S.O.S help with naps!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So we switched the boys cribs to the covertible toddler beds about 3 weeks ago. Smooth transition..they had been sleeping on cots in daycare since around 16 months anyways. We could see them on the monitor up and walking around for about 5-10 mins and then they would lay in their beds and talk/sing and finally go to sleep.

    Fast forward. The past 4-5 days have been a DISASTER!! Started on Saturday when I was sick and they squirted an entire bottle of powder all over their room (DH's fault for not putting it up), then on Sunday they took their pants and diapers off (this is a whole other post!), repeat Monday, daycare on Tuesday and repeat today only instead of powder they are dumping their drawers out!!!!!!!!

    They are not ready to not take naps, not even sure they are ready to push back the time of their nap. I'm just not sure what to do bc I would like to take everything out of their that they are playing with but I know when I bring it back in they will just start all over but how long can the novelty of having Mommy re-fold our clothes take?!?!?!

    Bedtime is normal so whats going on?!

    I'm losing my mind and both DH and I are losing our cool! He yells, I take away their "babies" but they don't seem to care! Help! :help: :drown:
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    oh ugh! (just a reminder to me why I need to keep cribs!!)

    as for the drawers... how about drawer locks like you would do in the kitchen? I have most everything of theirs in the closet with drawers and shelves, and we've had a door lock on the closet doors for a while. like you said, mommy sanity for keeping what's already folded & put away to stay there.

    there are many times that mine have gotten the bottle of lotion or diaper cream out and it gets everywhere... windows and all. lovely!

    yeah, probably a naptime change of some sorts is needed. maybe timing?

    mine don't go to sleep right away anymore, they attempt a 1-3p or 1:30 -3:30p nap... but it does take them a good 30 min. to quit their yacking and that's with them confined to cribs.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two went through that right after they turned 2. Thankfully it was a short phase.

    I put all of their clothes in totes for that two weeks and they couldn't get to them. Once they stopped trying, I put the clothes back in the drawers and they've been good since.
  4. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Oh honey, I feel your pain! Switched mine into toddler beds last week and and naps have been a disaster. They refuse to settle down and even attempt it. They tore apart their room the other day--diapers, wipes, clothes and toys were strewn everywhere...and their diapers were off. I found poop smeared onto the floor. Good times :gah: So then when we venture on an afternoon playdate, they pass out in the car (They are not done with naps!) I'm hoping they'll fall into a new naptime routine asap (they sleep great through the night)...
  5. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I'm feeling this...

    I switched both kids to toddler beds (well, we started out with mattresses on the floor until we get the beds) around 19 or 20 months, cause one was climbing out of the crib. It was a LONG road for a while, getting them to go to sleep...they would DESTROY their room and play instead of go to sleep. I had to take EVERYTHING out of their room...it was the only way to save my sanity. They knocked their name letters off the wall, a shelf off the wall and broke snowglobes that were on it (yes, glass shattered around their room, I have no idea how they didn't cut themselves)...pulling clothes out of drawers. Now, all that's in their room is their 2 beds...it's sad. But even still, they are destroyers. Now, they go to bed at night pretty well...we skip naps, cause I can't deal with them just destroying in the daytime, instead of sleeping, even though they need them...but every morning they wake up and take apart one of the beds...like sheets of, the mattress is off, the bed is on it's side and moved wherever. We have to duct tape their sleepers on them, cause turning them backwards like everyone else (who does not have twins BTW) suggest, cause they help them out of them...cause they take off their jammies and diapers and get to peeing and pooping on the floor. I have a child lock on their door to keep them in there, as we are on the 2nd floor, they would climb over a gate at their door or at the top of the stairs, and the bathroom up there also had to stay open, cause we had the cat box in there...so didn't want them in there, either. I started getting up as soon as I heard them, to ward off some of the bed destruction, but I just had another baby (she's only 3 weeks now), and I'm finding it super hard to get up right away now, and they are back to destruction once again. I hope they learn, some day, to leave their clothes on and not destroy things...*sigh*
  6. Twins926

    Twins926 Member

    I know what you are going through. :headbang: My kids were just switched to toddler beds too. We are having a horrible time with them. Naps are difficult as they take everything out and when you walk into their rooms it looks like a tornado just went by. We got smart and locked everything. Now they just jump on their beds, climb everything the can think of. Never settling down for a nap and this is also happening at night. We have resorted to sitting in their room until they fall asleep and this is the ONLY way they will sleep, doesn't matter how tired they are. We are wasting a lot of time because of this but we don't know what else to do. We are hoping they get out of this soon. Any suggestions?
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Can you maybe separate them for naps? I had to do that with my girls and put one in my room and the other slept in her own bed. It helped a lot and they would take their naps (since I did this they took naps regularly until after 3yrs old if not closer to 4yrs old). My girls were pretty good at going to bed at night maybe because it was darker in there. Is there room dark where they can't see so there wouldn't be much they could do? I put up a thick shade in their room plus two curtains so it was dark at nap time (still some light got in but it made nap a little easier also with it being dark in their room and in mine when we put one in there. If you can't separate them then I would lock all the drawers and make sure it is completely baby proofed and so they can't get into anything that you don't want them to. I would then probably stay by there door and go in whenever you hear something (we had to do that at night when they first got their beds for 2 or 3 weeks until they were good).
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Glad I'm not alone in this!! I can't really separate them bc Hannah naps in her crib around the same time and our room is not babyproofed yet. Today I resorted to taking every last thing out of their room...I mean no empty hangers in the closet, drawers out of the dressers, and then turned the dressers around to face the wall bc my guys would try to climb them like a ladder :rolleyes: They then found the vent cover to play with...so I put a 30lb weight on top of that! I also changed their naptime to 1-130 rather than 1230-1245 bc they have been waking around 615.

    Now we'll see if they figure out who the boss is around here!?....or maybe I will???? <_< :rotflmbo:
  9. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :headbang: ugh btdt, I feel your pain. The only thing that helped for me was putting them in different rooms. But we even had to unscrew the lightbulbs on the ceiling light because they wouldn't stop playing with the switch...ugh I hope something works soon!!
  10. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yes, they can't reach the ceiling light yet but we did have to take the light bulb out of the closet bc they can reach it standing on their beds! I tell ya!!! :faint:
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