Santa Claus took the pacis!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Mommy2ATeam, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    We are now a paci-free household (for another 7 weeks at any rate)! I was really worried about how the girls were going to react without their pacis b/c for so long now, they have each needed 3 at bedtime: one in the mouth and one in each hand. Around Thanksgiving, I started talking it up about giving their pacis to Santa to give to all the new babies. They of course were gung-ho about it, especially when I told them that if they could show Santa they were "big girls" he would bring them "big girl presents." And when we went to "Supper with Santa," my MIL talked to "Santa" before we got there and he asked them to leave their pacis under the tree for him.

    So two weeks before Christmas, it began. I found a box and we talked all day about how that evening, they were each going to put one paci in the box for Santa. That night was a little rough getting them to sleep, especially when Alana kept getting up and stealing both of Alexis's pacis. :) But we got through it and they were fine every night after that. Then one week later, we talked about it again and they each put one more paci in the box. They did beautifully! Never complained, never cried, just went right to sleep with just the one paci. So Christmas Eve, we put out the reindeer food, baked the cookies and left them out for Santa with some milk, and went and got the pacis. They each put their paci in the box and we put it under the tree. Unfortunately, we do Christmas at my parents' house in TN and Alana has a tough time sleeping up there anyway. So that night was REALLY rough. Since that night, though, they have not asked for their pacis one time! I've been amazed! Alana even found an extra one under her bed and didn't fuss or say anything when I took it from her.

    Ever since, though, Alana has been wanting me (or DH before he left again for his tour) to lay down with her until she goes to sleep. We've been consistently refusing to do that b/c I don't want to get rid of one bad bedtime habit, just to get into another one. I'll lay down with each of them in turn to say their prayer and maybe read one story or sing a song but then I tell them that Mommy has to go to her bed. I don't know how much of it is just adjusting to being back home after the holidays and trying to get back into our routine or if any of it is related to the "flight of the pacis" but it's breaking my heart every night at bedtime. She just cries and cries "My Mommy! My Mommy!" And Alexis, bless her heart, just lays there quietly reading a book until she goes to sleep. It's slowly getting better (as in she cries for a few less minutes every night) but she's a stubborn little girl! I'm just at my wits end at bedtime lately! Has anyone else experienced this when you got rid of the pacis? What did you do?
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I could have written your post!!!! We too gave our pacis to Santa and they never once have asked for them. But Ben is having a heck of a time falling asleep at night. Naps aren't as bad. But it is getting better. We gave them up on Dec. 8th and we are JUST NOW starting to get better, where I don't have to sit in his room until he falls asleep. Give it some more time. It will happen.

    Just want you to know that I totally know what you are going through.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We did the same thing although Ryan wanted to give his pacis to Santa right away so we did. Falling asleep was really hard for a while sometimes it took him over an hour to finally fall asleep. It does get better. We've been paci free for almost 2 months now and he falls asleep pretty quickly. I think it probably took 3-4 weeks for him to adjust to falling asleep quickly without the paci. Hang in there, I think what you are experiencing is probably a combination of the paci and adjusting back from all the holiday excitement.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Our situation was the same as the pp's. I had one who adjusted very well to no paci and one who still will occassionally ask for it and it has been 8 months! You definitely need to give it some time. I think it was a good 3-4 weeks before the sleeping habits adjusted back to normal. Hang in there and stay strong! :hug99:
  5. TaraF

    TaraF Active Member

    I am getting ready to get rid of the pacifiers and I am really worried this will be a transitional issue for the girls...

    mom to Jordyn & Taylor (3)
    and Ellie & Avery (2).
  6. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say stick with it! You'll be so glad you did The not sleeping part is hard but it will get better. DS had the worse time giving up his paci. He also liked to have multiple pacifiers so he could have one in his hand and one for his mouth. I laid down for a short time with him for the first day or so after the pacis got tossed, then I sat by him for a few nights, and then back to our normal bedtime routine. Since we got rid of the pacis a few months ago now, DS still stalls before going to bed (one more hug, one more drink of water, ...). Not sure if it is the pacifiers or just the age.
  7. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My oldest dd was a paci girl. At almost 3 we put them away for the new baby (was pregnant with ds at the time). She also didn't ever whine or cry for them, but just couldn't fall asleep. She wasn't naughty at all, just truly couldn't put herself to sleep. She used to play with the paci in he mouth, so she eventually took to just rubbing her upper lip to fall asleep (took a good week, almost 2). Then, for awhile, that turned into needing to pick her nose to fall asleep (I think she was just sticking her finger there for the feeling, but it still looked gross). After a month, she finally figured out sleeping. I can honestly say she wasn't scarred for life for it.

    Both my babies are paci boys, too. Not sure when I'll do it, but I'm not ready to deal with that yet!
  8. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    I feel for you!! We gave them up in Sept and still have trouble going to sleep without me sitting there in the room. I feel like I should have just them them cry it out without me in the room and maybe I still wouldn't be doing this. One has also had trouble waking at night . I know I needed to take it away but it's been tough but for the best. Hang in there!
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