. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    We had a list of 4 names. We waited until we saw the babies to name them. I named Eli in the operating room. Max didn't get named until 3 days later. He just didn't look like the other 3 names we had chosen. We had to go back to the baby name book & make another list. Dh had originally said he wouldn't name any kid of his Max.......... That name did make it to our second list & just seemed to be the one that suited him best. I just couldn't have named them without seeing them first. Until they were born we called them A & B.
  19. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    We have a few names picked out, but will wait to see them before assigning them a name. Of course, we do not know the genders either so we kind of have to wait. We have three girl names and two boy names we really like so we will see what happens. We had both of the singletons names picked out before they were born though.
  20. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    We only had one name picked out before they were born - we always referred to baby A as Addison ever since we picked the name! and baby b was our unnamed baby! seeing the baby wasn't the problem - it was agreeing on a name!! if we could have agreed on a name, we would have named them sooner! it is weird because I never really thought about it but Addison just fits Addison and Ava just fits Ava!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! just wait until you can kiss those toothless little mouths, having twins is so awesome!!!! I can't even put into words how cool this is!!!
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