S/o on crib question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Alli Baby, May 27, 2008.

  1. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    Several of you posted that you switched to beds before 3 and were unhappy with the results. I'm curious to know what went wrong. I'm trying to justify to DH why we should stay in cribs until 3 (which is what I would prefer). His take is that crib tents are relatively expensive--purchasing 2 is enough to pay for 1/2 a mattress or so--so why not just move them on to beds.

    BTW...I realize we have a LONG time to discuss this since my twins are only 1 but it came up and I'd like to be on the same page with DH.

  2. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    We switched just a month after they turned 2. They did pretty good, one thing I noticed right away was that they now wake up earlier. They actually come into my bed between 5:30-6:30 and fall back asleep for a bit but then they're up for the day around 6:30-7. Tonight was a treat for me and they fell back asleep until around 8 :) When they were in their cribs, they would wake up but play quietly until around 8.

    Then there are the trips into our bed all night long - we usually end up bringing them both back to their beds once or twice throughout the night. But honestly - I like the cuddles!

    And lastly most nights it's hard to get them to go to sleep, we always hear them running around up there. After an incident where one of them climbed the dresser and it fell (didn't fall on them, I had it set up so it would hit and be stopped by another piece of furniture and not fall over completely - scary anyways!) The only furniture they have in their rooms is their toddler beds and a chair - so we really don't mind if they are running around for a little bit as long as they end up asleep. it's when they keep opening and closing their door (trying to see what we're doing) and waking up the baby that gets us mad!
  3. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Our girls have been in their "big girl beds" for about a month now. We switched from cribs to twin size mattresses. My husband built them each a platform bed on which we placed twin mattresses. So far it has been great! I was worried about them getting out of bed and not going to sleep. They are doing really well. They are not asleep when we lay them down and they are not getting out of their beds. They lay there and go to sleep. During the week, we have to wake them up at 6:30 to get ready for daycare and work. On the weekend, they sleep anywhere from 6:45 to 7:45. I think they may actually be waking up a little earlier or at least I notice it more now that they have more freedom. They have actually left their room and come into ours on a weekend morning, but they have never gotten up during the night.

    We switched them to beds after they both took dives over the rail of their cribs. We have concrete floors and didn't like the idea of them falling out again. We are also getting ready to do some traveling and thought it would be better if they were used to a "real" bed before staying in hotels.

    I have been shocked at how well they have done....I just hope it continues!
  4. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    We are moving and are not taking our cribs with us- too expensive to ship. So we will buy beds for them when we are back in the USA> They will be about 26 months when they make the switch. My friend gave a great idea of what she did with her son. She bought a day bed/trundle bed (not sure what they call them). They have bars on three sides. Anyway. SHe turned it so that the one side without bars is up against the wall. So it gives the effect of a larger crib. Now her DS doesn't climb out. NOt sure what mine will do, but at least it is worth a try. I am not buying cribs to use only for a 1year. I will let you know how it goes!
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