Same Sex Twins - Dressing them alike?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HT, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    If you have same sex twins, when did you stop dressing them alike? I planned on dressing mine differently before they were born, but 99% of the time I dress them the same. Honestly, I like it. I feel so lucky having twins and love showing them off! I'm proud of them and love telling people how blessed I feel when they make their stupid comments about having two. I know some people think it hinders them from being an individual, but I personally don't think they have a clue at this age. My 3 1/2 year still lets me pick out her clothes so I really don't think the twins will have a clue for several more years. As they get older though, I do plan on dressing them differently, just wondered when everyone else started. Right now my thoughts are when they start pre-school, but who knows?
  2. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    i also am so proud to have twins and love to show then off. I do still dress them alike ..& will until they don't want to be..i try to dress all 5 of mine alike. its easier for me to spot them in a crowd of blond kids with the jeans & green shirts r mine...yup all 5 of
  3. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I have always dressed them alike sometimes, and in something similar at other times. Or just whatever was clean. I was dead set against ever dressing them alike, but them I kept finding good deals on clothes, but it always worked out to be the same thing in their size. Plus we have hand-me-downs from big sister, so we do a little of everything. I think by the time they get to my older daughter's age (almost 4) they will definitely want to do their own thing, if not sooner.
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I did not think I would dress them alike but I ended up loving it. Probably when they go to Kind. I will stop unless they dont want to sooner then that.
  5. Kaylee Marie

    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    Our girls seem to like dressing alike. We don't do it every day, though. I or DH usually choose 3 outfits in the morning and let the girls select from that. If one chooses a shirt with a hoodie, the other will often choose the other hoodie. (Then if one has her hoodie up, she'll want her sister to wear her hoodie up too -- it's so cute!) I prefer coordinating outfits rather than identical matching outfits. That way each has her own individual "flare" but they still make a cute set.
  6. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    I did exclusively up until about 2 1/2 when they started to "want" to "pick" their own. For special occasions, pictures we still do matching or same outfits though. They sometimes now at 3 years want to dress the same.
  7. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I've never dressed them identically. They are identical enough as it is. They have worn the same outfit in different colors. This is mostly done because I shop a lot at Target and Walmart (especially when there's a sale) so I just get one of each t-shirt, etc.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Well, I have yet to need to buy them clothes, people buy them tons of clothing as gifts, on top of clothing from their shower (which we are still wearing some of). And most everyone buys them matching outfits, so they still wear it because of that. I would prefer to have them not match all the time, but since I don't have to buy too many clothes and I'm saving tons of money, I just deal with the matching for now.

    But if I were buying, I'd buy them probably stuff that coordinated but didn't necessarily match. Ideally we'll be out of the matching thing soon.
  9. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I still dress my girls a like, and love it! I plan to continue as long as I can get away with it. :)
  10. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I dress my girls a like and will until they tell me not to anymore :lol:
  11. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    As other people mentioned while I wass pregnant I was against dressing them alike. Then when I had my baby shower I got so may identical outfits and also coordinating outfits and thought it was so so cute. I am still dressing them in either the same outfits or coordinating. They seem to love it and when they are in different things becasue one got really dirty or somthing they other usually wants to change too. I will most likely keep dressing them this way till they don't want to.
  12. ittybittyme

    ittybittyme Banned

    I honestly say I don't. I did at first, but have since changed and when our family buys 2 of everything, they wear them at completely different times. To me, it helps with telling them apart with family and friends when they are dressed different, but on special occasions (holidays, weddings, family stuff ETC) they are dressed identical.
  13. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    I still dress my girls the same everyday. Everytime I think about stopping, I back out of it. They look completely different, and since Claire is 10 lbs heavier & 4 inches taller, she looks about 2 years older than Cate :unsure: . Most people don't believe me when I tell them they are twins, nevertheless come to the conclusion on their own, even when they are dressed identically.

    My oldest DD didn't start choosing her clothes until 6th grade, and my (almost) 10 year old still doesn't. I lay out everyone's clothes everyday (except Megan's), and the babies clothes always match. If they didn't, they would fight over who was wearing what.

    The other day, though, I laid out some clothes from last fall that I thought would still fit. I tried Claire's on first, and they were too small. Cate still wanted to wear the outfit (she could wear Claire's from the previous year). So, they were completely different from head to toe. Cate was decked out in a leopard/denim outfit with a jacket & Claire had on a purple sweatsuit. Everyone gasped when I brought them into daycare that day.

    As they get older, and the size difference gets bigger - dressing them the same is getting harder. Now Claire can't really wear toddler clothes anymore. She really needs to be in the 4-6x department, but everything there swallows Cate. When I can't find any 5T's that fit Claire, and Cate still can't wear a 4, then I suppose I will have to mix it up a bit.
  14. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    I stopped dressing them alike when I started to take them to playdates on a regular basis and they started to make friends. I noticed that some of the kids (and parents) could not tell them apart even after several months of regular playdates. Some kids were calling them by the wrong names. Or worse, some kids would combine both of their names together to call both of them. So I usually dress them differently and tell everyone in the beginning, "XXX is in blue today and ZZZ is in green."

    It's actually a big problem now that they are attending school and are in the same class. After three months, their teacher still can not tell them apart without a name tag. On the days when I've forgotten to put on a name tag, she doesn't call them by name at all.
  15. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I have had maybe 4 or 5 identical outfits for them since they were born, all gifts. [I am very fortunate that my mother just LOVES to buy them clothes to make up for what she couldn't afford for my sister and me when we were small. I rarely buy them anything but socks and shoes.] They wear coordinating stuff, or if it's resale items, similar stuff (both plaid, same kind of collar, both sweaterskirts, etc). Mine do not look alike, although they are very similar in height. They have different color preferences. Generally for portraits or holidays we will do something coordinating, or even alike if we happen to have it. The rest of the time they'll both be in dresses, or both in jeans or something like that. I find the anonymity of their not being noticed as twins kind of nice these days.
  16. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Yep I love too to! Their wardrobe is 50/50 though when others buy clothes they are usually the same which I have no problem with...I tend to buy the same style but different colors I always put reds/oranges/browns on one and the other is usually in blues/grays/greens that type of thing. I always just buy two of the same for things like PJ's, shoes/sneakers, outfits for special occasions or whenever I think they will complain.
  17. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    I dressed my fraternal girls alike (mostly exact matching outfits - but sometimes same style/different color) until about age 3. At that point, they developed their own ideas about dressing.

    My Sara wears primarily knit pants and t shirts - occasionally jeans. Cotton pjs. Never ever dresses or skirts.

    My Hanna refuses to wear any type of knit pants. She wears only jeans, cords and velvet pants. Fleece pjs. Lots of skirts and dresses - with wildly pattered tights.
  18. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    I still dress them alike and plan to do so until they decide they don't want to. We get a lot of clothes from MIL and SIL and they all buy matching. It doesn't bother me, I like it. I too swore off dressing them alike until I saw how cute it was. We do wear whatever when we're home though.
  19. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    I am also proud of my girls and love showing them off, but that doesn't mean they need to wear the same outfit! My girls get tons of attention no matter what they wear.

    I rarely dress them identically because I don't own many identical outfits. I have several similar items (same item/different color) and I often dress them similarly but not always. It just depends.

    No matter what your twins wear, they will get lots of attention and you can feel proud and show them off, don't worry!
  20. lotus

    lotus Well-Known Member

    I too did not think I would dress my identical girls alike while I was pregnant, but after they were born I just couldn't resist. It was too cute! Then I figured I would dress them alike while I still could. They will be starting preschool this fall, so I will be dressing them differently, so as not to confuse the teachers.
  21. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    I dress my girls in the same style outfit, but different colors. I have pretty much since they were born apart from getting the same outfit as gifts. I never wanted to dress them exactly the same, but like the same outfit different colors for two reasons. First shopping is easier and getting them dressed in the morning is easier. I just pick out an outfit and don't have to think about one wearing this top and bottom and the other wearing a different top and bottom.

    It does help people to tell them apart as well especially now they are in daycare. I figure they will want to start picking out what they want to wear soon and then I won't really do it anymore.
  22. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    I let my boys pick out their own clothes, and lately they always want to wear the same thing. When I buy clothes for them, I have started buying 2 of most things because of their recent obsession of wanting to wear the same shirt. Mine are a different size so it can cause problems when the bigger twin grows out of something and then the smaller twin can still wear the bigger twin’s clothes. I do not buy 2 of everything, but have started buying 2 of things more often.
  23. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trish_e @ Jan 3 2008, 01:28 PM) [snapback]555948[/snapback]
    I still dress my girls a like, and love it! I plan to continue as long as I can get away with it. :)

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Jan 3 2008, 01:51 PM) [snapback]555992[/snapback]
    I dress my girls a like and will until they tell me not to anymore :lol:

    QUOTE(Lougood @ Jan 3 2008, 04:22 PM) [snapback]556225[/snapback]
    I still dress them alike and plan to do so until they decide they don't want to. We get a lot of clothes from MIL and SIL and they all buy matching. It doesn't bother me, I like it.

    Mine are still young, but I ditto all of this!! We have soooo many people that are constantly buying my girls clothes and it's usually matchy-matchy. I can tell you I have bought maybe 10% of their clothing the first year, and only because I have liked stuff, not because we needed it. I think it is so much easier to just pick one outfit for the day rather than two. Also, my girls are frats and I get less "are they twins" questions when I dress them alike.
  24. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My dh keeps asking me when I am going to stop. I keep telling him, when they tell me they don't want to. I love it and think they look adorable.
  25. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't start dressing them alike until they were about 3 years old. Before that they often wore clothing of a certain color so that people would be able to easily tell them apart and call them by name. Once it seemed like everyone in the extended family had their personalities figured out, I started dressing them alike a lot more. I still do it about once a week but we go with coordinating clothes more often.
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