School do you send one when the other is sick?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ljcrochet, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This morning started early. At 6:40, Sydney came into my room very upset. She was crying so hard I could not make out what she was saying at first. She was upset that Dani did not want to come into my room too. I put her in my bed and try and get a little more sleep. Dani came in close to 7. I realize that Sydney feels like she is burning up. Not sure if it from being under the covers or not. So I take my shower, DH finishes working out and takes his shower. When he finished he touches sydney and tell me she is burning up . I was thinking that is what I told you and you said it was nothing. I run downstairs to get the thermometer. I hear DH call down for me to bring paper towels up. She threw up on the floor. I take her temp after I get her changed and it was 102. So of course she can't go to school and today is their holiday party/show.
    As soon as Dani hears that Sydney is staying home from school, she wants to stay home too. DH wanted me to let her stay home, not sure why.

    I was able to get Sydney a doctors appointment about 45 minutes before I had to take Dani to school. I had no one to watch Dani so she had to come. The whole time Sydney is trying to say she is not sick but is not getting up from the couch. Dani is saying she does not want to go to school without Sydney.
    Sydney has a sore throat but quick strep was negative. Dani told me to call my parents to come watch Sydney so I can go to the holiday party/show. My parents live about an hour and a half away. MIL leaves 25 minutes away, but was busy this morning with workmen in her house. She didn't know how long they would be. Luckly she is done and coming over to stay with sydney so i can go to the holiday parth.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My dh was the same way. Clayton wasn't feeling the best (with a cold) and he asked me about whether I'd send one with out the other and I said, of course I would. He just didn't seem to think that was right. The next day (school day) C was still sick adn Audrey was acting somewhat sick, so I did have BOTH of them stay home. BUT, if one was sick and the other not, the not sick one would be going to school. One evening A fell and hurt her arm. In the morning, she was still hurting so I sent C off to school alone. ABout 15 minutes later, A wanted to go to school, so I drove her in. Her arm was fine.
    SOrry she is sick. p.s. Clayton was fine with going to school without his sister and she was fine with staying home.. until her arm felt better!
  3. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    SOunds like a crazy morning. Most of the time if the boys are sick, it is generally on the days that I am scheduled to work. So I will normally send one and keep one home so that I can work from home. Definately can't do that with both of them around, but generally can with only one at home.

    Hope you enjoyed the holiday party!!
  4. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Depending on whether or not I feel like taking them all in or not. If it was public school, then they would definitely go, and the other would stay home.. but right now with them being in preschool/daycare, usually I will take the others to school so the sick one will be able to rest and I can try to get some things done at home, and tend to the sick child.

    I know there are germs in school too, but I try to keep them away from eachother as much as possible if they have something nasty, like a stomach bug.. so thats another reason I would send them, to prevent the others from getting what the one child has.(Its just so hard to monitor and clean up after several vomitting children at once)
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I absolutely send one when the other is sick. It's so much easier staying home with just one child -- especially if she's really sick. I even prefer it (not that I can control this) when they get the same illness on different days, so I wind up staying home for several days with one child at a time, rather than staying home for fewer days but with both kids.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I did this recently. Ali was sick and I sent Martin. For whatever reason, he was never affected. PHEW!!

    Enjoy the holiday! Show, I'm sure it's a little sad that Sydney won't be there with her! :hug:
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I always send the well one to school. Ask your DH if they were different ages would he want one to stay home if the other was sick? My guess is he would say, "Of course not!", then ask him why he thought one of the twins should stay home--my guess is he will start to think about it differently.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nolan was sick a couple of weeks back and I did keep Meghan home, too. Frankly, it was because I was too lazy to get all three kids dressed and out the door to drop one off at school. When you do take one and not the other, what do you do about drop-off? I have to go into the school to drop my kids off, so I would be taking Nolan into the school and back out to drop Meghan off. (This is pre-school, so I know that when they are older I would definitely send one without the other).
  9. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    I haven't yet figured out how to send the well one to preschool and keep the sick one home! Is that awful? It's not that they don't want to be separated (they could truly care less!) it's just that they both LOVE school so much, if one went and the other didn't get to go, they would FLIP. I bring my kids to school, and don't have anyone closeby to help out, so I'd have to bring the sick one along (getting out of the car, going into school, then having to tell them they aren't staying), and then bring them back home again. I need to work on this I think. I feel like it's not fair to keep the one that's feeling well home.
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We always send the well child to school when the other one is sick.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Dec 22 2008, 06:56 PM) [snapback]1119373[/snapback]
    When you do take one and not the other, what do you do about drop-off?

    If possible, I have DH take (and pick up) the well one. But if he's out of town or has a meeting or something, I just bring the sick one along. When they were littler, I'd put the sickie in the stroller and just leave her strapped in while I did the dropoff/pickup. Now that they're older, the sick one knows to just stand in the doorway (usually) and not come in and infect the whole classroom (of course, that's where she got it anyway).

    They do love school, but they also love staying home with Mommy. I explain before we leave the house that we're all going to school, but then one of them will come home with me. Usually the one who is staying home is more content, but neither of them gives me a lot of trouble about it.
  12. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Many of my friends when they had a sick child, would just bring the well one into preschool 5 min. late, so the halls were cleared, and then pick up 5 min early. Thereby keeping the sick child away from the traffic and other kids. Also, I have found that when a child is truely sick, they really don't want to go to school, no matter how much they love it.
  13. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Dec 22 2008, 05:08 PM) [snapback]1119615[/snapback]
    Many of my friends when they had a sick child, would just bring the well one into preschool 5 min. late, so the halls were cleared, and then pick up 5 min early. Thereby keeping the sick child away from the traffic and other kids. Also, I have found that when a child is truly sick, they really don't want to go to school, no matter how much they love it.

    That is so true. I put Sydney is the umbrella stroller (not strapped in). Dani was all excited to go in by the time we got to school, sydney had been sleeping in the car so she was half asleep in the stroller and showed no interest in getting up and going into class.
    I always send the well one to school. Ask your DH if they were different ages would he want one to stay home if the other was sick? My guess is he would say, "Of course not!", then ask him why he thought one of the twins should stay home--my guess is he will start to think about it differently.

    The funny thing with this is we have talked about it, and he was like of course the sick on would stay home while the well one went to school. No clue what changed his mind this morning, especially since he was planning on leaving work early to go to the holiday show. Of course he doesn't realize that Dani says she wants to stay home alot of morning when we are getting ready for school.
  14. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    my twins are not in school yet but as far as my oldest two, I do send my other child if one is sick. It does allow me to spend al ittle more 1 on 1 time with them and pamper them a bit then if they ewre bo th at home. We also don't take missing school lightly.
  15. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    yes, everyone else always goes to school.
    I need them to really, to be honest. It's hard to take good care of a sick child w/ the other one hanging around him.
  16. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Yep. Especially this last time around. One got Pneumonia, and we discovered was trying to cut her incisor teeth... double whammy. Everyone (including the baby) went to school but her. It took ALL of our (either DH or I, we took turns staying home) attention just for her. Between the 104 fever, trips to the ER (not taking meds, high fever, convulsions...) and the whiny, I just want to be held all the time routine, there's NO WAY we'd have been able to take care of the other two while she was home sick.

    That, and if the kids go even one day out of the week, we have to pay the entire week's tuition. I'm not one to waste $$, so if the weeks already started, they're going to finish unless they are to sick.

    ETA: Amanda is right. When the other stays home from school, she's just a distraction and a lot of times will keep her sister from getting the rest she needs.. (one is always sick, the other is never sick)
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