saying goodbye to naps. I'm freaking out.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    okay, admittedly i do easily freak out. i have depression and anxiety (don't worry, I'm in treatment).

    But this no nap thing is making me even more crazy.

    They've been trying to give up the nap for months. they are NOT quiet. they are still in crib tents - the only reason i'm not totally insane.

    how do i get them to be quiet? my house isn't big enough to find a quiet place. i'm typing - but i can hear sydney wining, crying, screaming, etc. nothing is working. she's so overtired.

    and on the days the do NOT nap (most days now), all of us are miserable for the remainder of the day. i desperately need some down time - quiet time is needed. what do i do??? How did you handle this transition?

  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry----my girls 'rest' in seperate rooms...and it is ugly in the PM when they do not nap.

    So far- I turn off the monitor, and let them fuss. After a week or two they stopped. They have books, stuffed friends, etc....I tell them I will come get them when rest time is over. So far for it has worked well. I have on that does not nap and the other that is 50/50. About once a week someone makes a big stink over resttime, but generally they are fine if I an consistant and ignore them- for me the key was to split them up.

    I do have to say we put them to bed earlier when they do not nap by 45- 30 min. and that seems to help.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think you should institute a quiet time! She may be done napping and she will go through a tough period of transition. Loads of melt downs but it will pass, trust me! We did it with John at about 2 years and 8 months. It felt like forever but it really was only a few months of unhappiness. You can always do a quiet time, movies (TV) and blankie on the couch time. :hug:
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I used to put them on the couch and get their blankets and put on a movie and tell them they couldn't get up till I said so. They would fall asleep if they needed to or watch a movie if they didn't want to sleep! BE CONSISTENT! I know you need that time!!!
  5. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I call it "Independent Playtime". (Quiet time is way close to nap time for my DS2) 4 out of 7 times he crashes of his own accord in his bed. (Just don't bother me :lol: ! That's all I care about. Mommy needs a little time too. ) It works ok. Days when it doesn't, we go to bed an hour earlier (DS2 just can not hold it together in the PM yet if he has no nap). HTH!
  6. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    No quiet time here either. They either nap, I or the nanny stays with them while they fall asleep, or we put them to bed at least 1 hour earlier if not more.
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