Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JensBoys, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Do you go with the flow?
    Are you structured?
    Somewhere in between?

    I'd love to see what some other SAHM's days are like - I'm trying to make my days a bit more structured and need ideas!
  2. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I am not very structured.. But..
    Get up somehwer between 730-830 (the longer i can sleep the better)
    Make breakfast for DD
    Babies normally sleep until 9am (wake up at 530-630)
    I let DD watch cartoon until 10am only..(She is a bit older than yours)
    Lunch at 11-1130
    snack at 3 (doesnt take naps anymore... :( )
    Dinner at 6pm
    Baths/showers 7-8
    Bedtime at 8

    All inbetween there i am takeing care of the twins and trying to keep DD in line..
    I clean after 8 because all the kids are asleep.. its easier.. DH doesnt get home until about 9pm
    Oh and i make DD pick up her toys throughout the day to try to keep the house cleaner..
  3. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    I see you have a younger baby too. When my third baby came along I really craved structure to my days to keep my sanity. Basically our days revolve around meals and naptime. I actually have a routine printed and posted on our fridge. I think everyone who visits thinks I'm crazy, but it really helps me balance three young children. We stick by the schedule most days and I can just go with it. I can get more specific if you want but basically, yes we have a structured day.
  4. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Natalie, I would love if you would go into more detail!

    Right now here's ours:

    Wake up - 7:30-8
    Breakfast 8-8:30
    Lunch 11:30
    Nap - 12:30
    Dinner - 4:30
    Bed - 8

    Now, are you structured in between? Our TV is on all day but they don't watch it (I like it for the noise). They play all day long with their toys but I really can't think of what else to do. We do read and go over numbers & letters spiratically all through the day and I like the idea of a craft time but one of my boys is and eater and will eat the paints, crayons...etc.
  5. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I work two days a week (M & W), but the three days (T, Th & F) that I am home, here's what our schedule looks like:

    7 or 7:30 to 9 - wakeup, breakfast, change clothes and diapers, I get ready for the day
    9 to 10:15 gym - daycare for them and a workout for me (we do this T & Th, on Fridays I go to a bible study for moms with toddlers that goes from 9:30 to 11:30)
    10:30 to 11:30 - snack after we get home and then playtime
    11:30 or 11:45 to 12 - lunch
    12 to 2 nap - I don't go get them until 2 even if they wake earlier
    2 to 4:30 playtime at home either inside or outside, run errands, playtime with friends next door, crafts, etc.
    4:30 to 5 - I cook and they play with the cabinet full of tupperware in the kitchen or color on the floor with a big piece of paper taped down to the kitchen floor
    5 to 5:30 dinner
    5:30 to 7 - bathtime every other night, otherwise they play, read books, etc.
    7 bedtime

    Hope that helps :)
  6. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    My kids are all a bit older (DD just turned 3 and my boys are 22 months), but here is what we do.
    Get up at 8:00. All of them are usually awake by this time, but they have to play quietly until 8.
    Breakfast is from 8:30-9:00
    9-12 is play time. Some days they go to a play group at my church, sometimes to a read a loud at the Library, sometimes to the park or other play are, and other times we just stay home and play (like right now!)
    12-1 is lunch
    between 1-2 they all go down for a nap and nap until 4-5
    5:30ish is dinner
    play until 7:00 - we have just recently started doing "art" during this time. It never lasts long though because the boys still put the markers in their mouths. And forget about crayons! I gave up on them a long time ago!
    7:00 we start getting ready for bed by brushing teeth and putting pj's on While I nurse the boys we all sit on the couch and watch something appropriate on TV. They boys are in bed, usually, by 7:30. My DD is usually in bed by 8:00. When my DH is home to help, everything gets pushed back about an hour. I don't know why, it always just seems to happen that way though.

    When the boys were smaller and taking more naps I used that time to do something special with my DD. I also felt it was easier to get some things done around the house. She loved to help me with laundry - still does actually (so do the boys).
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    This is pretty much my day. They have preschool on Tues and Thurs from 9-11, so this is for non-preschool days.

    7:30 Wake up, get dressed
    7:45 Breakfast
    8:30 I take a shower and dress, DH plays with them
    9:00ish - Either go downstairs and play, or head out for an activity
    9:45 Snack
    11:30 Lunch
    12:15-1:00 Play, pre nap wind down
    1:00 Nap
    3:30 Snack
    4:00ish Play, or head out for errands
    5:45 Dinner
    6:30 Bath
    7:30 Bed
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Here's or schedule:

    Boys up at 6-6:30am, I get up go downstairs make coffee, vacuum, start breakfast, etc.
    7-7:15 get the boys out of cribs, change diapers and they eat
    7:30 get my SD up for school (4th gr) she gets ready herself and wakes her dad up (he works 12hrs Sat, Sun and Mon...I wish more :) )
    8am drive my SD to school, sometimes run errands like foodshop on Thursdays

    Boys play, watch some tv have snack about 9:30am

    11am Nap
    I usually eat something and do wash etc.
    12:15-12:30 Lunch
    Boys play or we go out (usually once or twice a week) snack at 2pm
    4:30-5pm Dinner
    5:15 Bath
    6pm Snack
    7pm Bed

    I also have certain days a week I do things
    Sundays-go to my mom's
    Wednesdays-boys wash usually 2/3 loads
    Thursdays-Food shop, everyone else's wash and go to MIL's for dinner
    Fridays-cleaning day...I clean the entire upstairs and DH will vacuum, dust downstairs. We do all our cleaning in one day every Thursday. I will do other things during the week like if windows have to be washed, my porch cleaned, etc. HTH!
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