screaming at bedtime

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kerry1976, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    DS is driving me bonkers! The last week he has started screaming at bedtime. Our routine hasn't changed and he usually babbles for about 10-15 mins then the screaming starts. Is this separation anxiety? If so, what is the best way to deal with it. The twins share a room and although DD doesn't usually wake if he starts wailing after she is asleep, it keeps her awake if she isn't quite asleep yet.

    He already naps separately from his sister in the spare room in a playpen. At first I thought that he might just be used to sleeping in the playpen but he has always slept in his crib at night and we have never had a problem until a week ago.

    Should I separate him completely and let him have his own room so if he wants to CIO he can without disturbing DD?

    feeling frazzled!
  2. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member


    We're having this exact same issue - as we "speak"!! I hoping some BTDT TSers will have some advice!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    YES! Our separation anxiety started at 8 months with my DS#1 and #2 (Patrick #3 is not that bad). Kevin is still going through it. It might be a while because John had it off and on for about 2 years! Sorry you and going through this. It's definitely a tough phase. :hug99: Just know that he is ok though and it will pass. :) :hug99:
  4. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    We had this exact same thing happen to us somewhere between 7 months and now (8ish months). Ours turned out to be more of a growth spurt thing. I know that sounds weird, but we started feeding them a lot more solids and they crying stopped tremendously. We weren't starving them before, but I think we were just doing one jar each meal when they needed more like two jars for bfast and lunch and two shared (about 1 each) for dinner. Could it be teething? That has been causing us some tears for a few weeks now. Also, I'd check real careful if he is pulling his ear. We also had an earache happen at about the same time.

    As for it being separation anxiety, I thought the same thing too. but the more I thought about it, it was really only happening at night time that one or both of them was really crying like that. I think it was the hunger/earache combo and not sep anxiety. There is some crying when I leave the room but nothing like night time. I'd try to pay attention to the crying when you just leave the room. If it happens during the day too then it truly might be anxiety. otherwise, I'd check for other things.

    I hope that helps. Shannon
  5. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    My dd did that at 8 months. She would stand in her crib and scream unless someone was in there. I would pat her back for a few minutes to calm her down, and she would fall asleep. The problem with that is she would wake during the night and expect me to do it at 3 a.m. I finally put the babies cribs side by side so she could see that Cameron was in the room with her. She did still cry and she cried long and hard (over an hour) for about 3 nights until she decided it was getting her nowhere and she quit. I found that if I looked in the room or checked on her the wailing would be even louder. Cameron would sleep through her screams. I felt like I was going to go crazy. I recomend the CIO for the quickest relief. It will be a long couple of nights until baby goes to sleep on own, but it is better than dragging it out. :hug99:
  6. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    I think CIO is the best option. He's definetly not sick and he isn't standing yet so I know that isn't it. If DD sleeps through it then I will let him CIO in his own room. Phew, how come they don't tell you this in all the books!

    I really appreciate the advice. It's nice to know I'm not alone and that it seems to be normal for babies to do this. I hope DD goes through it soon so I can get it over with! lol!
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Yep it does sound like seperation anxiety. Mine would not only do it at bedtime, but anytime during the day when I wasn't in their site.
  8. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Happened to us recetnly too...we stated trying to get them to bed without being held or taking their bottles.Rather they werent falling asleep with their bottles like they used to and with another on the way, this was our only option. anyways, they would scream and cry bloody murder until someone was in there. For a few nights, i took my laptop in and sat on the floor and worked on some stuff. I ignored them but it helped them fall asleep. After a few days, i ended up not having to do it and for 2 weeks now, we've been able to put them down, tell them good night and leave the room. They fall asleep normally after about 10 minutes. What did help us also b/c i think it made their room not so quiet was that we put a cd player with classical music on whenthey go to bed. It has birds chirping and frogs and stuff and they go straight to sleep without hearing the noises of the noisy neighbors or us walking about the house. Good Luck an dit's prolly just a phase. You could stry seperating him until he stops the crying thing and then put him back in his room, possibly after a week or so, we had to start like that - one in the pack and play and the other in his crib.

  9. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member screaming tonight! The only thing I did was change the time I do their bath. I was doing it after dinner about 5:30pm and then DH would come home and spend time with them while I made dinner, we'd eat and then they would have a bottle and go to bed at 7pm.

    Tonight, I gave them a bath at about 6:20pm put them both in DS's crib and gave them a bottle, I sat in the rocker and read a story while they watched the mobile. Then I popped DD into her own crib and they moved around a bit and the settled, they were both asleep by 7:15pm with no tears!

    I don't know if it is just a one time thing, but I will do it again tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed!
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