Screaming at bedtime

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kludelhoven, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    My twins are 6.5months old and starting just last week my son who was so easy to put to bed just started screaming at night when we put him into his crib. I mean screaming like he is being murdered, I left him CIO for an hour one night and he just couldn't calm himself. So i have been going in and patting his butt and rubbing his back until he settles and falls asleep. It can take anywhere from 5-10mins for him to settle. Any ideas whats going on, i think it could be teething maybe or at his 6 month WBV the Dr said they may start with separation anxiety(i swear she jinx us because that night it started). Anybody been through this, does it ever end and I doing something wrong by patting his butt??? Thanks in advance!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I remember with Annabella-she would be AWESOME at going down. I would seriously just give her the pacifier, her blanket-and she was good til the morning. But there were some nights where I would do that, and she just wasn't having it at all. And what worked? I would pick her back up, hold her for no more than five minutes and kinda rock her, or pat her, or sing to her, and then lay her back down. Sometimes it took two tries, but usually by the third time-she would be out. She may fuss for a few minutes, but she went right out. Maybe he just wants a few extra minutes with mom?

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong by patting his butt! Sometimes I would do that as well-whatever works! They need their sleep-and so do you! I hope it's a quick phase for you! Good luck!
  3. two41

    two41 Active Member

    I just went through this with one of my ten month old girls a couple of weeks ago. I was so upset by it because she was ALWAYS the better sleeper of the two, and I was so scared of some kind of regression back to the "early days" of sleepless nights for us all :( I tried just about everything. It lasted for about a week, and then it stopped just as abruptly as it started. She might have been teething, but she still has no teeth to show for it. The only thing I could POSSIBLY guess was that she had been learning how to stand up on things for a couple weeks but still didn't get how to get DOWN once up. So, that would upset her sometimes. When she finally figured out how to get down is when the whole screaming at night thing ended. Strange, but true.

    SO...I don't have much advice for you, but to keep doing what you are doing and I'm sure that it will pass. I'm not sure that it won't come up again, but I AM sure that it will pass...

    Good luck!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I think patting his butt to calm him is a great idea. I am sure its very soothing for him to have you there. I would do that over letting him cry for an hour any day. :pardon:
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    In my 2 years experience with my twins this happens about every couple of months! It's one thing or another; learning to soothe themselves to sleep, then teething, then sickness, or shots (I swear every time they get a shot they are weird for a few days), learning to sit up or stand, etc. Just stay consistant! Go in and do what you can. I was always in there for less a minute, sometimes I picked them up, but always as quickly as possible (depending on the age) and with no talking or eye contact. And it was always just for a week or so....
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