Sarah has changed her name!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by whosermomma, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    Well I took her up the the place where I worked and when they asked her what her name was...she answered, "Princess Baby!" :lol:

    That's been an on going joke until now. A couple nights ago, she informed me that her name was Barbie (pronounced Bowbie). :lol: She is obsessed with them!

    I've never had a child do that!
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Too cute! :wub:
  3. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    Adorable! :wub:
  4. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    :wub: How cute!
  5. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    OMG, I LOVE that. It's too funny. She may grow up to be quite the actress!
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: That's so cute and funny!
  7. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Mine have hockey names. They call themselves and each other by their favorite hockey player names (Jonathan Cheechoo and Kyle McLaren). Their preschool teachers also call them by their hockey names from time to time. They have been known to confuse other people that do not know them well by what their names are.

    They actually have assigned my DH, myself and my parents hockey names too.

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