Scared ... what if Prevacid doesn't work either ...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Sofiesmom, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We've tried Zantac, Alimentum / Nutragimen, rice cereal and now Prevacid. My boy is gaining weight fine, he sleeps fairly well but he's so uncomfortable after feedings (he spit up tiny bits of blood once too). He always seems to want more, but the more you give him, the more (and more forceful) he spits up and he's still screaming either way. But not giving him more, makes him mad and so uncomfortable. The crying and screaming can take up to 45 minutes.

    He has been Prevacid for 6 days (since Tuesday), once a day 2 ml, but so far no difference. I am scared it might not work. I am still confused, maybe it isn't reflux.

    I know the GI specialist said it can take up to 2 weeks ... but I am scared what if this doesn't work. What if he doesn't get better ... what would be the next step?
  2. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We've tried Zantac, Alimentum / Nutragimen, rice cereal and now Prevacid. My boy is gaining weight fine, he sleeps fairly well but he's so uncomfortable after feedings (he spit up tiny bits of blood once too). He always seems to want more, but the more you give him, the more (and more forceful) he spits up and he's still screaming either way. But not giving him more, makes him mad and so uncomfortable. The crying and screaming can take up to 45 minutes.

    He has been Prevacid for 6 days (since Tuesday), once a day 2 ml, but so far no difference. I am scared it might not work. I am still confused, maybe it isn't reflux.

    I know the GI specialist said it can take up to 2 weeks ... but I am scared what if this doesn't work. What if he doesn't get better ... what would be the next step?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My twins are on Axid, and Reglan, it helps to empty their stomach. They have been so much better since we started the Reglan.[​IMG]s, reflux is so hard. [​IMG]
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Franca [​IMG] There is nothing worse than having them in some pain while they can't understand what's going on! [​IMG]

    Give it time and burp very regularly (every ounce) and keep him more upright and not a lot of jiggling after feedings.....I hope it clears up soon! [​IMG]
  5. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My Taylor is on Zantac and Reglan. It helped a ton! I hope you find something that works. Reflux is so hard poor baby [​IMG]
  6. LeslieLu

    LeslieLu Well-Known Member

    It really can take up to 2 weeks so hang in there. Have you tried switching formulas? My girls were on nutrmiagen and alimentum as well and neither did a thing for them. I put them on Good Start along with the prevacid and they were completely different babies within days. Reflux is a hard road, but you will get it figured out. [​IMG]
  7. Bep

    Bep Member

    I know I am responding a little late but i can't get online that often these days, smile. My daughter just turned one but she was born at 29 weeks with her brother. SHe had lots of stomach problems, reflux, colic, NEC in the NICU. After much trial and error, she has been taking Prevacid AND zantac. I know it may sound like a lot bu the doc said each of these meds work in different ways which is why they can be taken together. She responded well to this, just a thought

    good luck!!!
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