Scary moment on Labor Day trip

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by K&B's Mom, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Very scary moment on the trip we took over Labor Day. We flew from Denver to San Jose and decided to take the train between the airport and hotel. A little hard with two kids, two umbrella strollers, two suitcases and assorted carry on items but doable. To get on the train you climb up 3 or 4 steps to a platform between two train cars. The train doesn't stop for very long at the station so we were kind of hustling to get all of us and our stuff on the train. When the train rolled in, DD climbed up the stairs, then DH, then DS and then me. I watched DS going up the stairs following DH and then reached down and picked up a suitcase. Another passenger offered to carry the strollers up and I thanked him and went up the stairs turning left into the car where DH had gone. I handed DH the suitcase and he turned to me and said: "Where's Billy?". My heart fell down into my stomach. He should have been right there. I went running into the car to the right of the platform screaming "Billy!" and looking around rapidly. The train has an upstairs seating area and DS had climbed the stairs and ran to the far end of the upstairs.

    Scared me to death. The whole incident probably lasted all of 20 seconds but seemed at the time to take forever. Felt like we were very lucky that nothing had happened to DS. DH said later that he was scanning the outside platform for DS and was ready to bust out through the train doors. I didn't feel like I was distracted for more than a few seconds but sure didn't take long for DS to disappear. Still makes me feel shaky just thinking about it. Be careful with those little ones. They can move so fast.
  2. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    oh my gosh, i can't imagine how scary that was! Thank goodness it was a false alarm of sorts, but still!
  3. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Glad he was okay!!
  4. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    i know the feeling, something similar happen to me this weekend too. we went to the jersey shore, seaside heights, they have a boardwalk with games, food & LOTS of rides.. and a million people..i went with DH, my brother, my older DD and neice & nephew to put them on a ride my DH had the twins, my mom, 2 sisters and SIL were with DS & DD & my othe neices, they walked to meet us about 500 yrds away from the other stand, i scanned all the kids & said where is brooke as soon as the words came out of my mouth she was right there running towards me in tears, she was so scared ...i was so mad they weren't watching her closer...

    needless to say i kept them close to me for the rest of the night...

    but all is well for both of us thank god!!

  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    It's amazing how literally in a blink of an eye things can happen. I can understand how your heart must have been pounding! :hug99:
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