Schedules - during & after a vacation

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by littletwinstars, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We plan on going on vacation when the babies are ~15 months old. For those of you with experience with traveling...
    1. How old were your babies at the time?
    2. Did you have to deal with a time zone change (i.e. jet lag)?
    3. Was it difficult to stay on schedule during your vacation?
    4. How long was your vacation?
    5. How long did it take to get back on schedule once you returned home?
    6. Is there anything you would do differently?
    7. Is there anything that you would definitely do again?
    As you can see, I'm a little anxious about this trip and am curious how everyone else copes...thanks!
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    1. How old were your babies at the time?--We took a week long trip when the kids were 15 months old. We stayed in a cabin, and we all shared a room.

    2. Did you have to deal with a time zone change (i.e. jet lag)?--Nope!

    3. Was it difficult to stay on schedule during your vacation?--Very! But I didn't let that stop us from going out and having fun. We kept very busy and the kids would just crash when they were tired. We did lots of hiking and they slept on and off in our packs. They were so tired at the end of the day that they did pretty well falling asleep at night (the first 2 nights were more difficult).

    4. How long was your vacation?--One week

    5. How long did it take to get back on schedule once you returned home?--About a week.

    6. Is there anything you would do differently?--Yes. I would get my tires checked before leaving for the road trip. We had a flat in the middle of the desert, with no cell phone service. So check that the basics are taken care of, and that your jack actually works on your car. (We had to take the car seats out and everything out of the back of the car to get to the jack and the spare. We were on a two lane highway in the middle of summer, in the desert with two babies. Pure heII!!) I would try and just enjoy the vacation and not stress about naps and such. I would also get a two room cabin instead of a one room cabin so that they have their own quiet space. They would wake up easily when we would go into and out of the room.

    7. Is there anything that you would definitely do again?--Stay a week. Just long enough to get a vacation in without destroying your schedule!!!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We've done a lot of traveling with our little people. They do pretty well but DD gets a little clingy. They adjust really well after about 2 days on the go. I try to keep them on their schedule at least every other day....

    Have fun!!
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I answered you in the FY board. [​IMG]
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm closing this topic because it is a duplicate of the one posted in the FY forum. You can reply to this thread here!

    Thank you. GENERAL FYI. We attempt to not duplicate threads in multiple forums. It actually makes it easier to find all of your responses if you have them in one place. We will, on occasion, shortcut your thread to another forum if you request it. (No guarantees)
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