runny, stuffy nose... our first illness...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lezlie72, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. lezlie72

    lezlie72 Well-Known Member

    Kennedy was all stopped up last night... it started early Sunday, got better, but then last night she couldn't breath thru her nose... i got some baby vicks and rubbed a little on her chest and neck and nose... i put saline drops in her nose and suctioned it out. she is actually better today, but am worried that tonight will be a repeat. Not sure if this is a cold or allergies. 100.1 temp Sunday morning, so no real temp at all throughout this...

    what do you all do? humidifiers? with vicks or not? vaporizers? what's the difference? thanks
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    You did pretty much everything I did! I always felt so helpless when they couldn't sleep b/c of a stuffy nose. I also bought an incline wedge for the crib mattress. I hope tonight is a better night for all of you!
  3. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Our guys have been doing the exact same thing, no temp that I'm aware of, but the nasal congestion. We have to suck out their noses about 2-3 times per day and the symptoms are most bothersome at night when they are lying down to sleep. We had just gotten them to where they would sleep in their crib and then this happened. We're putting them in their cow chairs again at night to sleep because they don't have as much trouble with their heads elevated. I feel very blessed that nasal congestion is all it is. I hate fevers and coughs and God forbid wheezing in little babies. Anyways, just letting you know I'm right there with you. Sounds like you're doing a fabulous job.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Same here, you did all I have done as well. I also put a pillow under the mattress to help them breathe easier. Hope she feels better soon :hug:
  5. lezlie72

    lezlie72 Well-Known Member

    thanks all. i called my pedi's office and they recommend the ultrasonic coolmist humidifier... if i get one... yeh, it is just hard not being able to fix it!
  6. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    I am using a vaporizer and it is working great. We all have the sinus garbage that is going around.

    When I called the ped, the nurse said to use a cool mist humidifier and I asked her why a cool mist. "Less chance of burning," she said. Well, my babies are in a crib, they do not jump out of their I am using the vaporizer.

    Plus, cool mist humidifiers are expensive!!

  7. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Sorry no other suggestions here but just wanted to let you know that my girlies are all bunged up too and it's horrible!! I hope all the lo's feel better soon, little people shouldn't get poorly sick!! :angry:
  8. RhodeMomma

    RhodeMomma Well-Known Member

    Our boys just went through a bunch of illnesses all wrapped up together. Flu last week, with pink eye, followed by ear infections and sinus infections.

    We used saline drops - but no aspirator (bulb syringe) - that can sometimes irritate/damage the inside of the infant's nose/sinuses. Humidifier, and tried to increase the liquids they were drinking. Extra saline drops up the nose helps thin out the mucus so it's easier for baby to get rid of.

    It could be allergies, or cold / flu. Hopefully it's mild, whatever it is!!
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You've done what I would do. I hope she feels better soon. I always hate to see them with stuffy noses! :hug:
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