Screaming in the car

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    We have recently been talking about inside and outside voices, and they understand that yelling and screaming is for "outside" only. But lately, sometimes DD starts screaming (for fun) in the car, and because it upsets her brother. And, I am not sure what to do to stop it?? I tell her to "please your inside voice" and sometimes she stops and sometimes she just keeps screaming/yelling - and I am kind of at a loss as what to do - especially if I am somewhere when I can not pull over.
    I have told DS to just ignore her and cover his ears - which works a bit, but it doesn't stop DD from screaming, as she will often just scream louder. ugh!
    Any suggestions?
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I have to keep my kids minds busy or they scream, or tease, or ...

    We often sing songs in the car. I have a terrible voice but my kids don't know.
    We look for different kinds/colors of cars driving by us.
    We look at things by the road, stores, machines, trees, flags, etc
    We talk about what we just did or where we are going.
    We talk abou what we are going to do when we get home.
    Talk about family members/friends.
    Turn it into a game... who can find... or who can sound like.. (cow, dog, cat...)

    What ever it takes so tehy don't get bored and scream...
  3. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, I live the country and the roads are very empty, so this might not work for you. When one of my girls is yelling (for fun or in anger) or hysterical over some little thing, I slow down and pull over. I've done it a few times now, so just slowing down and mentioning I'm pulling over will quiet them down enough to listen to reason.
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I've had that issue with my kids. Each time, I'd give them a warning. If they wouldn't stop, I'd threaten to pull over. If they still wouldn't stop, I'd pull over. If that didn't work, I'd stop the car & start unbuckling them from their carseat. By that time, they realized I meant business & would typically stop. Only ONCE did I have to take Conner out of his seat & put him in a time out at a rest stop (don't worry, I stood right next to him as his time out was sitting by the tire).

    Now if they start to act up, it typically stops as soon as I threaten to pull over or give a time out. Aiden witnessed Conner's time out, so now both of them remember.

    I have a low threshold for screaming in the car so maybe I go a bit more drastic than some, but that's what worked for us!

    Oh, and of course I tried all the other stuff first....asking nicely, distracting, singing, ignoring, etc. My kids are just stubborn & LOVE to see mom riled up...which I quickly get with them screeching in the car!

    Good luck!
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Mine travel well but there are times when one will scream. The first time I tell them in a firm voice not to as I don´t like it. I, too, have a low threshold for screaming in the car, more so when Im driving. The second time they get super serious mum! It´s usually enough when they hear from my tone that Im not happy.

    They also have a toy each which keeps them amused and they like to comment on what they can see. If we are travelling far when it is naptime, close to bedtime, or they are just plain tired, I allow them to have their blankies and pacis and we never have a problem. They learned very early on that if they threw them on the floor then they went without (I once had to drive with DD whining all the way but she learned)!

    To be honest, Im lucky and rarely have any problems with my 2 when in the car as they love it. However, we havent travelled for more than 2.5 hours with them in one go.

    P.S. I have also found that by telling them they will go without something helps to stop the screaming. e.g. no going to the park once we get to grandma´s or I will take away their toy or paci. Now they are old enough to understand that and also that I carry out the threat!
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