Second Degree Chemical Burns?!?! So upset!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Marbear, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    Ok, the boys have had sensitive skin from the get go...a real change for me since my first son didn't have a rash until 18 mos of age and that was after an 8 hour car ride. We were on pampers swaddlers but I noticed a pink tinge to their skin that was under the dipe (almost like they were wearing pink underwear after you took off the dipe). Anyway, we switched out to Huggies since we never had issues with them with our first. We quit using wipes and started putting plain water on a viva towel. We called the doctor and they told us to try lotrimin with a barrier ointment over it for 3 days and call back if it didn't work. Did that. Got the nystatin prescription, tried that for a week and a half (said it would take two weeks to work). I go to the doctor today and he says they have first and second degree chemical burns on their diaper area. I ask what chemical and if I should switch to cloth diapers. They tell me to continue not using commercial wipes but stick with disposables AND that the burns are from POOP. WHAT??? I change these kids diapers fast and constantly. I will interrupt a feeding to change a diaper. We go through two chock-full wal-mart bags of dirty diapers every day. We even had to go get a 5 gallon garbage can because I went through the 2.5 gallon can twice EVERY DAY. I feel like they think I am a bad mom for this happening, but I honestly know I change these diapers constantly. I feel so bad for the boys. I also feel kind of judged, though the doctor said it was probably a "perfect storm" situation between sensitive skin, commercial wipes, tons of poops, and me being on an antibiotic that seeped through my breast milk and caused lots of diarrhea. I feel so guilty but I honestly have done EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I can. We have gone through $95 of diaper creams in the 6 weeks they have been alive.

    I am wondering if the nystatin aggravated it...they repeatedly warned me to wash my hands because it was so harsh and could not get into the eyes.

    I feel like THE WORST MOTHER EVER. Do they think I am neglecting my kids???
  2. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I'm sure NO ONE is questioning your mommy skills! You're doing a great job and the doctor knows that too. Like they said, the planets just seemed to be aligned on this one. Don't go another minute second-guessing yourself. Just follow the docs orders and deal with the situation as best you can. Everyone knows what a difficult job this is and they also know how wonderfully you're doing it!
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Yep, I was thinking it was from the poop as well.

    It happens to my guys also. No matter how fast I change their diaper afterwards.

    I hope it gets better for you guys! [​IMG]
  4. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Wow, that seems like quite a harsh term for diaper rash. Some kids are just sensitive; it isn't your fault!

    thanks for mentioning abou the Nystatin; no one ever told me that and I use it on the girls.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    It happens don't be hard on yourself. You might try a different kind of diapers. Mine break out when they wear anything but pampers or huggies but I've heard of kids being allergic to those too. If that doesn't help you might go with cloth.
  6. NadiaDominique

    NadiaDominique Well-Known Member

    The same thing happens to my girlies. I change their diapers as soon as I know they are done pooping and yet it happens sometimes. I used the prescription ointments from my pedi, but in the end I stuck with A & D diaper ointment. It works great. I also try to showers the girls if I notice they have diarrhea or just pooping a lot during the day. This keeps the irritation down and their area clean and free of poopoo burns.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Nobody thinks you're a bad mom because they have a diaper rash. My guys both are healing from a nasty nasty diaper rash they got the other day. Diarrhea will chew up a baby's bottom in no time! You can try letting them air dry a bit, if they are having diarrhea you can use Maloxx to coat their bottoms, it will neutralize some of the acid in the poop.
  8. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh, the EXACT same thing happened to me when my girls were 8 weeks old!!! We FINALLY figured out the diaper rash was from the meds I was on. I was on penicillin and diflucan back to back b/c I got mastitis and a yeast infection in my breasts....sounds pleasant doesn't it?? I had to be on meds for a total of 4 weeks!!!

    I remember my girls' bottoms had open sores on them. I actually would cry when I changed their diapers b/c it looked so bad and it hurt them so badly. I finally realized it was from the meds in my breast milk and quit breast feeding. It cleared up in a day. I am not recommending you quit breast feeding, but it was a decision that I made to keep myself sane. It was so hard seeing my little babies in that much pain from the chemical burns.

    Do not be hard on yourself. It is not your fault at all!!! I wish I could give you a hug b/c I remember feeling the exact same way you do. And don't waste anymore money on diaper rash creams. Nothing is going to work except being off the meds - so you have three choices: keep breast-feeding and push through and just keep using a "barrier" with creams as best you can, quit breast feeding, or you can give them formula until you are off the meds, but pump so you won't lose your milk supply and then continue breast feeding after. I hope this helps!! Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions!!
  9. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    The meds have been out of my bloodstream/milk supply for over a week. Now I need time for that skin to grow back on their booties. It's so hard when the poop over 10 times a day EACH!

    I have seriously contemplated giving one bottle of soy formula to constipate them, but I know I would be trading in one type of pain (frequent poos over a sensitive area) for another (knotted up tummy). They'll be miserable either way, I guess [​IMG]
  10. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    All three of my girls have had terrible diaper rashes and yeast infections. My first daughter had her first and worst rash- it was so bad that she would not sit down, and it was bleeding. I went through tons of Rxs...some are worth it and some are not. Did you know that the Lotrimin that you buy OTC is actually stronger than the Niastatin? I think you are only supposed to use each of them about three times a day. The best Rx is 'Cholestralimine'(I know the spelling is wrong). It is a compound that only certain pharmicies will make, though our Target makes it with no problem, but it does take some time. Expensive...but wonderful. For everyday use, I make a mixture of Eucerin (from the tub, not generic) and Maalox. Mix it with/in a mixer until it is a consistency of frosting. I put all the Eucerin in the mixer, and added Maalox little at a time. This makes a lot, and it is cheaper than all the OTC creams. I slathered it on every diaper change...make sure the skin is very dry though, or it will not stick. Otherwise, we use Desitin all the time- never change a diaper without using something.
    Diaper rush is an angry red rash all over the tucous, starting in teh crease mostly. Any red bumps or mostly ridges are yeast- with my girls, they tend to go hand in hand.
    Paper towels are more difficult to use, so we still use wipes, but before I put them in the container, I rinse them in water (not one by one, but all together in the rectangle that they come in).

    Don't feel like you are a horrible mom! My SIL 'forgets' to change her son quite frequently- and he has never ever had a rash. Just goes to show that it has more to do with the baby's skin than the frequency. For us, we are always using something...more difficult, and sometimes seems useless, but keep on keeping on!
  11. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy! Like PP said, it has more to do with your babies' skin than it does with you changing the diapers quickly. Morgan and Jonah get changed at almost exactly the same frequency (minus poopies that occur at different times, but usually they go pretty close together). Morgan has had a diaper rash pretty frequently and excema...Jonah has perfect skin from head to toe.

    Give them some naked time every day and see if that helps some. I swear by flanders and mustela diaper cream. flanders you have to ask for at your pharmacy counter. Mustela you can order at (They have free shipping for purchases over $25 right now.)

    This too shall pass. Hang in there! Shannon
  12. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    My son has sensitive skin and I use Seventh Generation Diapers because they are chlorine free. It really made a difference in his skin. I also buy the wipes which are chlorine free too. They are more expensive but I buy them on and they end up not that much more then pampers.
  13. HH996

    HH996 Well-Known Member

    Similar thing hapened to our DS--- Bourdeux Butt Paste healed everything in 48 hours. We swear by it!
  14. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad. My daughter had a very severe diaper rash that was bleeding while in NICU--you know that the nurses there are on top of the diapers and cream. She has had several yeast infection/diaper rashes over the last 8 months and I change her every hour. She just has really sensitive skin. We use the A&D ointment when it is not really bad, I also get squares of gauze and use those for wipes (put in ziploc bag) and she can only wear Huggies. I have heard that Wal Mart brand of Desitin has 10% zinc in it (regular not creamy kind) and that is more than most. Good luck and your doing a great job!!!!
  15. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    This is not out of the ordinary (as you can see) I just thinkthat the wording is harsh.... we all have hydrochloric acid in our stomachs and some people (babies especially) don't makle enough intestinal neutralizers so you wind up with burning poopies. No mater how fast you change them there will be skin damge (the doc knows this). The faster you change the more you minimize the burns. I use something called Li'l goat it has 40% zinc oxide. I love it.

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