S/O: Poll for Tooth Fairy

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by missmomoftwins02, Apr 21, 2011.


When did you find out?

  1. 5 or less

    0 vote(s)
  2. 6

    0 vote(s)
  3. 7

    2 vote(s)
  4. 8

    3 vote(s)
  5. 9

    1 vote(s)
  6. 10

    1 vote(s)
  7. 11+

    2 vote(s)
  8. Never believed/Parents didn't do the "TF thing"

    2 vote(s)
  1. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Again, my oldest DD is 10.5 and still believe in the tooth fairy. :)
  3. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    I found out the tooth fairy was fake because when my mom was coming in my room she stepped on Strawberry Shortcake and started cursing.

    I am just going with the flow with the girls. I think they might now but are keeping the magic alive for me.
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I never have told my older kids, they just kind of figured it out. I will also let the younger ones just figure it out.

    I found out that there was no tooth fairy when I was around 11. When I started to notice that the letters the tooth fairy left were in my step dads handwriting LOL!!!!
  5. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    My parents tried the TF thing with me and when I caught my mom putting the money under my pillow .. I was sort of embarrassed. I wasn't sure if I should tell her I knew or keep up the "act" for her sake. Plus I thought if she knew I knew then I wouldn't get the money anymore.

    We don't do any of that here. My kids know about them, but know that they don't really come into our house .. it's just a game for some families.
  6. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I'm impressed some of you remember how old you were when you figured out the TF wasn't real. I have no idea! I 'voted' for 8 years old because there wasn't an "I'm too old and have no clue" option!

    My kids are only 5 and 6 and all still believe. My boys haven't lost any teeth yet though, but big sis has and they all get excited about the TF coming.

    I don't imagine I'll ever tell them myself. They'll figure it out on their own, or friends will spill the beans.
  7. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I remember when I found out about Santa....my sister (younger than me by 3 years) came home from kindergarten and when it was bathtime she told my mom and me all about it. It is the only one I remember, and I think it was because she spoiled the fun for me.

    I like Heather said, am to old to remember and have no clue about the TF or EB.

    My girls are 10 and learned about the EB this year. They flat out asked if it was me. Of course two days later I got the question "Mom are you Santa too?' To which I responded 'I may be fat, but I'm not like Santa' It worked! I think they are choosing to believe.
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