Scared of the MMR vaccine

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annabell, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Did any of you get the MMR separated out or opt to hold off for a while before getting it? We are almost a year old and it is coming up. I have done some research that autism maybe linked to the vaccine. I know it hasn’t been 100% proven, but it scares me. My ped said they do not split it up into 3 shots. My brother in LA can get it in three shots but we live in rural AZ. Anyone else had issues with this shot? Thanks!
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We did not have any issues with the MMR shot or any other vaccine. My best friend did have them split up, so the option is out there, but you pedi might just not offer it.
  3. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    We just had it at their 15 month checkup this April. We have not had any problems and we did have it split up.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    None of my kids have ever had any problems with the MMR vaccine or any other vaccine. It is scary, but nothing has been proven. I know of others online have split it up into 3 different shots.
  5. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    We had no issues with that vaccine. Also, the initial study linking autism with the MMR vaccine was retracted. It was a skewed study with only a population of 12 patients. There have been many other subsequent studies that have found no link between the two. FWIW.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My DH is a biologist and has read lots of articles about the supposed link between autism and vaccines -- he is comfortable that there's no solid evidence, so I am too. We had the MMR at 12 months and had no problems with it. I was most scared of the s/e that can occur about 2 weeks after the shot (possible high fever & other symptoms), but other than a little bit of fussiness that might have been coincidental, we had no problems.
  7. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    That's the one I haven't done yet either... my DD has had fever with the other vaccines and I didn't want to do that to her. My kids are at home with my grandparents so I feel okay delaying it, but will have them get it eventually.
  8. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    We did not hold off and did not separate and had no problems.
  9. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We also did it on schelule without any problems.
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We waited until they were 18 months to do the MMR shot.
  11. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We choose to do ours at 15 months instead of 12. We did have the fever 10 days later, but they got a fever with every shot.
  12. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    My guys had the shot at 15 months. Adam did get the fever and rash 10 days later but it was mild and only lasted about 3 days (this is always a risk with live-virus vaccines). The link between autism and the MMR shot does not exist. There has never been any research or study showing any connection. (I'm not counting the one with only 12 patients because it was paid for by the lawyers suing the vaccine companies.) Some parents of autistic children swear their kids were fine until they had the MMR shot but repeated studies have shown that most kids displayed symptoms of autism before they were vaccinated.
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My guys had it at their 15 month, and have had NO issues with it what so ever.
  14. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies! I called all the ped offices in our town and 4 homeopathic docs and no one splits it up. I have one more call to make and then I will try the surrounding towns. I do want the vaccine; I just don't want it all at once. I have given the twins almost all the recommended shots; I have just spread them out more. Thanks again!
  15. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    we elected to get a booster of a shot they had previously and delay the mmr until 2..i agree that the evidence was unfounded but hey my motto is better safe than sorry!! :D
  16. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    This vac has gotten me a little nervous so I'm chosing to hold off until they're over 2yrs old and I'm going to have them slip it up. Do whatever you are comfortable with. Good luck

    Try your local Health Dept they may split it up.
  17. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    I tried the health dept. Nope, the don't order it split up. Thanks though.
  18. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I didn't have mine done till 15 or 18 mos. I really don't think it's a 12 mos. shot!
  19. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    We are waiting until they are 2. My doctor does split it up, but it's a big hassle. I'd have to drive to a different pharmacy about 35 mintues away then bring the shot directly to the doctor and have her administer it. Repeat this on 3 different days for each shot. I'm just going to wait. We did the Varicella at 15 months.. and not sure what we'll do at 18 months.
  20. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Thanks stacyann! I will ask if I can have the shots ordered for me to pick up, and bring to the ped. I never thought of that. I have now called every doc in the towns within 1 hour from us and still no luck breaking it up. The closest city is 2 1/2 hours away. :huh: I hope my ped will order it for us.
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