Scheduling a CSection

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ihartjelli, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. ihartjelli

    ihartjelli Member

    I was wondering how early your dr scheduled your csection. I am 28 weeks now and will see my OB when I am almost 30 weeks. We haven't discussed a date, let alone scheduling one. I know that i will be having a csection this time around and was thinking "oh my I'm already 28 weeks.... They are going to come soon." Both my OB and the peri don't think I will last beyond 35/36 weeks, which would be the first week in Feb at the latest... I am soooooooo not ready for my boys to be here yet!!!!
  2. kgrewal

    kgrewal Well-Known Member

    It was literally a day by day thing with me from about 30 weeks on. I saw my doctor basically 3 x a week. I went in the hospital for preeclampsia, and they pretty much went hour by hour, day by day. I preferred a c section to start with, and then when I got the preeclampsia- it was a given. Hope that helps you. Just keep talking with your doctor I guess is my advice.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My doctor didn't think I'd go beyond 32/34 weeks, and they were wrong. There is no way of telling. :hug: My doctor wouldn't schedule a c/s until I was 38 weeks. :eek: I thought it was a bit late to wait that long, but didn't have much of a choice.
  4. twinmom51

    twinmom51 Well-Known Member

    my doctor wouldn't even discuss scheduling my csection until I was at least 36 weeks.

    we made it to 37w 1d. then they finally agreed to schedule, (Caroline was breech) but I was boarderline pre-e.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My ob has already informed me that if there is no medical reason he will NOT do a c/s before 39 wks even with twins!! :eek:

    Oh yeah, I'm not happy! My water broke with both my kids so I'm secretly hoping it'll break with these ones too! :lol:
  6. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    I think we put it on the books by 20 weeks, just to hold the spot. Didn't know for sure I'd be having one until two days before it happened. Developed pre-e and there was no sign of them coming on their own, so we went ahead with the c/s. It was scheduled for 38 weeks. Who knows how long I could have gone without the pre-e.

  7. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    Im 29 weeks and my Ob has given me about a 3 week period in which the twins will be born at last 2 weeks of jan or first week of feb .. He told me it just depends on how well they twins and my body hold up!! he said no later than 37 weeks!
  8. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My ex-OB suggested to me at 31w that I go ahead and schedule one, since Baby B was breech at the time and "The schedule fills up fast!"
  9. Mattsgal

    Mattsgal Well-Known Member

    Mine was scheduled for 37 weeks. The Dr. didn't think I would make it that far, especially when I had a bout of PTL at 33 weeks. I went into labor 4 days I got really close to it. My Dr. would not schedule it for before 37 weeks, unless there was an extenuating medical reason they needed to come sooner. As far as when I scheduled it, I think we set it in the schedule when I was around 30-32 weeks. We knew due to positioning I had to have one, so they went ahead and scheduled it.
  10. neatfreak

    neatfreak Member

    I am 36 w 4 days today and we JUST scheduled today for next Friday (19th). My doctor said there was no reason to try and discuss it beforehand especially since we didn't know if I'd be having a c or not. I think it really depends on where you are delivering and the facilities available. For us it was no problem to be scheduling a week ahead to get an OR. But in smaller places you might need to book further out.
  11. dpugirl91

    dpugirl91 Member

    I was at the doctor at 23 weeks and we were both feeling kinda chatty. She was asking me if I had any idea when I would want my C-Section and I of course already know, so mine has been scheduled. There's no way I can have a vaginal delivery, I have a severe case of placenta previa and I had a previous c-section, so she said why wait, let's just schedule it.
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