scheduling frustrations

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ~ilyse~, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Everything was going great, I was starting to get the hang of taking the babies out, feeding them in public, etc. Now they are napping for an hour ever 2 hours and still eating every three AND have graduated to the big stroller (no carseats!!). This is all good and ok but now I feel like how I felt when they were very little (it was winter and they were preemies) like I cannot bring them out. If they are asleep in the car (which I know they probably shouldn't be, unless it is naptime) when I take them out to put them in the stroller, they wake up and are not happy. I try to take them out to do at least one errand a day so they get used to going places awake but with the feedings and naps, it does not leave much time. I am trying to get them to go longer between feedings and nap longer, but so far it is unsuccessful, especially with ds. How does one manage with all of this with no help? It even makes me nervous about having people come see us, which I know is silly. Should I just keep them home for a while unless it is something absolutely necessary? Thanks in advance.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Ilyse, we rarely went anywhere when they were still on the 3 hour bottle schedule, it was just too much of a pain. I would just get out of the house, and it was time to feed again! At 8 months, we switched to a 4 hour, and it became much, much easier. At 11 months, we were off bottles, and life became "normal" again! FREEDOM!! You will get there too!
  3. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I just say the heck with it and go. I go out with them almost every day that I can. I wait until they get up from a nap, then change diapers and nurse (we are on a 3-hour schedule too) and then go, either to Target, the mall, a park, anywhere. I figure any catnap they get from the rides are a bonus, plus I want them to get used to changeups in their routine so they can "go with the flow." So far they are very good babies about going out, they love the different scenery and stuff, so I go with it and take them out!
  4. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kendraplus2 @ Jun 12 2007, 01:51 PM) [snapback]288936[/snapback]
    I just say the heck with it and go. I go out with them almost every day that I can. I wait until they get up from a nap, then change diapers and nurse (we are on a 3-hour schedule too) and then go, either to Target, the mall, a park, anywhere. I figure any catnap they get from the rides are a bonus, plus I want them to get used to changeups in their routine so they can "go with the flow." So far they are very good babies about going out, they love the different scenery and stuff, so I go with it and take them out!

    I agree with this too. I think trying to go out once a day (i.e. stroller ride, drive to target, etc...) is good for you and the babies. It's nice for a change of scenery. I know our little ones look forward to getting out of the house daily. They love going for stroller rides, etc... I can sympathize with them being premies and being nervous about going out, so instead of going to the mall, go to the park or take a stroller ride for 30 minutes. Once you start doing it, it gets easier. My dd was terrible when we would go out, she would just scream and cry until about 4-5 months. But now, she loves it. Hope things improve for you!
  5. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kendraplus2 @ Jun 12 2007, 01:51 PM) [snapback]288936[/snapback]
    I just say the heck with it and go. I go out with them almost every day that I can. I wait until they get up from a nap, then change diapers and nurse (we are on a 3-hour schedule too) and then go, either to Target, the mall, a park, anywhere. I figure any catnap they get from the rides are a bonus, plus I want them to get used to changeups in their routine so they can "go with the flow." So far they are very good babies about going out, they love the different scenery and stuff, so I go with it and take them out!

    I've become a bit this way myself. I usually pick one nap during the day that I don't mess with (for us it's the morning nap) and then the afternoon is up for grabs. We have lunch, change and get in the car. They'll snooze in the car and the stroller. They get crabby if they're asleep and I move them but they always settle down, either deciding to be awake and enjoying the scenery or going back to sleep.
    It always takes a little while to get used to something new.
  6. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the feedback ladies. I guess I will just try to continue on what I was doing, getting them out once a day the best I can. And eventually they will get used to it, they will have to.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Ilyse, we rarely went anywhere when they were still on the 3 hour bottle schedule, it was just too much of a pain.


    You will be able to get out without frustration soon enough.
  8. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    I agree with the get out and go, I think the babies need to get out a little, even if it is to pick up a gallon of milk at the store. If they fall asleep they fall asleep, if they wake up and cry then they are getting their aerobic exercise. I notice they do better and sleep better for me after we have gone out a little bit and now that they are noticing the world around them more they cry when we are out less frequently.

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