Seeing a specialist!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jenpoe, May 27, 2010.

  1. jenpoe

    jenpoe Well-Known Member

    So when I had my ultrasound last Thursday, the babies were smaller than they should be right now, even for twins. The doctor told me on Monday when I saw him that my little girl is in the 6th percentile and the boy is only in the 8th. On Monday I was 27 weeks 2 days and measuring 33.5. He referred me to a specialist who is about an hour drive from where I live, and I am going to see him tomorrow.

    I'm somewhat nervous, but they also checked the blood flow in the cords because of their low weight, and they said that was normal. So, as far as my doctor has been able to tell himself things are okay, other than they are just small. But I am really glad he took the initiative to refer me to a specialist, because a second opinion would probably eliminate my worries if they say the same thing!

    In other news, I am almost officially in the 3rd trimester! :)
    We got our cribs set up last weekend, and I also have a second baby shower being thrown for me on the 2nd! Things are falling together and getting so close!
  2. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I hope the second opinion from the specialist goes well and you can put your mind at ease!! Keep us posted!
    Congrats on making it to the 3rd trimester!! :wub: You're doing great!!
  3. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My boys were always on the smaller side of the scale (they still are.) My OB was very proactive and probably a bit over cautious but I loved that about her. Glad to hear your doctor has the same approach. I'm sure the specialist will put your mind at ease! Keep us posted!
  4. jenpoe

    jenpoe Well-Known Member

    Well, apparently something has changed in the week between one ultrasound and the next, because when I was checked at the specialist's office they had gone from the 6th and 8th percentiles to the 38th and 37th. So he said they are small but not hugely so. They said they're probably about 7 days behind the size of a singleton at this time, that's not bad. I'll be going up to see him again in a month.

    Also, he's basically said no more than half an hour of activity (like on the feet doing anything activities, even shopping!) at a time and that I have to rest at least a few hours a day. Very hard to do with a 2 year old whose dad is in the week before production directing Cabaret at the community theater. I'm suuuper tired.

    But yeah, appears things are going well. He said that from what they saw Friday there was little chance from what he can tell that we'll have to have the babies early at all.

    Oh and I am officially in 3rd trimester today!!
  5. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    So glad to hear that everything is okay with you and the babies!!! keep up the great work!!
  6. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    YAY! That is awesome news! :) Either a major growth spurt or the readings from the first u/s were a bit skewed! Either way - good growing babies! :)

    Good luck getting some extra rest - with my earlier babes I'd convince the toddler to have a nap with Mum - worked almost every time.
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